Advertisement  | (CBS) QUOTE OF THE DAY “There are two ways to live yoru life…One is as if nothing is a miracle and the other is as if everything were a miracle.” Albert Einstein DID YOU KNOW? Golfers use an estimated $800 million worth of golf balls annually. TONIGHT ON THE CBS EVENING NEWS Here’s an early look at what we are working on for tonight’s broadcast of The CBS Evening News from Anchor and Managing Editor, Katie Couric Hi everyone. I hope you had a great week. New jobless statistics paint a bleak picture of our economy. The nation's unemployment rate rose last month to its highest level in 16 years: 7.2 percent. It's a clear signal the recession has taken a serious toll on industry over the past year - and the new statistic means that 2.6 million jobs were lost in 2008, the most since 1945. Anthony Mason takes a closer look. Lawmakers in Illinois voted today to impeach disgraced Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich. The vote sets the stage for a trial in the state Senate on whether Blagojevich should be stripped of his powers as governor for corruption. Dean Reynolds has the story and Bob Schieffer will join us with some analysis. Next: The war in Gaza. The battles continue, now that Israel and Hamas have both rejected the UN resolution calling for a ceasefire. Mark Phillips has the latest on the fighting, from the Gaza-Israel border. A new study reveals a shocking statistic. About one in seven American adults - 32 million people - would have trouble reading this page. Seth Doane looks at what's behind this illiteracy problem, and what can be done to teach more people how to read. Finally tonight: It wasn’t too long ago that some “experts” were predicting the stock boom would continue through 2010, with the Dow possibly hitting 40,000! Steve Hartman decided, in light of the financial meltdown, to seek out some of these “not so wise” men to hear their side of the story. Do they regret making those projections? Are they embarrassed? Find out, in tonight’s Assignment America. See you tonight, Katie For more on three of the stories noted above, please click on the following links Ill. House Impeaches Gov. Blagojevich Click Here Dec. Jobless Rate Jumped To 7.2% Click Here Israel, Hamas Defy Calls For Cease-Fire Click Here And here’s an early look at one of the stories we are working on for next week’s broadcast of The CBS Evening News: An Exclusive investigation. Congress passed the bailout to help ease the housing crisis by buying up troubled mortgages. But now the billions are being used for something entirely different. We'll follow the money, next week only on The CBS Evening News. If you would like more information on any of these stories or the broadcast, please click on the following address and e-mail us: THIS WEEKEND ON THE CBS EVENING NEWS SATURDAY: Due to Sports Programming, Priya David anchors a West Coast only edition of the CBS Evening News. In addition to the latest news, here are some of the stories we are working on: Israel/Gaza Correspondents Mark Phillips and Richard Roth report from the Middle East on the continuing invasion of Gaza by Israeli ground, air and naval forces and the efforts to bring a ceasefire to a conflict which so far has claimed around 800 Palestinian lives, including many children. Washington, DC Kimberly Dozier reports that one industry which is not cutting back on jobs is the FBI, which is seeking to hire more people for a variety of jobs than it has have ever done in its history. Las Vegas, Nevada Correspondent Daniel Sieberg reports from Las Vegas on the consumer electronics show where all the latest gizmos and gadgets will be on display. SUNDAY: Due to Sports Programming, Russ Mitchell anchors a West Coast only edition of the CBS Evening News In addition to the latest news, here are some of the stories we are working on: Detroit, MI Business Correspondent ,b>Anthony Mason reports from Detroit on the Detroit Motor Show as the Big Three American car manufacturers look to a future of declining sales and bailouts. But its not just the American companies that are suffering because of the economy - Japanese manufactures have also seen their sales slump. New York, NY Priya David reports from Broadway on the growing number of Broadway shows which are closing due to the economic downturn. Washington, DC Thalia Assuras reports from the nation’s capital as preparations for the inauguration of president-elect Obama on January 20th get underway. If you would like more information on any of these stories or the broadcast, please click on the following address and e-mail us: TONIGHT ON DAVID LETTERMAN Join Dave tonight with Actor, Kiefer Sutherland and Stand-up Comedian, Wendy Liebman! TOMORROW ON THE EARLY SHOW Seth Doane, Erica Hill, anchor Priya David reports the news and Lonnie Quinn brings us the weather. WHERE TO PUT YOUR MONEY IN 2009- Financial expert Ray Martin will join us in our studio Saturday to talk about the best places to invest your money in the New Year. Healthwatch: Depression - Valuable advice on how you can detect depression within yourself and your loved ones. Plus tips on what point you or your loved one should seek professional help. Saturday Bargainista- “Travel Steals for 2009”- Travel expert Barbara Messing will tell you what the