Advertisement  | (CBS) QUOTE OF THE DAY ”Happiness depends upon ourselves. " - Aristotle DID YOU KNOW? Frank Baum named "Oz" after a file cabinet in his office. One cabinet was labeled "A to N," and the second was labeled "O to Z." TONIGHT ON THE CBS EVENING NEWS Here’s an early look at one of the stories we are working on for tonight’s broadcast of The CBS Evening News from CBS News Correspondent Jeff Glor in for Anchor and Managing Editor, Katie Couric Hi there. This is Jeff Glor filling in for Katie. Here are some of the stories we’re working on for tonight’s broadcast. If you’re in the market for a new car, wait until you see some of the incredible bargains available these days. Sales are down and as Mark Strassmann reports, dealerships are pulling out all the stops to get you into one of their vehicles. Also tonight, their vacation is over and the new first family is headed to Washington, D.C. Monday, the President-elect meets with Congressional leaders about the economic crisis and the Obama girls start school. Bill Plante has more on what’s ahead in the next few weeks before the inauguration. In other news, it is day seven of Israel's offensive in Gaza. A mosque known as a Hamas stronghold and homes belonging to Hamas operatives were hit today. Mark Phillips joins us with the very latest. Back in the U.S., supermarket chain Giant Food and sister chain Stop & Shop are offering free generic antibiotics to customers with a prescription for the next three months. Kelly Wallace looks into that story for us tonight. And finally, we’ll tell you about an unlikely friendship between a giant elephant and a scrappy dog. Steve Hartman brings us the story of Bella and Tarra in tonight’s Assignment America. So those are just some of the stories we’re working on for tonight. I hope you’ll join us. Have a wonderful evening. Jeff And here’s a look at one of the stories we are working on for Monday’s broadcast of The CBS Evening News: Every year, hundreds of thousands of women undergo breast biopsy surgery ...even though there's a less invasive procedure available. Are doctors putting profits before patients? An in-depth report..Monday night only on The CBS Evening News. If you would like more information on any of these stories or the broadcast, please click on the following address and e-mail us: THIS WEEKEND ON THE CBS EVENING NEWS SATURDAY: Jeff Glor anchors from New York. In addition to the latest news, here are some of the stories we are working on: LONGER SCHOOL DAY Kuss Middle School was, for years, a failing school. So the district began a still-experimental initiative called "Expanded Learning Time". Students now spend 25 per cent more time in the classroom - an extra hour and a half every day. About a thousand schools nationwide have adopted similar programs. It's costly: an extra $1300 per student every year. So the big question is: does it work? Thalia Assuras reports. RAISE THE GAS TAX? This idea has been around for years, and has gotten no traction. But now several states are considering new taxes on gasoline, prompted in part by low gas prices and plummeting revenue. Opponents say it will cause economic hardship at a time when unemployment is on the rise; Supporters say it will hold down gas consumption, making it harder for oil producers and speculators to gauge consumers when the world economy recovers. Priya David reports. SUNDAY: Russ Mitchell anchors from New York. In addition to the latest news, here are some of the stories we are working on: BUDGET BLUES While the federal government's deficit is ballooning, states are required by law to balance their budgets. In this time of economic turmoil, for many states that means drastic measures. Bill Whitaker reports that in California lawmakers are debating deep cuts to state services and hefty tax increases to close their $42 billion deficit. POLITICAL MEMORABILIA Ron Steine's memorabilia collection is a display of political nostalgia. A glimpse into how much the world of campaigning has evolved - and how much it hasn't. Michelle Miller shows us an exhibit Steine recently organized at Nashville's main library, a small part of his collection which totals more than 30-thousand pieces. If you would like more information on any of these stories or the broadcast, please click on the following address and e-mail us: TONIGHT ON DAVID LETTERMAN Joining Dave tonight is Senator John McCain and musical guest Bon Iver! TOMORROW ON THE EARLY SHOW Chris Wragge, Erica Hill , anchor Priya David reports the news and Ira Joe Fisher brings us the weather. Along with the top news of the day, here are some of the stories we are working on Obama Stimulus Plan: President-elect Barack Obama has some high-profile meetings when he arrives in Washington next week to discuss his economic stimulus plan. We will talk to an expert about what we can expect once Obama takes office. Gaza Fighting: Mark Phillips will report live from Tel Aviv with the latest on the crisis in Gaza. Mike O’Hanlon, a specialist in defense and foreign policy issues at The Brookings Institution (a non-profit public policy organization based in Washington, D.C), will also join us to talk about the crisis and the challenges facing Hillary Clinton, if she is confirmed as the new Secretary of State. New Year, New