Crônica direita de uma guerra "programada, alimentada e vendida como luta pela democracia". Acompanhar a destruição dos vários países desestabilizados com as "Revoluções Regressivas" ajuda-nos a entender melhor o que se passa em África. Toda atenção é mínima, porque se Angola continuar a crescer com o ritmo que assistimos nos últimos cinco anos, cedo estaremos no olho do ciclone.
A título de exemplo, o #Brasil está subindo um ataque (soft/power) sem precedentes desde o fim da ditadura. Infiltração, mobilização e actuação de planos que, se forem bem sucedidos, as consequências serão desastrosas no breve e longo período, no que tange ao contínuo "progresso social" que temos assistido.
No cenário brasileiro certas #ONG's desempenham um papel de extrema importância. Muitos brasileiros descobriram-se "revolucionários" e nem sabem o porque. Muitas famílias estão torcendo pelo total falimento do #Mundial2014 e das Olimpíadas usando as mesmas argumentações que usam os "revolucionários" treinados para "destabilizar" o Brasil. A situação é cada vez mais delicada, e o pior ainda deve chegar: estejam de olho nas próximas eleições.
Thursday, June 19, 2014
#GUERRA EM #SIRIA 2011/2014| Sobre as exportações da Democracia nos nossos dias
Monday, June 18, 2012
Eleições 2012: Abel Chivukuvuku diz que está em Cabinda para dialogar
- Eleições 2012: Abel Chivukuvuku diz que está em Cabinda para dialogar
- Trocas comerciais entre Angola e Brasil excedem USD 1 bilião
- Dia da criança africana: Governador de Luanda recebeu flores e um álbum de desenhos
- Ministros da Justiça e procuradores decidem reactivar o tribunal regional
- África do Sul vira-se para petróleo angolano
Friday, April 8, 2011
Republic of Angola: Ambrósio de Lemos, police Chief Concerned About Illegal Immigration
Cabinda/Angop — The general commissioner of the Angolan National Police (PNA), Ambrósio de Lemos has expressed concern about the illegal immigration, calling for redoubling of mechanism to combat the phenomenon.
The Police general commander expressed this worry Thursday in northern Cabinda province at the opening of meeting that gathered members of Consultative Council of Provincial Command and local Branch Office of Interior Ministry (MINT).
He underlined that the visit to the northern region has to do with the government concern, both central and local, on the illegal immigration recorded in Cabinda.
Ambrósio de Lemos warned that the situation is worrying despite the response by police forces.
He said that the phenomenon brings harmful effects to the country's economic, social and cultural sectors.
The general commander associated the criminality with the illegal immigration.
During his stay in Cabinda province, Ambrósio de Lemos will be informed about the daily operative and public security situation, as well as the organisational and operational state of the local police command.
On Friday, the general commander will visit the border checkpoint of Ema, the station of the border police in Ntó locality and the land aimed at building social houses and police command of Cacongo district.
The delegation of the general commander is comprised by the commissioner in chief Alberto Jorge Antunes "Jojo", commander of the border police, national directors of finance, human resources, logistics and transports, as well as the advisor of the northern police region and other staff.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Libya/Civil War: Republic of Angola Govt against military solution to Libyan crisis
Luanda - Angola's Foreign Affairs Minister, Georges Chikoti, said on Tuesday in Luanda that the Angolan Government defends dialogue for the resolution of the Libyan deadlock instead of a military intervention.
Angolan Foreign Affairs minister,
Georges Chikoti
Speaking to the press about the current international matters, the minister said that any military intervention may contribute to the worsening of the problem..
According to him, this military intervention method may not be considered as a standard to solve problems in Africa.
In addition, the official recalled that the situation started with demonstrations, which were repressed violently by Libyan authorities, a situation that must be slammed by the international community.
He said that with the emergence of armed rebels the country dived in a kind of civil war.
However, the minister defended that it would be better that the Libyan problem should be resolved through peaceful ways with the participation of all different national sides.
George Chikoti thinks that the international community should be more patient to better understand the problems and thus take peaceful measures.
Via | Agencie
Friday, March 11, 2011
Angola Minister:Worried About Oil-Price Impact On World Economy
Houston - The impact that oil prices, currently boosted by unrest in the Middle East, could have on the global economy is concerning, more so as oil markets seem to be well-supplied with crude, Angola's oil minister said Monday.
"We are concerned, we have said that," said Jose Maria Botelho de Vasconcelos, adding that high oil prices not only result in more volatility for a recovering economy, but also in higher costs for oil producers. "A situation like this doesn't satisfy anybody."
In an interview with Dow Jones Newswires ahead of the IHS Cambridge Energy Research Associates meeting here, the minister said that an ideal price for Brent crude would be $90 a barrel. On Monday, Brent for April delivery settled down 0.8% at $115.04 a barrel.
West Texas Intermediate futures in New York rose 1% to $105.44 a barrel, the highest level since Sept. 26, 2008.
Currently, oil producers see the market as "very well supplied," with high levels of inventories, de Vasconcelos said. Unfortunately, instability in the Middle East has prompted speculation in the markets to drive prices up; changes in the value of the U.S. dollar versus the euro have also contributed to an increase in oil prices.
That is why members of the Organization of Oil Exporting Countries don't see the need to call for an extraordinary meeting, the minister said. "The fundamentals of the market are in a good position," he said.
The minister said Angola, a member of OPEC, is producing about 1.7 million barrels of oil per day. The country has a production capacity of two million barrels of oil per day, he said.
-By Angel Gonzalez, Dow Jones Newswires; 713-547-9214;
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