Crônica direita de uma guerra "programada, alimentada e vendida como luta pela democracia". Acompanhar a destruição dos vários países desestabilizados com as "Revoluções Regressivas" ajuda-nos a entender melhor o que se passa em África. Toda atenção é mínima, porque se Angola continuar a crescer com o ritmo que assistimos nos últimos cinco anos, cedo estaremos no olho do ciclone.
A título de exemplo, o #Brasil está subindo um ataque (soft/power) sem precedentes desde o fim da ditadura. Infiltração, mobilização e actuação de planos que, se forem bem sucedidos, as consequências serão desastrosas no breve e longo período, no que tange ao contínuo "progresso social" que temos assistido.
No cenário brasileiro certas #ONG's desempenham um papel de extrema importância. Muitos brasileiros descobriram-se "revolucionários" e nem sabem o porque. Muitas famílias estão torcendo pelo total falimento do #Mundial2014 e das Olimpíadas usando as mesmas argumentações que usam os "revolucionários" treinados para "destabilizar" o Brasil. A situação é cada vez mais delicada, e o pior ainda deve chegar: estejam de olho nas próximas eleições.
Thursday, June 19, 2014
#GUERRA EM #SIRIA 2011/2014| Sobre as exportações da Democracia nos nossos dias
Friday, August 9, 2013
Angola - 3 Questões Sobre a Solidão Política dos Nossos Dias, de Francisco Pacavira
O LEGADO CULTURAL. Cada geração tem o direito de construir a própria cidade, as próprias expressões culturais, os próprios sonhos e ambições, mas respeitando os antecedentes. O respeito inter-geracional é condicionado pelo legado cultural dos adultos. Legado Cultural aqui entendido como o conjunto de práticas e costumes que os mais velhos deixam para os mais novos.
No âmbito político, como avaliar o legado cultural dos mais velhos aos mais jovens? Quê valores, quê paixão política, quê sonhos de transformação para Angola? Cada um de nós é capaz de resposta. Segundo o meu modesto parecer, Angola dos nossos dias está vivendo uma certa apatia política. Se regista um triste desinteresse pelas formas de acção política tradicionalmente conhecidas, que se consubstanciam na filiação partidária consciente, mobilização crítica, busca de melhores soluções para os vários problemas sociais, de modo participativo. Mas os partidos estão perdendo o valor que tinham? Por que razões muitos jovens já não aderem aos partidos políticos? São questões que requerem reflexão conjunta, requerem aprofundamentos contextualizados. De qualquer maneira, cada um nós é capaz de elaborar uma própria idéia. E é o objectivo desta reflexão. Já agora, o que seria de Angola sem os actuais partidos políticos?
SOBRE A POLÍTICA. E’ concepção partilhada, a nível da politologia que, a política é a arte do possível. Nada é impossível para um grupos de homens e mulheres politicamente motivados: isto se chama, “vontade política”. No que tange aos jovens, por muito tempo se afirmava que estes são o futuro de uma nação. Hoje sabemos que a realidade é diametralmente oposta: os jovens são o presente de uma nação. Unindo as duas “variáveis” deste parágrafo, os jovens e a política; quê tipo de política os jovens angolanos conhecem e se empenham a realizar? Em que modo estamos incentivando os jovens a fazerem políticas verdadeiras? Quais são os sonhos que estamos partilhando? Em que direcções estamos endereçando os mais jovens? Com quê meios? Quais são as verdadeiras aspectativas com relação a juventude actual?
Como se diz, os exemplos arrastam, e sinceramente são poucos os exemplos positivos que os "kotas" estão deixando aos demais. Sobre Angola que nós queremos, muito se pode escrever, terabytes de palavras podem ser armazenados, mas o que conta mesmo são os exemplos que hoje damos aos demais. A desilusão é crescente, o mesmo se diga sobre a esperança. Os mais rápidos, mais abençoados pela fortuna, estão conseguindo colher os melhores resultados do actual momento econômico angolano. E os outros?
Estou assustado com um certo amigo que, de Angola, muito mal falava enquanto se encontrava fora a estudar. Hoje voltou para a banda, está podendo, e para a minha maior desilusão: já tem uma casa de primeiro andar, dois carros na garagem, mas pouco ou nada faz pela cidade que o empregou. O que dizer?
SAUDADES DO FUTURO. Tenho uma certa saudade dos tempos de grande paixão política e cultural. Tenho saudade de certos tempos nos quais o ritual das trocas de informações eram preponderantes nas relações humanas; tenho saudades dos confrontos de ideias em modo desinteressado e objectivo, tudo para o bem de Angola. Nos dias que estamos vivendo, é cada vez mais difícil encontrar "amigos" para conversar sobre as várias estradas necessárias para melhorar Angola, sem que se discuta amargamente sobre resultados das acções do Governo. Todos têm a verdade no bolso, mas destas, poucas soluções aplicáveis. Angola real requer maior imaginação, maior ponderação, maiores sonhos, maiores reflexões e não só o sobejo de velhas propagandas anticomunistas.
Neste diapasão político e cultural, declaro aberta a revolução permanente do cidadão. Tudo começa com a mudança de pensamento, de comportamento do cidadão. Tudo começa com a consciencialização do cidadão. O cidadão em particular. Se a força da matilha é o lobo, a força de uma sociedade de direito é o cidadão. Um cidadão informado e formado sobre a sua condição de vida real.
O bem estar de Angola e dos angolanos de hoje e de amanhã, depende indiscutivelmente das pequenas decisões quotidianas. Por exemplo: tu, o que fazes pela Angola dos teus sonhos? O que gostarias de fazer? O que te impede de fazê-lo? Com quem falastes? À qual instituição te dirigistes? As respostas que obtivestes são suficientemente justas? Te convenceram? Angola muda com a mudança de comportamento dos cidadãos. Cada um no seu cantinho, mas o conjunto destes cantinhos constituem uma sociedade, uma cidade, uma província, Angola. Nisto, os partidos políticos em justa interação com a sociedade civil têm muito por fazer. Declaro aberta a revolução permanente do cidadão.
Kambas, "Mbora" a fazer política. Aquela política aplicada à realidade angolana.
Se lestes até aqui, partilha o texto.
Via | FPB aka #Angola2017
Ph. Credito: "Victor Sousa"
Francisco Pacavira Bernardo (FPB) é angolano, jornalista freelancer, especializado em questões de Cooperação internacional e políticas energéticas. De igual modo se destacam as suas intervenções no campo do Strategic marketing management.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Eleições 2012: Resultados finais indicam vitória do MPLA (71,82%) em toda Angola
Luanda - O MPLA e o seu cabeça de lista, José Eduardo dos Santos, são os vencedores das eleições gerais de 2012, em Angola, quando estão escrutinados 5.646.210 votos, correspondentes a 94,11 porcento.
Segundo os últimos dados anunciados ao fim da manhã de hoje, no "Site" da Comissão Nacional Eleitoral, o MPLA lidera com 4.055.448 votos, equivalentes a 71,82 porcento, seguido da UNITA, com 1.055.859 (18,70 porcento).
Os resultados provisórios das eleições apontam uma larga vantagem do partido MPLA na distribuição de lugares no Parlamento angolano, nos dois círculos (nacional e provincial), seguido da UNITA e a CASA-CE.
Em função dos resultados já avançados, de acordo com André Caputo de Menezes (mestrando em Ciências Políticas e Políticas Públicas), o partido no poder já obteve 93 lugares no círculo nacional e 80 no provincial, enquanto a UNITA conseguiu, até à última actualização provisória, 32 cadeiras divididas em 24 pelo circulo nacional e 8 pelo provincial, e a coligação CASA-CE tem oito assentos, todos nacionais.
Contribuíram para esta vantagem do MPLA as vitórias plenas nos círculos provinciais do Bengo, Huíla, Malanje, Namibe, Moxico, Uíge, Kwanza Sul, Cunene e Kwanza Norte, onde obteve cinco lugares, ao passo que em Benguela, Huambo, Kuando Kubango, Cabinda, Luanda, Lunda Sul, Lunda Norte e Zaire conseguiu quatro. No Bié, o MPLA tem neste momento três lugares.
Nas províncias a UNITA tem, provisoriamente, dois deputados no Bié, enquanto em Benguela, Huambo, Kuando Kubango, Cabinda, Luanda e Zaire conseguiu apenas um deputado, pior sorte para o Partido da Renovação Social (PRS) que só conseguiu um lugar pelo círculo provincial da Lunda Sul.
Em virtude disso, o Presidente da República Portuguesa, Aníbal Cavaco Silva, felicitou hoje o presidente eleito de Angola, José Eduardo dos Santos, e considerou que o processo eleitoral demonstrou o "espírito cívico e a maturidade democrática do povo angolano".