travel deals are the best ones to look out for in 2009. Plus some great tips on how you can find travel deals in these tough economic times. Perez Hilton - Celebrity blogger Perez Hilton will talk to Erica Hill about the latest celebrity gossip, his run-ins with the stars and his new book "Red Carpet Suicide." Second Cup Café Phil Vassar - Country singer Phil Vassar will join us to sing from his latest album, "Prayer of a Common Man." Online reputation - Saturday morning we will discuss what rights you have when it comes to the internet and your reputation. We will also discuss ways to improve your online reputation and what people read about you. Oscar Preview - Oscar expert Tom O’Neill will talk to us from the Los Angeles about all the Oscar Buzz and which stars and movies are likely to be nominated. Chef on a Shoestring- Chef Amanda Freitag will give us a winter menu with a low budget of just 30 dollars. We will also kick off a new competition called "How low can you go." Chefs will be challenged to create "thrifty" menus all through the year and the chef who spends the least will become the winner. If you would like more information on any of these stories or the broadcast, please click on the following address and e-mail us: SATURDAY ON 48 HOURS MYSTERY, 10pmET/9CT Here’s a look at what’s coming up on Saturday’s broadcast of 48 Hours VANISHED, Stolen Beauty: In Ocilla, Georgia, thirty-year-old Tara Grinstead was a beloved teacher, a mentor and friend to many of her students, especially when it came to her passion. . . beauty pageants. The students sought her advice, as Tara had been a fixture on the local pageant circuit ever since she was a teenager. But as she matured, Tara refocused her energies on a career in education. Everything was going well. . . until October 22, 2005 when Tara went to a cookout a few blocks from her home. . . and hasn’t been seen since. On our 48 Hours broadcast, the Georgia Bureau of Investigations (GBI) reveals evidence once kept secret -- that could solve this case. As astonishing as it seems that someone could disappear without a trace, exactly three months after Tara disappeared, another young woman, Jennifer Kesse, vanished from her home in Orlando, Florida. By January 2006, Jennifer was just beginning her career as a financial analyst, and seemed to have everything going for her. . . until she vanished without a trace. Over two years later, her family, friends and police are still looking for her. Are the cases related? Could there be a common thread in the investigations? And how did two smart, successful women simply disappear off the face of the earth? Peter Van Sant investigates in this special 48 Hours VANISHED, Stolen Beauty. 48 HOURS MYSTERY airs Saturday at 10pmET/9CT If you would like more information, please click on the following address and e-mail us at: HERE'S WHAT WE HAVE PLANNED FOR SUNDAY MORNING CHARLES OSGOOD ANCHORS FROM NEW YORK GUILT: Most of us feel it, some more than others. Often it happens when we break our diets. Other times we get it when we skip a Sunday visit to our parents. Or maybe it comes over us when we spend an extra hour at the office instead of going home to see the kids. Guilt has so many varieties, it seems almost impossible to avoid. But why must we suffer it at all? Are human beings hard-wired to feel guilt from birth? Or is it something we learn at home, at church, and in society? This Sunday Morning, we’ll take an intimate look at a universal emotion. How much guilt should we feel about feeling so much guilt? Among those weighing in: A therapist, a priest, a rabbi, and a neuroscientist who has charted the brains of his guilt-induced subjects. Seth Doane looks into this most unwelcome of human emotions. SUNDAY ALMANAC: A page from our Sunday Morning Almanac ... January 11th, 1964 . . . 44 years ago. . . a day for clearing the air. AMERICANA: Kansas City has always been a train town...the second busiest in the nation, after Chicago. Railroads became the lifeblood of Kansas City after the first railroad bridge across the Missouri River was built in 1869. So it's fitting that “Art in the Age of Steam,” one of the broadest exhibits ever of railroad-related European and American Art, should be on display at the Nelson Atkins Museum of Art, in Kansas City, Missouri. Museum curator Ian Kennedy shows Rita Braver some of the many railroad inspired paintings on display. And Railroad historian Peter Hansen takes Sunday Morning to Kansas City's “triple crossing,” as well as to the renovated, grand old Union Station. THE BUSH LEGACY: After eight turbulent years, on January 20th, George W. Bush will step down as the 43rd President of the United States. When he leaves the White House, he leaves behind a nation and a world much changed from when he took office. After all the debate over “hanging chads,” the Iraq War, Guantanamo Bay, and the aftermath of hurricane Katrina, it is the historians turn to put it all in perspective. Thalia Assuras takes a look at the legacy of George Bush - how the man and his presidency will look through the long lens of history. MEDIA: It is arguably the biggest day of a young woman’s life. And with a billion-dollar industry built around weddings, couples have endless resources to help them plan their perfect