Job: Career coach Sue Morem will join us to share her top suggestions for people entering the job market for the first time or are back on the hunt for a new job due to layoffs. Green Office: Simple tips on how to go paperless at work to reduce clutter and make the workplace eco-friendly. HealthWatch: Memory Enhancers: Do over-the-counter memory enhancers work? Neurologist Dr. Sean Kenniff will give us the lowdown on remedies that claim to improve memory capacity. He'll also offer some everyday tips people can use to help prevent memory loss. Inauguration Dress: How important is what you wear to the inauguration? Did you know that there is a web site that lets women register what they are wearing ahead of time so they don’t wear the same thing as someone else! We’ll be joined by a Washington insider and expert about how important impressions are on this big day and how Washington is preparing for the Obama’s move into town. Air Tran flight kicks off Muslims: We will be joined by one of the Muslim passengers who was kicked off an AirTran flight on Thursday. Relationship Tips: The Money Fight: Matt Titus and Nicole Beland will join us with some advice on how to keep your relationship from going south when you start fighting over money. Valuable information especially in this bad economy. Second Cup Cafe: Jazz singer-songwriter Sonya Kitchell joins us to perform songs off her latest album, "This Story." Ballet Workout: Fitness expert Sarah Robichaud shows you how you can get fit at home using some easy tips straight from ballet class…and all without the use of any equipment. Chef on a Shoestring: Many people are promising to get in shape or to eat healthy this year. To help everyone stay on track chef and registered dietitian Diane Henderiks will join us to prepare a healthy Mexican inspired meal for four without sacrificing any of the taste! We've given our chef a recession budget of just 35 bucks to pull off this meal. If you would like more information on any of these stories or the broadcast, please click on the following address and e-mail us: SATURDAY ON 48 HOURS MYSTERY, 10pmET/9CT Here’s an early preview from Correspondent Maureen Maher on Tonight’s 48 HOURS MYSTERY, Betrayal: Well... where does one start with this week's case?!? The Hans Reiser case has so many twists and turns, you might not believe it's a true story.... I don't want to give away any of those details, especially if you haven't seen or read anything about this case before, but here's an outline of the case, with a few personal comments. 48 Hours first aired this case last June, 08... just a few short weeks after the trial actually ended. But that was NOT the end of the story.... Hans Reiser was considered a genius in the tech world. He had created a "file system" that was considered to be one of the best in the industry. Even though he was an American, he went to Russia to find cheap programmers to work for his budding computer/tech company. But many of his friends say he also went to find a Russian bride... According to his best friend Sean, he wanted a smart, educated, well-read, highly accomplished and professionally successful woman who would give it all up to marry him and have his children. He found her in St. Petersburg, Russia. Nina was a beautiful woman, a doctor and very accomplished both personally and professionally. She was looking for love and hoped to marry a man, particularly an American man.... and she gladly gave up her life in Russia when she met and fell in love with Hans. After meeting in St. Petersburg, Nina went to visit Hans in Oakland, CA where he lived. She got pregnant and the two were married. They had a boy named Rory and a couple of years later a second child, a daughter, named Nio. Hans continued to spend time in Russia - Nina was back in the states working on trying to get her license to practice in the U.S. But the distance was not good for their relationship... Hans refused to spend more time in the states and Nina ended up having an affair with Hans's best friend, Sean, whom Hans had asked to keep an eye on his wife and family while he was out of the country. So Sean and Nina have an affair... Nina and Hans get divorced, and not surprisingly, it's an ugly battle over money, child custody and virtually every other subject between the IT genius and the Russian doctor. The battle went on for several years... Then, on Labor Day weekend, 2006, Hans demands to have the children that weekend, even though it's not his weekend for the kids. In an effort to keep the peace, Nina agrees to split the weekend with him, giving the kids to him for Sunday and Monday. On Sunday, she goes grocery shopping with the kids, drops them off at Hans - - - and literally disappears off the face of the map. She is never seen again. Hans immediately begins to act suspiciously when asked 2 days later if he has any idea where Nina might be... Instead of answering the question, he says he wants to talk to his lawyer. In the meantime, police question his then 6 year old son Rory about the last time he saw his mother... Rory tells the first officer he speaks with that he heard and saw Mommy and Daddy having a big fight at Hans house as Nina was dropping the kids off. Rory tells that police officer that he was immediately told to