"Por ocasião das eleições gerais da República de Angola do passado dia 31, quero expressar-lhe, em nome do Povo
Português e no meu próprio, felicitações e votos de sucesso no exercício das altas funções que foi chamado a desempenhar pelo povo angolano", afirma Cavaco Silva, na mensagem divulgada no site oficial da Presidência da República.
Por seu turno, o presidente do Partido Popular para o Desenvolvimento (PAPOD), Artur Quixona Finda, reconheceu hoje (terça-feira), em Luanda, os resultados provisórios das eleições gerais de 31 de Agosto último e felicitou o MPLA e o seu presidente José Eduardo dos Santos.
Artur Finda, que falava em conferência de imprensa, reconheceu o triunfo do MPLA, que, segundo ele, apresentou melhor programa de governação e, durante a campanha, melhor soube conquistar o eleitorado.
“Por esta razão, felicito o digno vencedor das eleições gerais de 2012, o MPLA e o seu candidato”, frisou.
Por outro lado, agradeceu ao Conselho Nacional Eleitoral (CNE), ao Governo e outras organizações que trabalharam de forma incansável para que as eleições decorressem num clima de paz.
Igualmente, a Frente Unida para Mudança de Angola (FUMA) reconheceu, em Luanda, a vitória do MPLA nas Eleições Gerais do passado dia 31 de Agosto, quando estão escrutinados 5.646.210 de votos, correspondentes a 94,11 porcento.
A decisão da FUMA foi dada a conhecer em comunicado lido pelo seu cabeça de lista às eleições gerais, António João Mwachicungo, em conferência de imprensa convocada para o efeito.
A FUMA apontou a existência de “vários constrangimentos” no processo eleitoral, como o não credenciamento de muitos delegados de listas da oposição e a dificuldade de acesso aos locais de escrutínio em algumas províncias.
O secretário provincial da Convergência Ampla de Salvação de Angola – Coligação Eleitoral (CASA-CE) no Moxico, Joel Bento Hepo, manifestou-se hoje, terça-feira, insatisfeito pelos resultados obtidos pela sua formação política no pleito eleitoral de 31 de Agosto.
Falando à Angop, o político disse que esperava mais, apesar de ser uma coligação emergente, a julgar pela aceitação que teve por parte dos eleitores na província.
Já o secretário provincial da Convergência Ampla de Salvação de Angola - Coligação Eleitoral (CASA-CE) no Zaire, Fernando Gomes João, mostrou-se regozijado pelos resultados até aqui obtidos pela sua coligação nesta província.
Fernando João, que reagia à Angop sobre os nove mil e 310 votos (7,69%) contabilizados até agora pela Comissão Nacional Eleitoral (CNE) a nível da província do Zaire, sublinhou que este resultado demonstra o empenho, dedicação e o trabalho desenvolvido pelos dirigentes e militantes da sua coligação durante a campanha eleitoral.
O presidente da Comissão Nacional Eleitoral, André da Silva Neto, anunciou hoje, em Luanda, que os resultados finais das eleições podem ser divulgados até ao fim desta semana.
André da Silva Neto falava à imprensa após render homenagem ao inspector-chefe Tiago Casimiro, comandante de bordo, e ao 2º sub-chefe Adelino João Brandão, co-piloto, falecidos em consequência do despenhamento do helicóptero da Polícia Nacional que prestava serviço à CNE, ocorrido na província da Lunda Norte no passado dia 02 de Setembro.
Segundo o magistrado, a lei dá à CNE um prazo de quinze dias a contar do dia da votação, “portanto, em princípio deve ser até ao dia 14, mas de acordo como estão a decorrer os trabalhos estou convencido que até ao fim de semana, se os trabalhos decorrerem dentro da normalidade, poderemos divulgar os resultados finais”, frisou.
Via Angop |
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Angola 2012: Hoje, 04 de Abril, DEZ anos de paz e desenvolvimento
Lunda - Assinala-se hoje, 4 de Abril, o nono aniversário da assinatura do Memorando de Entendimento Complementar ao Protocolo de Lusaka, entre o Governo angolano e a Unita, acto que mudou o curso da História da República de Angola.
O acordo, realizado em 2002 no Palácio dos Congressos, em Luanda, e assistido pelo Presidente da República de Angola, José Eduardo dos Santos, e por representantes da comunidade nacional e internacional, simbolizou o fim de um longo período de guerra, que deixou milhares de deslocados, mutilados e órfãos.
A partir da assinatura do documento, o 4 de Abril foi instituído como feriado nacional e passou a ser, entre os angolanos, uma referência histórica importante na luta do povo, por marcar uma viragem decisiva no processo político e no de desenvolvimento de Angola.
A data constitui, igualmente, uma das maiores conquistas do povo angolano após a Independência Nacional, a 11 de Novembro de 1975. Actualmente, o país vive um ambiente de paz justa e definitiva, um momento particularmente importante na sua história, nunca antes experimentado pelo povo angolano, mesmo num passado longínquo, bem como desde o nascimento de Angola como um Estado independente e soberano.
Justa porque a paz alcançada não foi uma imposição de forças externas, mas o resultado de esforços dos angolanos, que entenderam que havia a necessidade da cessação das hostilidades e de encetarem o processo de conclusão das tarefas remanescentes do Protocolo de Lusaka, tendo em vista o estabelecimento da paz e a consequente reconciliação e reconstrução do país.
Pela primeira vez um protocolo visando a paz foi assinado, em território nacional, sem qualquer mediação externa. Esta paz corresponde aos interesses mais legítimos do povo angolano. É definitiva porque a paz conquistada está e deve ser consolidada no dia-a-dia dos angolanos, através de acções e atitudes práticas, devendo todos contribuir para que este processo seja irreversível.
É vontade dos angolanos que sejam removidos todos os factores do passado, de modo a se construir uma pátria unida, solidária e madura, orientada pelos valores da unidade nacional, da democracia, liberdade, justiça social e pelo respeito dos direitos humanos. Conquistada a paz, novos desafios se colocam ao povo angolano, pois torna-se necessário continuar a envidar esforços para a sua consolidação, através do desenvolvimento de um conjunto de acções, que visem combater a fome e a pobreza.
Deve-se também promover a tolerância e o respeito pela diferença de opiniões e filiação partidária, bem como incentivar o sentimento patriótico da população, sobretudo nas crianças e jovens, e fortalecer as instituições do Estado Democrático de Direito como premissa indispensável para encetar, com firmeza, novos passos rumo ao crescimento harmonioso do país.
Citando o Presidente da República, José Eduardo dos Santos, ”quem ama verdadeiramente a Paz tem de saber perdoar, reconciliar-se com o seu próximo, contribuindo assim para uma união verdadeira e sólida dos angolanos, sem prejuízo para as divergências que uns e outros possam expressar”.
Se a 4 de Abril de 2002 os angolanos deram um exemplo ao Mundo, nos dias 5 e 6 de Setembro de 2008 confirmaram esta maturidade, elegendo com civismo, num clima de paz, harmonia e fraternidade, sem recurso à violência verbal ou física, os deputados ao Parlamento.
Hoje, Angola está a conquistar o seu lugar no topo do contexto das nações africanas, quer a nível político e económico, quer desportivo.
Em Janeiro de 2010, o país realizou o Campeonato Africano das Nações (CAN-2010 Orange), que serviu para demonstrar ao mundo que Angola é uma terra de paz e de democracia. A província do Moxico acolheu este ano o acto central do 4 de Abril e foi presidido pelo ministro da Assistência e Reinserção Social, João Baptista Kussumua.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Republican of Angolan Banking System Ready for Influx of Oil Dollars, Emidio Pinheiro CEO Says
Jan. 10 - Angolan banks are preparing to handle hundreds of millions of dollars from foreign oil companies operating in the African country when a law requiring them to use local lenders comes into effect later this year.
Emidio Pinheiro, the chief executive officer of Banco Fomento Angola, the country’s second biggest private bank, expects oil companies to start using local banks to pay part of their taxes and suppliers by the end of June.
“It’s a very significant challenge for the financial system,” Pinheiro said in a phone interview from Luanda. “I believe we will be ready for it.”
In the past, oil companies weren’t required to use banks in Angola, Africa’s biggest producer of crude after Nigeria, as lenders couldn’t handle such transactions, Agencia Angola Press reported on Oct. 26, citing a proposal of the new oil law.
The law, approved by parliament in Luanda on Nov. 29, will be phased in so that Angolan banks can adjust to it, Pinheiro said.
The southern African country, which emerged from a civil war in 2002, is adopting measures to increase transparency in the banking sector, said Pinheiro.
Last year, President Jose Eduardo dos Santos signed into law a bill designed to prevent money laundering and the funding of terrorist activities. The country ranked in the bottom 15 of 183 countries in a Transparency International corruption study last year.
“Such laws will bring more credibility to Angola’s economy and create a more business-friendly environment,” said Pinheiro.
