Advertisement  | (CBS) QUOTE OF THE DAY "Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved. " - Helen Keller DID YOU KNOW? A bibliophile is a collector of rare books. A bibliopole is a seller of rare books. TONIGHT ON THE CBS EVENING NEWS Here’s an early look at one of the stories we are working on for tonight’s broadcast from Anchor and Managing Editor, Katie Couric Hi everyone, The long marathon of Campaign ’08 has now become a sprint to Election Day. And each candidate plans to visit seven - yes SEVEN - states in the remaining four days. Barack Obama is keeping his focus on the economy as he tries to widen his lead in the polls. Dean Reynolds has the latest on the Obama campaign. Meanwhile, John McCain is pouring money into a last round of TV ads in a final push. And he received help on the campaign trail in Ohio this morning from former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani. Chip Reid has more from the trail. If the enormous lines that have formed at early-voting stations across the country are any indication, this election could have a record turnout. But the question is: Can the system - both man and machine - handle it? Armen Keteyian investigates. As part of our close look at the key swing states, Jeff Greenfield ventured to New Mexico, the state that calls itself The Land of Enchantment. But Jeff gives it a new moniker: "The land of the photo finish." He'll explain, tonight. Finally, for this week's Assignment America, Steve Hartman takes our cameras along on his search for … The Great Pumpkin. You won't want to miss what he found. Also … the big night is nearing, and I hope you'll join us for our special Election Night broadcast. We'll be live all Tuesday evening to give you up-to-the minute results from the CBS News Polling Unit. And keep the coffee handy - we'll be following our coverage with a special 2 a.m. Webcast that you can watch right here Click Here or at our partner in digital coverage, Have a great weekend! Katie For more on two of the stories noted above, please click on the following links Obama: McCain Will Close With Attacks Click Here McCain To Pour Money Into Final TV Ads Click Here Katie Couric’s Election Night Webcast Click Here Here’s an early look at one of the stories we are working on for Monday’s broadcast of The CBS Evening News As the nation prepares to elect a new President, we'll have extensive coverage including the latest polls....the closest races....and expert analysis from Bob Schieffer and Jeff Greenfield. Don't miss our jam-packed Election Eve edition..Monday night only on the CBS EVENING NEWS. If you would like more information on any of these stories or the broadcast, please click on the following address and e-mail us: THIS WEEKEND ON THE CBS EVENING NEWS JEFF GLOR ANCHORS A WEST COAST ONLY BROADCAST DUE TO SPORTS PROGRAMMING Along with the news of the day, we’ll also have these features EUROPEAN FALLOUT EuroEcon...It's all in the timing. Europe's biggest urban mall opened this week in London but the current economic times do not bode well for its stores and the UK in general. And the economic pain is not just in Western Europe. Mark Phillips reports on how it’s spreading eastwards. ABORTION INITIATIVE Colorado voters this November will be deciding whether or not they agree that, legally speaking, life begins at conception. That’s the thrust of an anti-abortion “personhood” amendment to the state constitution. Colorado’s is the most novel of the three anti-abortion ballot measures this year - the others are in South Dakota and California. Jeff Glor reports. SUNDAY ON THE CBS EVENING NEWS… Along with the news of the day, we’ll also have these features RUSS MITCHELL ANCHORS FROM NEW YORK AUTO BAILOUT Today the treasury turned down the GM/ Chrysler request to help fund a merger between the two ailing automotive behemoths. Many analysts say it was a bad deal to begin with but what will happen to the industry now, which ripples out 2 million plus jobs, and effects steel, plastic, electronics and another dozen industries across the country, Governor Jennifer Granholm of Michigan will weigh in on why government support for the industry is a good investment and critical right now. Michelle Miller reports BELT-TIGHTENING Political cartoonists have new subjects this election cycle. After 8 years of drawing President Bush, how are they feeling about having a new target in either John McCain or Barack Obama? Mark Strassmann talks to a couple of prominent cartoonists about the challenges. If you would like more information on any of these stories or the broadcast, please click on the following address and e-mail us: TONIGHT ON DAVID LETTERMAN Join Dave tonight with Actress Marcia Cross and writer Alan Zweibel… Plus musical guest George Clinton! TOMORROW ON THE EARLY SHOW Chris Wragge, Erica Hill, Priya David and Lonnie Quinn with the weather. The Youth Vote What are young voters thinking in the final days of the campaign, and will they turn out in record numbers? HealthWatch: Belly Fat In a Prevention Magazine survey, 67% of women cited their tummies as their least favorite body part . That jiggly belly fat can increase the risk of heart disease, diabetes and even dementia. The editors of Prevention have found the science that, they say, can help end the scourge of belly fat. Editor-in Chief Liz Vacariello explains. How to Say 'No' to Your Teens We'll hear the money concerns of parents and kids who are having to cut back in these tough economic times, and get some guidance on setting financial boundaries that families can live with. Fall Back Daylight Saving Time ends this weekend, but it can be a tedious task to re-set all of your clocks, watches and electronic devices. Natali Del Conte of CNET will show us a few shortcuts. Cross-Party Dating He's a Republican, she's a Democrat -- can a cross-party couple keep the peace heading into Election Day, when one of them is bound to be disappointed? We'll ask our relationship experts. Second Cup Cafe Singer / songwriter Dana Parish perfoms songs from her new CD, Uncrushed. The Big Apple Circus brings its amazing jugglers to our plaza. Holiday Makeup: Carmindy the makeup artist who works wonders on TLC's What Not To Wear, will demonstrate holiday party looks that any woman, at any age, can easily do herself. Chef on a Shoestring: Election Edition - Grace