Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The BridgeMaker

The BridgeMaker

Living from the Heart

Posted: 30 Dec 2008 08:14 AM CST

"If you don’t like something change it; if you can’t change it, change the way you think about it." - Mary Engelbreit

I don't regret one single day of this past year.

2008 was a year of profound change for me and my family. Not change in a typically cliché way, but meaningful and substantial change that can be witnessed by others and felt in the part of my heart that gives me the courage to keep working; to keep changing and to keep healing.

As you reflect on your personal 2008, chances are very good the things you remember the most are the things that brought the greatest amount of change to your life.

Change can bring us growth and change can also cause fear. When we choose change we are stepping away from the known and into the unknown. Experiencing the unknown goes to the heart of this past year and reminds me of the value of what happens around me, and to me, can also change me.

The following articles from 2008 are my offerings to honor and celebrate the glory that change and love has in my life. I share these from a thankful and changing heart.

  • The preciousness of life. Our time on this earth is precious and can be over without notice. The day of Mary Beth's surgery was a sudden reminder that what we have right now can be taken away In the Blink of an Eye.
  • Taking out the garbage. What we have learned about ourselves can sometimes contribute to our feelings of shame. I had the opportunity to throw away some garbage with 10 Things You Wish You Had Never Learned.
  • If I only had one last breath to breathe, I would want to breathe love. Love is a choice. We get to choose who we love and how to show our love each day. The most popular post of 2008 (over 100,000 people have read this one article) is How to Love Consciously.
  • Learning to be a better father. My oldest daughter, Caitlin, and I had the chance to take a trip to New York City last March. During the trip, my daughter gave me a mulligan, a fresh start as a father. Confessions from a Recovering Father is my gift to her for this opportunity.
  • Beginning to heal. Of all the articles I wrote this past year, Why Does the Thunder Hide the Rain?, is my personal favorite because for one night I was able to acknowledge my wounds and at the same time begin to have hope for the healing that was occurring inside of me.
  • Four days of change. Four very special days in May reminded me that we all have the power to decide where we want to go in life, we get to choose our direction and we get to decide The Beginning of Next.
  • The end of a life. The unexpected death of Mary Beth's father caused the entire family to reevaluate their own lives and to find meaning and hope in the loss. The family has forever been Changed for Good.
  • A celebration of hope. Just a couple of weeks ago, I offered 10 Wonderful Gifts that Give Us Hope.

The Year Ahead

First and foremost, thank you for being a part of my journey. If you are a frequent reader of The BridgeMaker, thank you! If you are new to my blog, then welcome.

There will much more to write about and share in the year ahead because that's the beauty of life – it's just keeps changing and keeps getting better if we allow it.

My hope for you is you will continue to look for change and embrace it when it happens. My hope for me is I will continue to live from my heart and find ways to share it every day.

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