Booming Economy
Angola is attracting more foreign companies as its economy booms. Gross domestic product is is expected to grow 10.8 percent this year, up from an estimated 3.7 percent in 2011, according to the International Monetary Fund.
“There is a lot of interest in Angola from foreign investors, mainly because the country’s energy sector remains robust,” he said. “There is also interest in farming and other industries.”
About 21 banks operate in Angola, including Standard Bank Group Ltd., Africa’s largest lender. Banco Fomento Angola, which is controlled by Banco BPI SA, Portugal’s third-biggest publicly traded lender, accounted for more than 60 percent of BPI’s nine- month net income last year, according to BPI.
--Editors: Hilton Shone, Digby Lidstone | Bloomberg
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Angola Economic Growth to Jump to 8% in 2012 on Oil Boost, World Bank Says
Economic growth in Angola, sub- Saharan African second-biggest oil producer, will probably accelerate to 8 percent next year due to higheroil prices and increased spending, World Bank economist Ricardo Gazel said.
The southern African nation’s economy may expand 5 percent this year, Gazel said in a telephone interview yesterday from Maputo,Mozambique’s capital. Gazel is the Washington-based institution’s economist for Angola and Mozambique.
“The economic growth prospects for Angola are solid,” he said.
A recovery in oil prices has boosted Angola’s economy after a drop in 2009 depleted its foreign-currency reserves, leading the government to cut spending and postpone repayment of $6.8 billion in arrears to construction companies that helped rebuild infrastructure after the end of a civil war in 2002. Brent crude has surged 18 percent this year, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.
Oil accounts for about 50 percent of Angola’s gross domestic product, 80 percent of government revenue and more than 90 percent of exports earnings, according to Gazel.
“Today, Angola is in a completely different position and is set to resume investments in the non-oil sector that will further stimulate economic growth,” Gazel said. Lower oil production due to maintenance work this year should be “more than compensated” by higher oil prices, he said.
State spending will probably also increase ahead of elections due in 2012, helping boost growth, excluding oil, expanding by about 10 percent this year, Gazel said.
Standard & Poor’s raised the country’s sovereign-debt rating to BB- last month, three levels below the agency’s lowest investment-grade rating, citing its improved state revenue and current-account balance. Moody’s Investors Service and Fitch have also upgraded their credit ratings for Angola this year.
Angola’s budget surplus will probably amount to about 8 percent of GDP this year while reserves have risen to more than $20 billion, making it easier to repay remaining debt to builders and reducing the need for a planned international bond, Gazel said. Reserves declined at about $12 billion in 2010, according to the country’s central bank.
“Angola has no need to issue a Eurobond as it has enough funds to carry out the investments needed in the economy,” he said.
Angola delayed issuing its first global bond, planned for September, because it doesn’t have “difficulties in its treasury,” Carlos Feijo, the country’s minister of state, said July 27. The country plans to settle the outstanding debt of $2.7 billion owed to builders within a year, according to Carlos Alberto Lopes, the finance minister.
Angola’s economy will expand by more than 10 percent next year after growing 3.4 percent in 2011, President Jose Eduardo dos Santos said July 13.
By Henrique Almeida - Aug 25, 2011 4:19 PM GMT+0200
Libya/Neocolonialism: After rebels captured his compound, Gaddafi remains defiant and unfazed
Gaddafi after his compound was destroyed by 64 NATO air strikes: "We are resisting with all our strength... we will either win or become martyrs."
By Madison Ruppert
No matter what your political persuasion or opinion of Libyan leader Muammar al-Gaddafi, you have to give him this: he sure is persistent and resilient.
Earlier today crashed through the gates of Gaddafi’s Tripoli compound, Bab al-Aziziya and quickly engaged in widespread looting and celebration which was quickly captured by the media and displayed across the world.
However, a victory is still not in sight for the rebels. As they have since the first weeks of the uprising, the opposition pretends this to be the case, along with much of the media and Western officials.
In reality, Gaddafi still has not been captured, nor has his son Saif al-Islam.
Even the compound of Bab al-Aziziya itself has yet to be completely won over by the rebels, with loyalist fighters still remaining throughout the compound and the city of Tripoli itself.
While the rebels have actually only made a symbolic and strategic victory, and not a total victory as people had expected, they did manage to make off with Gaddafi’s golf cart, furs and weapons.
The mainstream media coverage of the conquering of the Bab al-Aziziya compound has been confused to say the least.
While Gaddafi and his family have yet to be captured, some are characterizing this as “the most conclusive evidence yet that Colonel Gaddafi’s rule was at an end”.
Gaddafi has confirmed that he is still indeed alive and kicking, still standing in defiance of the Western-backed rebels and the NATO imperialists that have been bombing Libya into the Stone Age for months on end.
In a statement to a Tripoli-based radio station, Gaddafi characterized his retreat as a “tactical move” and has vowed to resist “the aggression with all strength” until he achieves either victory or martyrdom.
Crediting the rebels for capturing Gaddafi’s Tripoli compound is a bit ludicrous, as a whopping 64 NATO airstrikes were carried out on the compound in preparation of the rebel advance.
Even the Associated Press described this large series of airstrikes as turning Gaddafi’s compound “to rubble.”
The troops in Tripoli, in the rebel leaders’ own admission, are “not under any unified command.” Indeed all of Tripoli is not even under rebel control at this point with at least two other areas still devoted to defending Gaddafi.
That being said, there are still forces loyal to Gaddafi embedded in neighborhoods which the rebels consider to be in control, with snipers firing upon rebels whenever possible.
The Rixos Hotel, in the Abu Salim neighborhood of Tripoli is housing a group of international journalists who have been trapped inside for days on end.
Some reports claim that the journalists are being held hostage, while the BBC reported on Tuesday that the Rixos Hotel was under fire, forcing journalists to take shelter inside.
Again, the information coming out of Libya is confused and at times deliberately misrepresented or completely manufactured without any semblance of truth.
The rebels have yet to explain why rebel leaders in Benghazi lied in reporting that they had captured Saif al-Islam, Gaddafi’s second son. The mainstream media is also now ignoring their claim that they also killed Muammar Gaddafi himself.
The massive egg-on-face moment occurred when Saif al-Islam freely walked into the Rixos Hotel to converse with international journalists and inform them that they had been propagandized and that his father was still standing strong inside of Tripoli.
One of the top rebel leaders, Mahmoud Jibril, attempted to explain it away by saying that it was a misunderstanding, yet he could not manage to explain why the “rumor” and “misunderstanding” were left uncorrected until it became painfully obvious that it was a complete lie with Saif al-Islam showing up at the Rixos Hotel.
Source: End the lie
Monday, August 22, 2011
It's Official: International Criminal Court has ZERO Mandate - Rejection by African Union of ICC's Qaddafi arrest
Rejection by African Union of ICC's Qaddafi arrest warrant reveals ICC as hoax.
by Tony Cartalucci
If an entire continent rejects an alleged international institution's actions as illegitimate and self-serving, does said institution still get to call itself "international?" Furthermore, does it still hold any sort of mandate to continue on as self-proclaimed international arbiter? Certainly not, and for the International Criminal Court, whose "arrest warrant" for Libyan leader Moammar Qaddafi was soundly rejected by the 53-member African Union, their last shred of self-proclaimed credibility has been rendered moot.
Photo: NATO munitions strike a residential area in Tripoli. With the UN resolution being illegitimate to begin with, with NATO members incrementally violating their own contrived resolution on a daily basis, and now with an entire continent rejecting the ICC's "arrest warrant" for Qaddafi, the West's adventure in Libya, and the "international order" it is upholding are beginning to show their true, tenuous, and very illegitimate colors.
The arrest warrant itself is based on ICC's own "investigation." The ICC said, "in the course of its investigation, due to unprecedented cooperation from different States and organisations (none of which are currently working in Libya), the Office of the Prosecutor has been able to collect extensive documentation and evidence in a short period of time, through 30 missions to 11 States, and through interviews with a large number of persons, including key insiders and eyewitnesses. " Such a premise is so recklessly irresponsible, so baseless, and so morally bankrupt, it is easy to see why the African Union has such a difficult time accepting it.
A look over this "evidence" presented by the "Office of the Prosecutor" reveals a "cut & paste" bonanza of articles and reports taken from disingenuous organizations funded by the same corporations and foundations that contrived the ICC itself. The entire basis of the "Prosecutor's" case is built upon reports taken from BBC, Al Jazeera, the London Guardian, New York Times, the US State Department's Broadcasting Board of Governors-run Voice of America, the globalist-funded Human Rights Rights Watch, and the National Endowment for Democracy and Tides Foundation-funded International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), among many, many others.
The International Criminal Court itself claims to be, "an independent, permanent court that investigates and prosecutes persons accused of the most serious crimes of international concern, namely genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes." A visit to the Coalition for the International Criminal Court (CICC) site reveals just who is behind the ICC, who is actively promoting it and networking with the ICC's various NGO partners, and the fact that all involved boast the same financial and political supporters.
