 | In our first story, you may be surprised to learn that thousands of reservists and guardsmen returning from active duty in Iraq or Afghanistan are having trouble with their employers over their jobs, despite a law that protects them. Even the U.S. government, reports correspondent Lesley Stahl, fired a Veterans Administration hospital nurse for being gone too long treating wounded soldiers. But there’s another side to this: private employers, who are adhering to the law and supporting the war effort by employing citizen soldiers, are getting fed up with the costs associated with their absences from work. Says trucking executive Dave Miller, "We have gone and petitioned Congress, in fact, to provide tax incentives for companies to do the right thing for these citizen soldiers." Watch a preview. Next up, there’s a new sheriff in town, only he’s a fake and caused more trouble for a little town in Missouri than the people he arrested. Rural Gerald, Mo., had just five cops and was experiencing an upsurge in drug use. So when “Sgt. Bill” Jakob came to town waving a badge he bought on the Internet and claiming to belong to the “Multi-jurisdictional Narcotics Task Force" – a line straight out of a Eddie Murphy movie – the police and mayor thought their prayers had been answered. Twenty illegal arrests later – some at the point of a shotgun – and “Sgt. Bill” was unmasked, three cops were fired, the town is being sued and Jakob is going to jail. "I’m not stupid…I knew I wasn’t a fed," Jakob tells correspondent Katie Couric. “But, you know, it isn't like I was out robbing people…beating people…I was arresting drug dealers….[but] I didn’t say it was smart." Watch a preview. Then correspondent Scott Pelley reports on people who are completely paralyzed due to illness or trauma who are getting help communicating with a remarkable new technology that connects their brains to a computer. In the future, brain computer interface, or BCI, may even restore movement to paralyzed people and allow amputees to move bionic limbs. Watch a preview. These stories, and Andy Rooney's litany of presidential losers, on this Sunday’s 60 Minutes, Nov. 2, at 7 p.m. ET/PT. |
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