go downstairs in the basement and not to come back up. ...And here's where the case starts to twist and turn. The next time Rory speaks with an official a few days later, he tells them that he's not going to say anything bad about his dad and that NOW he remembers that he kissed and hugged his mother goodbye, saw her walk out the door and leave his father's house. Meanwhile... Hans's behavior becomes completely bizarre... he believes he's being tailed by the Oakland cops - and he's right... so Hans performs all sorts of evasive, suspicious behavior, like driving erratically on the highway to lose the cops who are tailing him... he's moved into his car, so his mother can still visit with his children at the house, but the front passenger seat is missing. He purchases 2 books about murder, but that was AFTER his ex-wife went missing. Needless to say, it all looks very incriminating.... so Hans is arrested for the murder of Nina Reiser. He's carrying thousands of dollars of cash and his passport. But there's no body... and very little hard evidence to indicate any crime was committed. A spec of blood was found on a stair post in Hans's house that belonged to Nina, but that's not surprising considering she lived there for a while. And there was also another spec of DNA found on a sleeping bag stuff sack in Hans's car... but it wasn't blood and again, they all use to camp together. Hans's defense attorney has another theory... Nina is actually back in Russia. She has faked her disappearance and apparent death and is waiting to be reunited with her children after Hans is convicted of her murder. Trial dates are set and moved numerous times... and then, just as it seems Hans must be guilty and they are set to go to trial... the biggest twist of all... Sean, Hans's former best friend - - and Nina's ex-lover, confesses to Oakland PD, that he has killed 8 and half people. Yes, 8 and half people.... When we first aired this case at the beginning of last summer... it was after spending nearly a year in Oakland covering the all of the court maneuverings... including Hans's trial where his son Rory was the prosecutions star witness, and where Hans spent 11 days on the stand... two rarities in today's murder trials. It's very unusual for a prosecutor to put a child on the stand to testify against their parent and equally unusual that a defendant would not only take the stand, but sit up there for 11 days! It was a contentious battle between the prosecutor, the defense attorney, Hans AND the judge.... 48 Hours interviewed Hans after the trial... we flew to Russia, where the children were taken by Nina's mother after she disappeared, to interview the children and Nina's family. But one person we weren't able to speak with was Sean Sturgeon. The man who connected this deadly love triangle together. We aired the story and felt that it was as complete as the circumstances allowed... but now, for the first time on network television, Sean Sturgeon - the man who confessed to killing 8 and half people - - talks to 48 Hours. It was perhaps one of the oddest interviews I've ever conducted. Sean arrived with his own camera crew and insisted on video taping everything that happened. He also insisted on being hooked up to a polygraph machine through out the interview... we obliged. We discussed every aspect of his relationship with Hans, with Nina - - and with the case... we asked if he had actually killed anyone... who was the "half" person - and what did that mean? We asked if he had anything to do with Nina's disappearance or murder... and we asked if he was telling the truth. He said yes... the expert monitoring the polygraph machine said ..not always. Perhaps you already know how the Hans Reiser trial ended, but even if you do - - you do NOT know the whole story until you see this interview. You will learn more about Hans, about Nina - -and certainly about the man that tore apart Nina and Hans marriage. This is an entirely new hour with new information. The outcome of what happened to Nina Reiser is still, unfortunately and sadly, the same... but we now have more pieces to this puzzle... more questions answered in the mystery of what happened to Nina Reiser. We hope you find this week's episode of 48 Hours as fascinating as we did... send us an email and let us know what you think... is it the whole story.... is it the real story... or is there more....-Maureen Maher 48 HOURS MYSTERY airs SATURDAY at 10pmET/9CT If you would like more information, please click on the following address and e-mail us at: HERE'S WHAT WE HAVE PLANNED FOR SUNDAY MORNING ANTHONY MASON ANCHORS FROM NEW YORK JONATHAN ADLER AND SIMON DOONAN: Jonathan Adler is one of the nation's most talked about home decor designers. His partner, Simon Doonan, is the acclaimed window designer who helped make a name for the high-end Barney’s department store. The couple share the secrets of their success with Rita Braver. LAME DUCK: One day you’re the most powerful man in the world; the next, a new guy is getting all the attention and you become a “lame duck.” What does “lame duck” really mean and where did it come from? Jim Axelrod goes behind the expression and offers you a history of lame duck presidencies. THREE CUPS: Greg Mortenson believes that if education is provided