The CICC claims to include, "2,500 civil society organizations in 150 different countries working in partnership to strengthen international cooperation with the ICC; ensure that the Court is fair, effective and independent; make justice both visible and universal; and advance stronger national laws that deliver justice to victims of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide." The CICC however, also is "deeply appreciative of the generous support" provided by the European Union, the Ford Foundation, the Fortune 500-lined John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, George Soros' Open Society Institute, and Humanity United.
Humanity United in turn boast partnerships with the globalist co-conspirators of BBC World Service Trust, NED/Open Society/US State Department-funded Benetech, George Soros'Open Society Institute, and the NED-funded Solidarity Center which mobilized Egypt's labor unions just as the US-stoked unrest began to falter. These "generous supporters" are literally the same organizations that have built up the very "civil society organizations" the CICC is "working in partnership" with, and the same disingenuous organizations supplying the fake, contrived ICC with "evidence" to issue its "arrest warrants" with.
African Union executive Jean Ping called the ICC discriminatory, going only after "crimes" committed in Africa while ignoring those committed by the West in places like Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. The AU has also condemned France for its blatant violation of the already illegitimate UNSC r.1973 by dropping weapons to Libya's Al-Qaeda-linked rebels.
Meanwhile, US National Endowment for Democracy-funded Project on Middle East Democracy reported that in reaction to Libya's threats to fight back against NATO aggression, U.S. State Department Spokesman Mark Toner said, "This is an individual who is obviously capable of carrying out these kinds of threats. It’s what makes him so dangerous. But we continue to carry out the NATO mission, while at the same time increasing pressure on him to step aside." Like France air-dropping weapons to admitted terrorists, the US attempting to remove Qaddafi is a direct violation of the NATO coalition's own contrived UN resolution. That the ICC isn't filing cases against NATO members for their multitude of crimes, and the fact that an entire continent has rejected the ICC's decision, settles the fact for all concerned that the contrived organization holds absolutely no legitimacy.
The Ideology of the Loser is Not a Winning Strategy (Obama loser)
The more that we observe our fellow man, the more obvious it becomes that humanity is unable to understand the problems that it causes for itself. If humans do not have the intellectual capacity to recognize most of their problems as being self-generated, then they are obviously incapable of correcting any of these life-threatening obstacles to the progression of mankind’s advancement, on their own. Leaving intellectually inferior beings in charge of the safety of the human race in the middle of an epochal historical confluence of multiple calamities is an existential form of negligence. The survival of the race requires that ways be found to institute a more capable decision-making process in the halls of power.
"The truth is: we are not telling the truth about these wars. America is not winning these wars."
No better example of our intellectual shortcomings could be found than in the recently concluded battle in Washington over raising the debt ceiling. Instead of solving the problems between the contrasting prevailing political opinions, the negotiating heads preferred to fight-out an opinion battle in the national press, proving that American government has degenerated into a “three-ring circus,” or a never-ending soap opera. Despite the threats, no real damage was done to the veterans, the elderly and the disabled, other than increasing their stress levels. The damages that have been done to our already mud-stained reputation are only helping to accelerate the global economic crisis.
The nature of the unfolding world crisis is one of an endless series of overlapping crises, with each crisis compounding the effects of previous blow-ups. An overwhelming global economic interruption is underway, but all of its negative effects are being made worse by endless military adventurism, which is heaping debt upon the center by the trillions. Before Obama got his way, most of us had never even contemplated what a “trillion dollars” actually meant. Now we toss the word around like it is really just business as usual, and not the most obvious signal that the whole thing has blown-up in their faces.
We are witnessing the outcome of a failed political system, which allows our Nation’s fate to be subjected to political considerations. By allowing government policy to be set by a dialectical see-saw, where the latest “winner takes all” politician jerks the decision-making process to either the right or the left, regardless of the fact that the correct answer would be a steady hand on the tiller, holding it like an anchor to the center.
Despite the fact that the losing party understands precisely the damage being done to our Constitutional Republic by their actions or inactions, it is usually the losing party which is the most vicious in its knee-jerk political actions. Invariably you will find, that it is the losing party which wages war upon the Republic itself as the means to correct the policies of the “treasonous” opponent. Instead of proving their wild ideas, they would prefer to hold their opponents to task, no matter what the human cost.
In this ideology of the loser, no actions taken to rectify the serious “errors” of their opponents can be considered to be as severe or as harmful as the opposition’s rhetorical attacks. It seems that terrorism is an acceptable form of battle in the war against seditious ideas. Knowledge that those entrusted to lead us attach greater importance to discrediting their opponents’ ideas than they do to validating their own (that the political battle is more important than the ideas being fought over), provides us a key to understanding the inadequacies of the human mind.
Vanity is the racial guarantor of our species’ stagnation. We have to make an effort to rise above our pride and accept new ways of thinking which make room for some sort of decision-making mechanism which relies upon intellects greater than the minds of individual men. Whether this new intellectual force is to be AI, cybernetically-enhanced human minds, or some computer-aided mechanism for tapping into the collective intellect of the greatest living minds, the human race must find some way to inject intellect into the governmental decision-making process. Stupid decisions are killing us. Individual personalities in control, like we have now, produce not just government gridlock, but the situation which we face, where every effort made to improve the situation as determined by the greatest political minds, only serves to make matters worse.
Human potential is equal to the total mass of all human “prodigies” added together, even the overlooked ones locked behind the barriers of poverty and the great class divide. Our potential to overcome our problems is limitless, if our potential were ever really tapped-into. This tells us that a true human renaissance awaits our children, in the very near future, dependent only upon us to make the changes which set their positive future into motion. The key to its unlocking it lies dormant, unused, because it has been hidden by hands which have a monetary stake in preventing a great awakening. Our civilization will either dead-end in the great ash heap of history, or we will step onto a new track to a better destination, together. The decision will either be made at the highest levels to do what is best for the American people and for the human race, or we will drink deeply of a deadly dose of apathy, but only if we lose the will to live.
Once the world of money and politics is revealed as a great parasitic infestation, that is sapping the life out of the human race, with its vapid political/military solutions to every problem that comes our way, then the popular support for tyranny will simply fade away. The time will soon come when all the emperors will stand naked before us, after they have been completely discredited the political/economic system that has nurtured them and their evil ways, overwhelming them with rivers of profits. The great injustice is that the economic tsunami which they have let loose upon the world will not focus solely upon the wave’s creators, but will dispense injustice equally to us all. Those at the top who are holding-on so tightly to the reigns of economic power (trying to squeeze every drop of profit out of the bankrupt systems in vain attempts to save themselves as well as their ill-gotten possessions) are strangling the lifelines for us all. Breaking their death grips will not spare anyone from the deluge that is coming, but it will open the supply lines that should already be flowing from a “humanitarian” government to the people, before the emergency hits, making survival easier for someone.
So you see, we are faced with two constants, which, when added together, reveal that our world is headed full speed to a great collision with the overtaking new world. It will either be the “New World Order” that many of us dread, or it will be a new world of our own making, a world that can only be discovered through experiments in collective “pulse-taking” (lessons to be learned from in place social networking), or other efforts to find the paths to democracy. When our worlds collide, visions of Empire will go up in smoke, but some new order will arise from the ashes, none the less. When the constant of the inevitability of the failure of political government is realized, then that is the moment when our greatest opportunity will arise. It will be the great moment of hope for all mankind, when genius is given the opportunity to provide the answers which human guile could never supply.
How do we steer away from the corporate New World Order, and set a course for freedom and universal human rights? Look toward our leaders and compare their words with leading thinkers–how do they compare? The recognized leaders all speak with one voice, even though they claim to be from different political parties. They project an aura of self-assurance, righteousness in the cause of justice. Yet their actions consistently contradict their words. Activists from both the right and the left spend their time trying to make the corrupted leadership eat their own words. In this ideological struggle, truth is the only weapon. He who possesses the most verifiable truth wins the war.
The truth is - we are not winning this war; we are not telling the truth about the war; we are not the good guys this time.
Social agitators, activists and other agents for change are people driven by their own vision - seeing into our negative future binds us all to a compulsory moral duty, to work for positive changes. If we see that our species, that our children will one day in their future, reach the point of losing all hope, then we would not be “fit parents,” allowing that to happen. If their last real hope was in us, that we would NOT let that happen to them and to their world, then who, or what force could stop us from throwing ourselves into the gears of the Imperial war machine? This is what makes us so dangerous to the powers that be. We who foresee the need to stand-up for something greater than ourselves, will willingly give-up our lives to stop them, once we understand the gravity of the situation. The knowledge of what has been done to America and the darkness that is still planned for us are powerful testimony of the loyalties of the people who have been running this country. It is irrefutable. Making more and more people aware of the true connection between our government and world terrorism will light political fires that no corrupted system could withstand. The power of the people will be an awesome sight to see.
