The Year of the Woman (By Lois Romano)
Polls Point to Struggle for McCain (By Dan Balz)
As an Issue, Taxes Favor Obama: Polls Lean Toward Democrat on a Traditional GOP Strength (By Michael Abramowitz and Robert Barnes)
Early Voters in Fla. Find Long Lines, a Bit of Muddle (By Steven A. Holmes)

The Fix by Chris Cillizza

Capitol Briefing by Ben Pershing

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Today's top political news and commentary:
Barack Obama, False Moderate (Rich Lowry, New York Post)
Why a Democratic Victory is Looking Likely (Kenneth Bunting, Seattle PI)
An Avalanche of Discontent (Chuck Raasch, USA Today)
The GOP Has Finally Imploded (E.J. Dionne, The New Republic)
Obama Looks Like a Winner, but It's Not Over Yet (Peggy Noonan, WSJ)