in the world's war-torn regions, it will lead to lasting peace. He talks with Anthony Mason about how his failed attempt to climb K2 led to his campaign to build schools in Pakistan. MICKEY ROURKE: Serena Altschul speaks with the actor who's getting a second chance thanks to his critically acclaimed performance in the motion picture "The Wrestler.” DO WOP: It’s a vocal style that developed in African American communities in the 1940’s and achieved mainstream popularity by the 1950’s. Jeff Greenfield looks into the evolution of the music that grew to be the soundtrack for much of the 20th century. If you would like more information on any of these stories or the broadcast, please click on the following address and e-mail us: SUNDAY ON FACE THE NATION BOB SCHIEFFER MODERATES FROM WASHINGTON, D.C. CBS News Face the Nation this Sunday will have an exclusive interview with Vice President Dick Cheney. There will be, as always, a final word. That's all on Face the Nation this Sunday with Bob Schieffer. SUNDAY ON 60 MINUTES, 7:00PM/6:00PM CT IS IT MURDER? - With drunken driving fatalities staying constant despite all the campaigns against the crime, some prosecutors are pursuing harsher penalties against perpetrators, including long prison terms for those who caused deaths. Bob Simon reports. MIND READING - Neuroscience has learned so much about how we think and the brain activity linked to certain thoughts that it is now possible - on a very basic scale -- to read a person’s mind. Lesley Stahl reports. THE MAD SCIENTIST OF FOOTBALL - Texas Tech coach Mike Leach made up for a lack of money and top talent by creating an innovative offense that’s changing the game of college football and beating bigger schools which regularly attract the best talent in the nation. Scott Pelley reports. MONDAY MORNING ON THE EARLY SHOW Julie Chen, Maggie Rodriguez, Harry Smith, Russ Mitchell will anchor the EARLY SHOW from New York. Lonnie Quinn will bring us the weather, Dave Price is on assignment. Here’s an early look at some of the stories we are working on for Monday’s broadcast of The Early Show. HEALTHWATCH- NEW DEVELOPMENTS IN CANCER RESEARCH- What's the outlook for cancer prevention, screening and treatments in 2009? Deputy Physician-in-Chief at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Dr. Larry Norton will discuss what possible medical developments will occur this new year. NEW YEAR NEW YOU I CAN MAKE YOU THIN - Paul McKenna - began his career as a UK radio host and is now a successful author of several self-help books. Monday, McKenna will chat about recently released book, “I Can Make You Thin” uses psychological techniques that will help you start losing weight. You can use it again and again to make you feel happier about yourself as you go all the way to your ideal shape, size, and weight. OWN YOUR AGE--YOU CAN AGE GRACEFULLY Actress and former MTV veejay, Daisy Fuentes, will talk about and talking about how women should be afraid to get a year or decade older. Daisy Fuentes will give us five sharp insights on how to age gracefully. Author Amy Tan, and tennis star Martina Navratilova will also join us. RELATIONSHIPS 2009 Valuable tips on how to build a great relationship in 2009 and add some pizzazz to your existing ones. ORGANIZING DIGITAL PICTURES CNET's Natalie DelConte gives us some easy tips on how to organize all the digital photos you took over the holidays. Some tips include, getting an external hard drive, and using sites like, Flickr, Picasa, Photobucket and Facebook. ROLLER DERBY Michelle Gielan reports on the resurgence of the roller derby and how women of all ages are having fun and bonding over at the roller rink! Monday we’ll be profiling an all women’s roller-derby team from New Jersey. TRENDS TO LOOK FOR IN 2009 Style Expert, Katrina Szish, will be discussing what style trends are “in” and which ones are "out" for 2009. We’ll take a look at the new jumpsuit and wearable art- silkscreened t-shirts, straight from the coolest artists, like KAWS (the man behind Kanye's new album artwork) and Matt Siren (known for his ubiquitous Ghost Girl image.) We’ll also show you some “statement jewelry”, WOW accessories that will automatically transform any ensemble into something spectacular. SALLY HAWKINS- Golden Globe nominee Sally Hawkins will be in studio Monday to talk about her film "Happy Go Lucky." She has already been named Best Actress from the NY and LA Film Critics. She will also talk about her up-coming projects. If you would like more information on any of these stories or the broadcast, please click on the following address and e-mail us: To Subscribe Click here to subscribe to the Inside Scoop. To Unsubscribe Unsubscribe information is included in each e-mail you receive. Transcripts And VHS Tapes For transcripts of our CBS News broadcasts, please call 1-800-777-TEXT. To order VHS copies, please call 1-800-934-NEWS Comments Please know that we do read all the e-mails that are sent to this newsletter and when appropriate, these e-mails are forwarded to the each of the respective broadcasts. Email us at While we do try to answer each e-mail, please be advised that sometimes we are just not able to. Thank you. Your friends at the Scoop. |
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