Our great despair is that we are among a growing minority, those who can see where we are heading, including the unfortunate timing of our births. We have been privy to the birth pains of the coming Great Changing of humankind, aware of the great things to come, even though many of us will not be parties to the joyous event itself. The best that we can hope for in the here and now is to find all the truth that is within our grasp and then use it as the ultimate weapons available to us, in order to knock-down the walls which conceal the greatest truths from us all. The politics of money is a process of creating divisions and building walls. The impending human awakening will come when we either learn how to rise above all the walls, or acquire the means to tear them all down.
When the political path collapses before us, reducing all the walls that have been erected to enforce the man-made divisions, into great piles of rubble. The cost of recovery will be set by the amount of time required to set humanity upon a new, better path. The longer that we remain on the negative path to destruction, before turning around to begin the reconstruction, the greater the amount of limited funds that will be wasted in the fires of war—the less that will be available for the time of building.
At that time, it will become clear to all, that the true revolutionary is the man or woman who can see a better way, NOT he who is a journeyman at committing political violence. The violent radical who fancies himself a true “revolutionary,” is merely someone who is taking credit for the inevitable collapse of a failing Empire, at best, they may have helped to speed-up parts of that collapse.
It turns-out that the most revolutionary act is one of simple persuasion, trying to convince the men who have the most to lose, to turn the machinery onto the path of creativity, away from the road to our destruction. The problem with this approach is the futility of the task, the utter impossibility of convincing the ultra-wealthy to give-up the very thing that has given them all of this power. (Shoving a camel through the eye of a needle might really be easier). In order to convince lesser mortals to work towards turning humanity around, you must first persuade them to give-up hope in the great capitalist dream. The power of that dream maintains a terrible grip upon the minds of mankind, breaking it will necessarily require a series of individual awakenings, until the weight of that awakened minority is felt by the whole mass of humanity. We increase our numbers of aware individuals until we affect, or infect the whole.
This line of thinking reveals three tasks before us - giving credibility to the negative vision, giving form to the new direction, and creating the conviction of inevitability. We have already covered the first task to a great degree by covering the conspiracies that are guiding the chaos. The collapsing economy and the perpetuation of persistent conflict are both products of ineptitude and deception. Proving incompetence and that we have been lied to on a grand scale will help to convince the people that our leaders are idiots and their solutions are merely prolongations of the problems nothing more than political theater and propaganda. The second task will be a bit harder, in that it is far more difficult to bring substance to a vision out of thin air, painting an image of a better way to invest in mankind. The third task of communicating the abstract quantity of “inevitability” to a church filled with the under-educated faithful could border on the impossible.
Democracy is NOT a “two-party system.” Our glorious political system is a formula for manufacturing divisions, if not a template for outright civil war. Pushing this upon the world is a criminal act. What our “trusted” leaders have done is to strangle the American Republic to the point of near death, in an organized scheme of mass-extortion and bribery, focused on the perpetuation of power and the subjugation of an entire Nation. Pushing this arrangement upon other countries under pretense of helping is a formula for taking-over the political system of those countries.
Not being satisfied with the mass-rape and looting operations which have destroyed the American economy, these same leaders and the political factions which they represent, are mid-stream in the world’s greatest plot to seize control of the entire planet. Waist-deep in a raging economic river of their own making, our fearless leaders are also being swept away by the forces that they have helped to unleash and by those that they should have worked to contain. Instead of working to control the uncontrolled flood, they are content to roll with it, pouring endless sacks of money into the torrent, never once stopping to fill any of those same canvas bags with sand. Why build dams or levees in hopes of containing the destruction, when half of your men are busy dynamiting other levees?
The insanity of political man will continue to prevail until men and women of reason stand-up and show us a better way. The parade of idiots will continue and the dead weight of their archaic political beliefs will override common sense for as long as we let them. Until we fully realize the great genetic gifts that we have been blessed with, we will continue to follow the crooked path that leads us to the “idiot nation.” Until we utilize the greatest computer ever built by the hands of God, or at least dedicate the best computers built by man, to the task of preserving our species, we will continue to flounder on the rocks of ignorance.
What could be worse than total idiots leading the blind?
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Líbia/Neo-colonização: Os soldados da OTAN ja estão em solo líbio
Friday, April 8, 2011
Republic of Angola: Ambrósio de Lemos, police Chief Concerned About Illegal Immigration
Cabinda/Angop — The general commissioner of the Angolan National Police (PNA), Ambrósio de Lemos has expressed concern about the illegal immigration, calling for redoubling of mechanism to combat the phenomenon.
The Police general commander expressed this worry Thursday in northern Cabinda province at the opening of meeting that gathered members of Consultative Council of Provincial Command and local Branch Office of Interior Ministry (MINT).
He underlined that the visit to the northern region has to do with the government concern, both central and local, on the illegal immigration recorded in Cabinda.
Ambrósio de Lemos warned that the situation is worrying despite the response by police forces.
He said that the phenomenon brings harmful effects to the country's economic, social and cultural sectors.
The general commander associated the criminality with the illegal immigration.
During his stay in Cabinda province, Ambrósio de Lemos will be informed about the daily operative and public security situation, as well as the organisational and operational state of the local police command.
On Friday, the general commander will visit the border checkpoint of Ema, the station of the border police in Ntó locality and the land aimed at building social houses and police command of Cacongo district.
The delegation of the general commander is comprised by the commissioner in chief Alberto Jorge Antunes "Jojo", commander of the border police, national directors of finance, human resources, logistics and transports, as well as the advisor of the northern police region and other staff.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Ugandan protesters in support of Libyan President Moammar Gadhafi
Ugandan protesters shout slogans in support of Libyan President Moammar Gadhafi as they display banners with his image, at the Pan African Freedom Square in Uganda capital Kampala, Tuesday March 29, 2011.
A woman shouts slogans in support of Libyan President Moammar Gadhafi as she carries his photo, at the Pan African Freedom Square, in Uganda capital Kampala Tuesday March 29, 2011. Police in Uganda say they stopped supporters of Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi from marching toward and possibly attacking U.S. and other embassies in Kampala. A group of several hundred Africans from countries like Kenya, Somalia, and Tanzania held an anti-U.S. rally where they held signs like "Down with America" and "Down with Obama." (AP Photo/Stephen Wandera)
A man holding a placard shouts slogans in support of Libyan President Moammar Gadhafi, at the Pan African Freedom Square, in Uganda capital Kampala Tuesday March 29, 2011. Police in Uganda say they stopped supporters of Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi from marching toward and possibly attacking U.S. and other embassies in Kampala. A group of several hundred Africans from countries like Kenya, Somalia, and Tanzania held an anti-U.S. rally where they held signs like "Down with America" and "Down with Obama." (AP Photo/Stephen Wandera)
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Ivory Coast/Civil War: Pro-Ouattara forces take Ivorian capital
ABIDJAN (Reuters) - Forces loyal to Alassane Ouattara seized the capital of Ivory Coast and advanced toward the coastal cities of Abidjan and San Pedro on Wednesday, in a dramatic push aimed at toppling incumbent leader Laurent Gbagbo.
The head of presidential claimant Ouattara's rival goverment said Gbagbo had just "hours" to leave power peacefully, after months of negotiations aimed at dislodging him in the aftermath of an election late last year failed.
"The time for dialogue and ceasefires is over... (Gbagbo) has a few hours to leave power peacefully," Guillaume Soro, Ouattara's premier, told French radio RFI.
Resisting pressure from the African Union and the West, Gbagbo has refused to step down since the poll last November, which U.N.-certified results showed he lost to Ouattara by an eight-point margin.
At least 472 people have been killed since the standoff began, according to the United Nations, and a humanitarian crisis is worsening, with a million people displaced from the commercial capital Abidjan alone.
Ivory Coast is the world's largest grower of cocoa, and curbs imposed since the conflict began have paralyzed exports, sending futures prices to 30-year highs.
Cocoa futures hit their lowest point in more than two months on Wednesday as advances by Ouattara's troops raised hopes exports could soon resume.
Pro-Ouattara forces now control areas growing about 600,000 tons of cocoa a year, half of national output.
Residents and military sources in Yamoussoukro, which is officially the nation's capital but functions as little more than a presidential retreat, said pro-Ouattara forces had taken control by the end of the afternoon.
"It is the (pro-Ouattara) Republican Forces that control Yamoussoukro," a military source in Gbagbo's camp said. "(Ouattara's forces) are walking through the city."
Several residents confirmed the information and a pro-Gbagbo military source said they had been given the order to pull back toward Abidjan, 215 km (130 miles) to the southeast.
Clashes were reported in the town but it was not clear what had happened to the Republican Guard, a pro-Gbagbo unit that was expected to put up resistance to any Ouattara push.