nuptials. Now, Brides, the oldest and most read bridal magazine in the world, is celebrating its 75th anniversary. With Tracy Smith, you're invited to a most memorable event. SUNDAY PROFILE: Glenn Close has built an acclaimed career on stage and screen, garnering some of acting’s most prestigious awards. Anthony Mason speaks with the Emmy award winning actress from the FX series “Damages”. OPINION: Mo Rocca. ELEPHANT POLO: Bill Geist introduces us to the obscure sport of elephant polo, tracking the journey of an American team from the unlikeliest of places - a parking lot in Queens, New York - to the World Elephant Polo Championship in Nepal. NATURE: Winter scenes. If you would like more information on any of these stories or the broadcast, please click on the following address and e-mail us: SUNDAY ON FACE THE NATION BOB SCHIEFFER MODERATES FROM WASHINGTON, D.C. This week CBS News Face the Nation is going to look at two issues. First: The Illinois Senate situation. Friday a special committee in the Illinois House voted to impeach Governor Rod Blagojevich. What will happen to the man he appointed to the U.S. Senate to fill the seat of Barack Obama? We'll ask him. Roland Burris will be our first guest. Then we'll turn to the economy: President Elect Obama is warning that the economy could get much worse if a big stimulus package isn't passed, and soon. How big will it be? How soon will it become legislation? And what, exactly, will it contain? All questions for the Majority Whip of the Senate, Dick Durbin of Illinois, and the Minority Whip of the House, John Boehner. And, of course, a final word…That’s all this Sunday on Face The Nation with Bob Schieffer. SUNDAY ON 60 MINUTES, 7:00PM/6:00PM CT THE PRICE OF OIL -- The historic swings in oil prices last year were the result of financial speculation from Wall Street and not supply and demand, several sources from the financial and oil communities tell Steve Kroft. THE CHAIRMAN - CBS News Correspondent David Martin profiles Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. Mike Mullen. WYCLEF- Wyclef Jean emigrated to the U.S. as a baby and grew up to live the American dream as a millionaire rock star. He’s now using his extraordinary talents and wealth to help his native Haiti. Scott Pelley reports. MONDAY MORNING ON THE EARLY SHOW Julie Chen, Maggie Rodriguez and Russ Mitchell will anchor THE EARLY SHOW from New York. Harry Smith will join us from Los Angeles. Dave Price will bring us the weather. Along with the top news of the day, we will also have the following stories: NEW STIUMLUS PLAN TO HELP UNEMPLOYMENT RATE - As we all know too well these days the amount of unemployed Americans today have reached staggering numbers with the latest percentage rate hitting an all time 16 year high. This week President-Elect Barack Obama unveiled his stimulus plan in an emergency move to try and help jump start the economy. Joining us Monday, will be Jenna Lee from Fox business network to explain how this stimulus plan might help our nation and hopefully bring back employment to America. HARRY ON THE SET OF ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT - Harry will join us live from Los Angeles, on the set of ET, with host and actress Mary Hart to bring you all the highlights from Sunday night’s Golden Globe Awards. Who came with who, the winners, losers, red carpet headlines and much more, from one of the best entertainment shows on television! FINDING LOVE IN 2009 - Who Says You Can't Hurry Love? Author Nicholas Boothman's new book ,How to Make People Like You in 90 Seconds or Less stunned readers and reviewers by proving that you can make someone like you in a matter of seconds. Now, he shows how to recognize and attract the person who's best matched for you, then to create feelings of intimacy and love-all in just an hour and a half. Boothman will join us in the studio to give viewers advice for finding love in 2009! CHEAP GYM MEMBERSHIPS - This time of year, we are all being bombarded with gym membership flyers “join now, no fees, complimentary training, etc.” But are they really worth it? This is the time of year you typically see the deals, but with growth slowing down and with the economy in recession, consumers having much less disposable income and we are seeing more deals than ever before with nearly every gym or club cutting prices to some extent. Vera Gibbons tells us where to find the best gym membership deals and how to get a discount at the gym/clubs that you already belong to! If you would like more information on any of these stories or the broadcast, please click on the following address and e-mail us: To Subscribe Click here to subscribe to the Inside Scoop. To Unsubscribe Unsubscribe information is included in each e-mail you receive. Transcripts And VHS Tapes For transcripts of our CBS News broadcasts, please call 1-800-777-TEXT. To order VHS copies, please call 1-800-934-NEWS Comments Please know that we do read all the e-mails that are sent to this newsletter and when appropriate, these e-mails are forwarded to the each of the respective broadcasts. Email us at While we do try to answer each e-mail, please be advised that sometimes we are just not able to. Thank you. Your friends at the Scoop. |
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