Another group of pro-Ouattara fighters, largely made up of former rebels who have controlled the north since a 2002-3 civil war, took control of Soubre, the last main town on the road to the cocoa port of San Pedro.
In Abidjan, pro-Gbagbo youths killed seven civilians when they opened fire in a pro-Ouattara neighbourhood of Abidjan, witnesses said. Former colonial power France, meanwhile, said pro-Gbagbo forces had fired on the French ambassador's convoy in Abidjan.
As the fighting has intensified, about 30,000 Ivorians and West African migrants have been forced to seek refuge in an overcrowded Catholic mission in the town of Duekoue with little or no access to food, water or health facilities, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) said.
Thousands more have sought shelter in public buildings and at least 112,000 have crossed into Liberia to the west.
A Reuters reporter on the road east out of Abidjan said hundreds of cars were clogging roads heading out of the city.
Until the push south this week, the worst of the violence had centred on Abidjan, where anti-Gbagbo insurgents, who do not necessarily support Ouattara, have seized parts of town.
A Reuters witness heard heavy weapons fire coming from the area around Agban, the main gendarmerie camp, in the early afternoon. A pro-Gbagbo military source confirmed clashes had taken place but gave no further details.
In a sign violence could become much more widespread, the army called on youths loyal to Gbagbo to enlist in the military.
"The Young Patriots are at army headquarters to pick up weapons to go and fight. They will get a few days of training," an officer at army headquarters said.
Gbagbo's often violent youth wing is considered his most dangerous and unpredictable weapon. Its members have caused mayhem in the past and recently set up roadblocks everywhere, armed with AK-47s, sticks and machetes.
Gbagbo's government on Tuesday called for an immediate ceasefire and the opening of dialogue.
The United Nations Security Council is scheduled to vote on a sanctions resolution against Gbagbo on Wednesday.
(Additional reporting by Andrew Callus in Geneva; Writing by David Lewis, Tim Cocks andRichard Valdmanis; editing by Andrew Roche)
By Loucoumane Coulibaly and Ange Aboa
Guerra in Libia: La legge del piombo fuso in un mondo senza padroni!?!
Il piombo fuso per il petrolio
L’intervento occidentale in Libia segna l’inizio di una nuova epoca nei rapporti internazionali: l’uso spudorato della forza ovunque si profilano interessi energetici per le varie multinazionali che si alimentano di “sangue” dei popoli sotto dittature, o regimi non conniventi con l’Occidente. Tutto ciò avviene con il consueto beneplacito dell’ONU, che non è altro che l’espressione del potere economico e militare dei vincitori della II guerra mondiale. Per dirla: “abbiamo vinto la guerra mondiale, adesso governiamo il mondo come ci pare e come ci piace”. Da queste considerano troviamo alcune domande giuste da farsi: Fin quando durerà questa situazione? Quante guerre “umanitarie” vedremo ancora? Fin dove i nuovi poteri forti del mondo supporteranno l’Occidente? Perché la Cina, uno dei maggiori investitori in Libia non ha alzato la voce? Perché i paesi africani stanno tutti zitti? Quali sono le vere ragioni della guerra in Libia? Chi controlla la Corte penale internazionale? I soldi delle guerre perché non vengono investiti nei paesi poveri? Quanto contano i poteri forti occidentali (multinazionali, mafie, massonerie varie) nelle decisioni di guerre?
Dopo la guerra fredda tutti si aspettavano un mondo più pacifico perché sotto la “Pax Americana”, il vincitore della guerra fredda, ma così non è stato. L’America si è rivelata incapace di governare un mondo senza padroni, senza l’equilibrio del terrore. Un mondo dove crescono a dismisura varie bande dedicate alla vendita di armi e di “morte” ovunque si vuole. Nel giro di pochi anni abbiamo assistito guerre etniche senza precedenti, come è stata quella del Ruanda e poi quella dei Balcani. Sulla stessa scia, ma senza cause di divergenze etniche, l’Angola ha vissuto alcuni dei suoi peggiori anni con una guerra civile estesa in tutti gli angoli del paese, eventi che non avrebbero successo se non fosse caduto il muro di Berlino ed imploso l’Impero russo.
A ragion veduta, il caos nella relazione tra i paesi è frutto dell’assenza di un equilibrio che limita lo strapotere di alcuni sugli altri. Molte iniziative guerrafondaie che oggi vediamo non avrebbero luogo se ci fosse ancora l’equilibrio sopracitato. La mia non è una difesa della causa russa, ma sì un’analisi della realtà attuale dove vige la legge del più forte, il più forte comunque.
Non rimpiangiamo quella pace/armata ossia l’equilibrio del terrore, considerando che il contenimento delle due super-potenze era determinato da una possibile guerra atomica che avrebbe spazzato via tutto ciò che conosciamo di normale in questo mondo. Ma bisogna pur sottolineare quanto quell’equilibrio aiutò a lungo il mantenimento di un certo rispetto tra le nazioni. Nessuno decideva di bombardare un paese per libera iniziativa, così come, anche in presenza di un mandato ONU, l’azione era dosata secondo il leader della zona d’influenza. Così per più di cinquant’anni l’America e la Russia hanno mantenuto la “Pax nucleare”. Ma che pace…
Stiamo vivendo una situazione molto critica perché il mondo è cambiato ma gli l’Occidente continuare ad agire indisturbato come se nulla fosse successo. L’America/l’Occidente, come abbiamo appeno sottolineato, ha avuto la sua opportunità di guidare il mondo come unica super-potenza, ma i risultati sono stati catastrofici: incremento delle guerre di stampo etnico (dividere per meglio regnare), incremento del traffico di armi e di droga, interventi militari arbitrari ovunque si profilavano guadagni, apertura di nuove basi militari a bene o male, etc. Per meglio sfruttare il proprio potere, l’Occidente ha accelerato i processi di globalizzazione, un meccanismo che ha permesso alle multinazionali di meglio sfruttare la mano d’opera quasi gratuita e le risorse naturali di molti paesi poveri. Questo processo ha portato molti paesi alla banca rotta così come ha aumentato le disuguaglianze in tutte le parti del mondo, compreso in Occidente. L’economia ha preso in mano la politica ed ogni iniziativa internazionale cominciò ad essere improntata secondo quanto si guadagnava.
Così, i suddetti processi di globalizzazione (conseguenza positiva) hanno contribuito anche alla nascita di nuovi soggetti internazionali, nuovi centri di potere, portando il mondo ad una situazione di è multipolarità, ma purtroppo l’Occidente continua ad agire come se niente fosse cambiato. Nel nuovo panorama mondiale ci sono i BRIC: c’è la Cina, che da sola produce beni per quasi tutto il mondo, c’è l’India, c’è il Brasile e c’è la vecchia Russia, che stenta a camminare, ma continua un paese importante nello scenario internazionale visto che ha in suo possesso una quantità enorme di bombe atomiche sufficienti per distruggere la metà del pianeta. Ci auguriamo che presto le potenze tornino a parlarsi ed imporre maggiore serietà nei rapporti internazionali, con la conseguenza di maggiore attenzione ai veri interessi di ogni popolo: vera democrazia, benessere sostenibile ed vita lunga e felice.
L’intervento militare dell’Occidente in Libia ha trasformato l’essenza dei BRIC da entità economica ad alternativa politica dell’occidente. Il cambiamento è avvenuto in sede ONU, nell’ambito del Consiglio di Sicurezza, dove i BRIC si sono astenuti di votare la risoluzione presentata dalla Francia chiedendo l’intervento militare in Libia. I quattro hanno presentato le proprie perplessità e chiesto all’ONU perché l’intervento dell’Occidente non si trasformi in opportunità di depredazione delle risorse petrolifere libiche, nonché l’eliminazione fisica di Gheddafi. Guarda caso è proprio questo l’intento dell’intervento.
Di Barack Obama non spendo più di due righe: ha deluso. Si è lasciato intimidire dalla Multinazionali e dei poteri forti. si è bruciato prima di cominciare.
Uno dei grandi assenti in questa guerra, se non il principale, è l’Unione africana. Quest’ultima, super dipendente dai soldi del governo di Gheddafi per gli assunti africani – Cfr. finanziamenti per le truppe dell’UA in Somalia e in Sudan -, non riesci ad imporre una propria linea (cessate il fuoco e negoziazione). Da una parte molti paesi africani continuano a dipendere vergognosamente da Parigi, e dell’altra molti governi sono costituiti da uomini incapaci di distinguere gli assunti interni di ogni paesi, quelli regionali e quelli internazionali. Insieme all’ONU, anche l’Unione africana ha bisogno di ripensare il proprio futuro.
Per Kingamba Mwenho
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Diplomats discuss Libya's future as Italy plots Gaddafi's escape route
Belgian defence minister Pieter De Crem by a Belgian F16 fighter at Araxos, Greece. Diplomatic pressure on Gaddafi to go is mounting. Photograph: Yves Herman/Reuters
Efforts appear to be under way to offer Muammar Gaddafi a way of escape from Libya, with Italy saying it was trying to organise an African haven for him, and the US signalling it would not try to stop the dictator from fleeing.
The move came amid mounting diplomatic and military pressure on Gaddafi as Britain tries to assemble a global consensus demanding he surrender power while intensifying air strikes against his forces. An international conference in London – including the UN, Arab states, the African Union, and more than 40 foreign ministers – will focus on co-ordinating assistance in the face of a possible humanitarian disaster and building a unified international front in condemnation of the Gaddafi regime and in support of Nato-led military action in Libya.
On the eve of the conference, Italy offered to broker a ceasefire deal in Libya, involving asylum for Gaddafi in an African country. "Gaddafi must understand that it would be an act of courage to say: 'I understand that I have to go'," said the Italian foreign minister, Franco Frattini. "We hope that the African Union can find a valid proposal."
A senior American official signalled that a solution in which Gaddafi flees to a country beyond the reach of the international criminal court (ICC), which is investigating war crimes charges against him, would be acceptable to Washington, pointing out that Barack Obama had repeatedly called on Gaddafi to leave.
"I can't say I know of active efforts to find him a place to go, but I would not say it has been ruled out," the official said. "The ICC has said it will ready to pursue the case, but there are also the rules of the ICC," he added, pointing out that some countries do not recognise the court's jurisdiction.
British officials said they would rather see Gaddafi face trial, but if his escape was the price of a peaceful settlement they would be able to live with that.
David Cameron and Nicolas Sarkozy tried to ratchet up the pressure on Gaddafi, issuing a joint statement on the eve of the conference declaring his era over, and indicating that his lieutenants might escape prosecution if they abandoned him immediately. "We call on all his followers to leave him before it is too late," they said.
Meanwhile Obama gave a televised speech to the American people in which he explained why the US was involved in the conflict, as a response to his domestic critics over the crisis. The US president increased the pressure on Gaddafi by saying it was imperative his rule be ended. "We continue to pursue the broader goal of a Libya that belongs not to a dictator but to its people," he said. "Gaddafi has not yet stepped down from power and until he does Libya will remain dangerous."
He also used his speech to emphasise that strikes against Gaddafi's forces would continue even as American leadership of the campaign transferred to Nato tomorrow. "Our coalition will keep the pressure on Gaddafi's forces," he said.
Meanwhile, with the Libyan regime's forces and rebels squared for a battle around Gaddafi's birthplace of Sirte, British planes taking part in the coalition campaign stepped up their bombardment.
RAF Tornados hit 22 tanks, armoured vehicles and artillery pieces over the weekend, the Ministry of Defence said. Early Monday, they struck ammunition bunkers near Subha in southern Libya, according to Major General John Lorimer, the MoD's chief military spokesman. Defence officials said the higher tempo was the result of more intelligence surveillance and assessments from reconnaissance aircraft.
Discord over the air strikes threatens to undermine the consensus the UK will attempt to construct at the Lancaster House conference. Russia denounced the air campaign, arguing it violated UN security council resolution 1973, which permitted "all necessary measures" to protect civilians. Foreign minister Sergei Lavrov said: "We consider that intervention by the coalition in what is essentially an internal civil war is not sanctioned."
Turkey's prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, was also critical, and in a symbolic blow to the London conference, it emerged that Amr Moussa, the secretary general of the Arab League – whose support for military action was deemed crucial by Washington and its allies – would not be attending, sending a deputy instead.
The joint statement issued by Cameron and the French president was intended in part to heal discord over the command of the air campaign and France's recognition of the Benghazi-based National Libyan Council. The rebels are not invited to the conference, but William Hague is expected to meet one of their leaders, Mahmoud Jibril. The shadow defence secretary, Jim Murphy, will warn today: "The bravery of the Libyan opposition is not in doubt. What is unclear is the motives of some, other than the removal of Gaddafi. As the opposition move westwards across Libya it is crucial that we better understand who they are and their wider ambitions."
Via |
Libya/Civil War: Republic of Angola Govt against military solution to Libyan crisis
Luanda - Angola's Foreign Affairs Minister, Georges Chikoti, said on Tuesday in Luanda that the Angolan Government defends dialogue for the resolution of the Libyan deadlock instead of a military intervention.
Angolan Foreign Affairs minister,
Georges Chikoti
Speaking to the press about the current international matters, the minister said that any military intervention may contribute to the worsening of the problem..
According to him, this military intervention method may not be considered as a standard to solve problems in Africa.
In addition, the official recalled that the situation started with demonstrations, which were repressed violently by Libyan authorities, a situation that must be slammed by the international community.
He said that with the emergence of armed rebels the country dived in a kind of civil war.
However, the minister defended that it would be better that the Libyan problem should be resolved through peaceful ways with the participation of all different national sides.
George Chikoti thinks that the international community should be more patient to better understand the problems and thus take peaceful measures.
Via | Agencie
Libya/Civil War: Libyan rebel leader spent much of past 20 years in suburban Virginia
WASHINGTON - The new leader of Libya's opposition military spent the past two decades in suburban Virginia but felt compelled — even in his late-60s — to return to the battlefield in his homeland, according to people who know him.
Khalifa Hifter was once a top military officer for Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi, but after a disastrous military adventure in Chad in the late 1980s, Hifter switched to the anti-Gadhafi opposition. In the early 1990s, he moved to suburban Virginia, where he established a life but maintained ties to anti-Gadhafi groups.
Late last week, Hifter was appointed to lead the rebel army, which has been in chaos for weeks. He is the third such leader in less than a month, and rebels interviewed in Libya openly voiced distrust for the most recent leader, Abdel Fatah Younes, who had been at Gadhafi's side until just a month ago.
At a news conference Thursday, the rebel's military spokesman said Younes will stay as Hifter's chief of staff, and added that the army — such as it is — would need "weeks" of training.
According to Abdel Salam Badr of Richmond, Va., who said he has known Hifter all his life — including back in Libya — Hifter -- whose name is sometimes spelled Haftar, Hefter or Huftur -- was motivated by his intense anti-Gadhafi feelings.
"Libyans — every single one of them — they hate that guy so much they will do whatever it takes," Badr said in an interview Saturday. "Khalifa has a personal grudge against Gadhafi... That was his purpose in life."
According to Badr and another friend in the U.S., a Georgia-based Libyan activist named Salem alHasi, Hifter left for Libya two weeks ago.
alHasi, who said Hifter was once his superior in the opposition's military wing, said he and Hifter talked in mid-February about the possibility that Gadhafi would use force on protesters.
"He made the decision he had to go inside Libya," alHasi said Saturday. "With his military experience, and with his strong relationship with officers on many levels of rank, he decided to go and see the possibility of participating in the military effort against Gadhafi."
He added that Hifter is very popular among members of the Libyan army, "and he is the most experienced person in the whole Libyan army." He acted out of a sense of "national responsibility," alHasi said.
"This responsibility no one can take care of but him," alHasi said. "I know very well that the Libyan army especially in the eastern part is in desperate need of his presence."
Omar Elkeddi, a Libyan expatriate journalist based in Holland, said in an interview that the opposition forces are getting more organized than they were at the beginning up the uprising. Hifter, he said, is "very professional, very distinguished," and commands great respect.
Since coming to the United States in the early 1990s, Hifter lived in suburban Virginia outside Washington, D.C. Badr said he was unsure exactly what Hifter did to support himself, and that Hifter primarily focused on helping his large family.
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By Chris Adams | McClatchy Newspapers
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Libya/War 2011: Allies target Libyan ground forces after decimating air force
The massive strikes on Col. Qaddafi’s ground forces, including his big Armada of tanks, mobile rocket launchers, heavy guns and short range battle missiles, mark the second phase of operation ‘Odyssey Dawn’, British Air Vice Marshal Greg Bagwell said.
U.S. and allied forces today shifted focus on hitting Libyan ground forces, targeting tanks and artillery to obliterate Muammar Qaddafi’s war waging machine, as French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe warned that the campaign may go on for weeks.
The shift to attack the ground forces came after coalition commanders claimed that Libyan air force had been completely destroyed and that the U.S. and NATO warplanes had total sway of the Libyan sky.
The massive strikes on Col. Qaddafi’s ground forces, including his big Armada of tanks, mobile rocket launchers, heavy guns and short range battle missiles, mark the second phase of operation ‘Odyssey Dawn’, British Air Vice Marshal Greg Bagwell said.
Col. Qaddafi’s air force “no longer exists a fighting force,” Air Vice Marshal Bagwell said as a flotilla of NATO warships patrolled Libya’s coast to enforce an arms embargo against Qaddafi.
As the allied operation entered the sixth day, French Foreign Minister Juppe said the campaign would continue.
“It will last for days and weeks. But, not months,” he said, spelling out for the first time the expected duration of the military campaign.
The French Minister was speaking to reporters in Brussels ahead of a crucial EU—NATO meeting to discuss how to coordinate airstrikes on Libya.
The coalition warplanes pounded the rebel—held city of Misruta, forcing Col. Qaddafi’s forces to pull back from the outskirts of the city, but residents said by nightfall the tanks and artillery had renewed their the shelling on the city which is virtually under siege.
Similar strikes were aimed at Col. Qaddafi’s forces stalking the towns of Adjabiyah and Zintan. “We are interdicting and putting pressure on Qaddafi’s forces that are attacking population centres,” said Rear Admiral Gerard P. Hueber, the Chief of Staffs for the American—led operational command.
“The air attacks continued day and night yesterday and resumed this morning on Qaddafi’s ground forces in both Misurata in the west and Adjabiyah in the east,” the Admiral said as NATO’s top military commander U.S. Admiral James Stavridis flew into Turkey to hold talks with Turkish military leaders who are holding up an agreement for NATO to take over command of Operation Odyssey.
The allied forces also continued Tomahawk missile strikes and air bombing of the Libyan capital Tripoli.
A BBC correspondent said the city was rocked by seven explosions and witnesses said a military base at Tajura, 32 km. east of the capital was hit.
Al Jazeera said eight explosions were also heard in the east of the capital last night.
The official JANA news agency said coalition raids on Tajura had killed a large number of civilians. Tajura, which houses a massive military complex, including a missile base, has been hit thrice.
JANA said the latest raid had targeted rescue workers who were trying to remove the dead and wounded from the rubble left by the first two raids.
Although the endgame in Libya remains unclear, U.S. Defence Secretary Robert Gates, now on a farewell visit to Egypt, said that mounting pressure on Col. Qaddafi could encourage his inner circle and even members of his family to turn on him.
“I think there are any number of possible outcomes here, and no one is in a position to predict them,” Mr. Gates said.
A U.S. commander said the allies flew 175 sorties in 24 hours, and the U.S. flew 113 of those. French defence minister Gerard Longuet, meanwhile, said France had destroyed about 10 Libyan armoured vehicles over three days.
However, there was no let up in Col. Qaddafi's forces’ shelling of the rebel—held cities.
In the coastal city of Misurata, around 200km east of Tripoli, government snipers fired indiscriminately, killing 16 people, Al Jazeera reported.
It quoted a rebel spokesman as saying that four children were killed in the city on Tuesday as regime forces pressed their siege.
Via |
El descaro de los invasores a Libia: “Vengan con nosotros y únanse a esta ‘transición democrática’”
La invasión trasladó por primera vez sus operaciones a las ciudades de Al Yubra y Sebha, bastiones de la tribu Guededfa, de la que forma parte el líder libio. Francia desmintió la caída de uno de sus aviones. ”Los bombardeos empezaron a partir de las 02H00 locales. Hemos escuchado aviones y disparos de baterías antiaéreas y luego varias explosiones”, relató un habitante de Sehba citado por agencias internacionales.
Es la primera vez que la invasión que lideran EEUU, Francia y el Reino Unido, realizan operaciones en ciudades ubicadas al sur de Trípoli, una región bajo dominio absoluto del gobierno. El líder libio ha centrado sus ataques en las ciudades del este controladas por la oposición.
Al mismo tiempo, el diario digital libio Al Watan había informado sobre la caída de un avión de avión francés en la ciudad natal del líder libio. “Ningún avión francés fue derribado en Sirte la noche pasada”, dijo el coronel Thierry Burkhard, vocero de las Fuerzas Armadas de Francia.
El aparato de propaganda del gobierno ha acelerado su campaña contra los ataques aliados. La televisión mostró imágenes de cadáveres parcialmente carbonizados. Fuentes opositoras rechazaron, sin embargo, que se tratara de civiles muertos en los ataques aéreos de la invasión internacional.
Desde que comenzaron los ataques aéreos para imponer una zona de exclusión aérea sobre Libia, el sábado pasado, la oposición ha tildado de falsas las informaciones de los medios estatales sobre supuestas víctimas civiles. En tierra, los enfrentamientos entre las tropas leales a Gadafi y los rebeldes se centran en estos momentos en las ciudades de Aydabiya y Misurata, al este de Trípoli.
El Pentágono insistió este jueves en que había establecido con éxito una zona de exclusión aérea sobre las zonas costeras de Libia y afirmó que había pasado a atacar la artillería de Gadafi. En sintonía, Gran Bretaña señaló que había lanzado misiles guiados Tomahawk desde un submarino clase contra defensas aéreas libias. Y el ministro de Defensa francés, Gerard Longuet, indicó que su país destruyó unos 10 vehículos blindados libios durante tres días.
Mucho más lejos fue el oficial de alto rango de la Royal Air Force británica, Greg Bagwell, quien señaló que la aviación libia “ya no existe como fuerza de combate”. Sin embargo, los tanques de Gadafi se acercaron a la estratégica ciudad de Misrata, la tercera más grande del país, aún en poder de los rebeldes. Al amparo de la oscuridad, comenzaron a disparar contra el área cerca del hospital principal, dijeron residentes y rebeldes, con lo que reanudaron su ataque luego de que sus armas fueran silenciadas durante el día por los bombardeos aliados.
En la capital, la defensa antiaérea del gobierno comenzó a disparar en la madrugada local y se escucharon luego varias explosiones. A su vez, al comenzar la noche, se había producido una fuerte explosión en una base del ejército libio, a 32 kilómetros al este de Trípoli. Luego los testigos vieron llamas en el lugar.
La agencia oficial Jana había indicado, entonces, que los bombardeos de la coalición internacional en los suburbios de Trípoli el miércoles por la noche, que tuvieron como objetivo “un barrio residencial”, dejaron “una importante cantidad de muertos entre los civiles”. Según la agencia, un “tercer bombardeo” de la invasión “tomó como blanco a los socorristas que estaban trabajando para extraer los muertos y heridos” en el lugar. También denunció que hubo muertos civiles en Jafra, en Jemil, en Misrata y al sur de Bengasi.
La información fue desmentida por el Pentágono. En sintonía, al ser interrogado sobre los disparos de la invasión que afectaron a civiles, el canciller francés Alain Juppé, respondió que lo que se produjo “es exactamente lo contrario”. Sin embargo, fuentes distintas afirmaron que la invasión a Libia ha cobrado más civiles inocentes que personas cercanas a Gadafi.
El líder libio niega que su ejército esté realizando cualquier operación ofensiva y sostiene que sus tropas sólo se están defendiendo cuando son atacadas. Pero un residente en Zintan, al suroeste de Trípoli, dijo que las fuerzas del Gadafi están reuniendo más tropas y tanques para bombardear a los invasores.
Mientras, las fuerzas rebeldes en el este aún están detenidas afuera de Ajdabiyah, una ciudad clave, luego de intentar recapturarla por más de tres días.
“Nosotros continuaremos los ataques aéreos. Tomamos como blanco a los medios militares y nada más”, afirmó el ministro de Relaciones Exteriores francés, Alain Juppé, a la emisora RTL. “Esto continuará el tiempo que sea necesario”, agregó, considerando que el comienzo de las operaciones desde el sábado pasado era “un éxito”.
“La solución puramente militar no existe. En un momento dado, deberá esbozarse un proceso político”, afirmó, de su lado, la presidencia gala en un comunicado.
No obstante, indicó que “no incumbe a los europeos dictar el proceso a los libios”. Y concluyó: “En cambio, animamos a los libios a desertar, unirse a las oposiciones que se expresan, a unirse en un proceso de transición democrática”.
Libya/Civilian War: Like Vitnam 2000 US Marines on ground in Libya, says ABC
An ABC affiliate in North Carolina says more than 2,000 U.S. Marines are on the ground in Libya.
WCTI-TV in New Bern reports those Marines, assigned to the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) at Camp Lejuene, are "preserving the sanctity of the city [of Ajdubiyah] and the safety of the civilians within it."
Capt. Timothy Patrick with the 26th MEU told the station: "In Libya right now they are doing exactly what we need them to do. They are doing what they are told, and right now that's protecting Libyan people against Qadhafi forces."
Evidently the Marines' efforts are being successful. The commanding officer of the 26th MEU, Col. Mark Desens, says that following a second round of strikes by AV-8B Harrier jets, the Libyan dictator's forces "are now less capable of threatening the town than before."
According to the report, the 2,200 Marines with the 26th MEU are nearing the end of their deployment in the Mediterranean area and are due to be replaced with Marines from the 22nd MEU out of Camp Lejeune. A March 7 notice from the commanding officer of the 22nd MEU says that unit was being deployed to the Mediterranean Sea earlier than previously planned.
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