Parisi Food and Wine Magazine's senior recipe developer, will have a party menu filled with small plates that are perfect for an election night get-together. If you would like more information on any of these stories or the broadcast, please click on the following address and e-mail us: SATURDAY ON 48 HOURS MYSTERY, 10pmET/9CT Here’s a preview from Peter Van Sant about this Saturday’s 48 HOURS MYSTERY: Money on Horsehoe Bay A millionaire’s outrageous sex life may have led to his gruesome murder - on 48 HOURS MYSTERY, Blood and Money on Horseshoe Bay which airs Saturday, November, 1st. Charlie White was a larger than life Texas millionaire who loved the Mavericks, the Dallas Cowboys, his private jet, skiing, golf… and women. Friends describe White as ambitious, bold and brash. He had a zest for life and an unbridled passion for women, who he would fly around the country in his private jet. But White’s enemies describe him in less than glowing terms. They say he had a dangerous mean streak - living life on a razor’s edge, sharpened by arrogance, alcohol and prostitutes. So when police were called to White’s lakeside mansion in 2005, they were shocked by the gruesome scene. They discovered that the millionaire had been mercilessly beaten - and an extension cord had been wrapped around his neck several times. But who would have committed such a crime? And could White’s risky lifestyle have had anything to do with his murder? Peter Van Sant has the story. And thanks for watching 48 HOURS MYSTERY on CBS Peter Van Sant If you would like more information, please click on the following address and e-mail us at: HERE'S WHAT WE HAVE PLANNED FOR SUNDAY MORNING CHARLES OSGOOD ANCHORS FROM NEW YORK PATRIOTISM From flag lapel pins to the flag itself, what exactly does it mean to be patriotic in America these days? And how does the concept of national pride play out in presidential elections, past and present? Is patriotism still a virtue, or in an age of extreme partisanship, has the term been relegated to punch lines in political speeches? We’ll visit the National Museum of Patriotism in Atlanta, where the American flag is on proud display, and where historical figures from Ronald Reagan to Rosa Parks are given special honor. We’ll also hear from two professors who claim that patriotism is actually destructive of democracy. And we’ll sit down with a pundit who has studied the distinct differences between the patriotism of liberals…and that of conservatives. As we prepare to choose our country’s next leader, first we’ll try to determine how to show our love for the country that he’ll lead. CHANEL BAG Tracy Smith visits the Zaha Hadid designed Chanel Mobile Art Container in Central Park. The temporary structure, made up of 700 pieces of fiberglass, houses 20 works of art inspired by Chanel’s iconic 2.55 hand bag, named after the year and date it was created by Coca Chanel. The project, which is free to the public, has already traveled to Hong Kong and Tokyo. It will head for London, Moscow and Paris after leaving New York next Sunday. HITCHCOCK Seth Doane looks back at the “suspense -thriller” genre created by filmmaker Alfred Hitchcock that still defines horror movies to this day. TWO DAYS AND COUNTING: CAMPAIGN ’08 What does it take to become President of the United States? How about 2.4 billion dollars? This has been the most expensive presidential race in history. A huge portion of that money has been spent on advertising, as anyone who watches television in a battleground state can attest. Obama has outspent McCain two to one on ads. “Obama has become a major brand at this point,” says Evan Tracey, CEO of the Campaign Media Analysis Group. A USA Today/Gallup poll this week finds Americans think too much money is being spent on the campaign. But University of Wisconsin Political Science Professor John Coleman says there may be some benefits. “More money in campaigns almost always has a positive effect. People get more involved. People are more informed... We don’t see voters staying home where there is huge spending.” This Sunday Morning Correspondent Rita Braver takes a look at the numbers… WHAT TO LOOK FOR CBS News Political Correspondent Jeff Greenfield tells viewers what to look for on election night. What you’ll know, and when you’ll know it, when the polls close, state by state. BILL O’REILLY Harry Smith sits down with controversial television host Bill O’Reilly to discuss politics, television and his recently released memoir. DOGGED PURSUIT: Bill Geist sets out on the campaign trail to Rabbit Hash, where he’s found a mayoral race that literally could go to a dog…or a host of other four-legged candidates. If you would like more information on any of these stories or the broadcast, please click on the following address and e-mail us: SUNDAY ON FACE THE NATION BOB SCHIEFFER MODERATES FROM CBS NEWS ELECTION HEADQUARTERS IN NEW YORK CITY This Sunday on Face the Nation, only days before the Presidential Election, we'll talk to top advisors to both campaigns. Senator Lindsey Graham, one of Senator McCain's top advisors will join us, as will David Axelrod, Senator Obama's Chief Strategist. What is the path to victory for each campaign? We'll ask them. Then we'll turn to the highly contested Senate Races across the country and talk with the men running those races for each party: for the Democrats, Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, for the Republicans, John Ensign of Nevada. There will be, as always, a final word. That's all on Face the Nation, this Sunday. SUNDAY ON 60 MINUTES, 7:00PM/6:00PM CT COMING HOME Citizen soldiers returning from active military duty are entitled by law to get back their old jobs or at least the same salaries. But as Lesley Stahl reports, many National Guard and Reservist vets are having trouble despite the law and now employers say the law is putting an excessive financial burden on their businesses. BRAIN POWER People who are completely paralyzed due to illness or trauma are getting help communicating with a new technology that connects their brains to a computer. In the future, brain computer interface, or BCI, may restore movement to paralyzed people and allow amputees to move bionic limbs. Scott Pelley reports. SERGEANT BILL Waving a badge he bought on the Internet and claiming to belong to the “Multi-jurisdictional Narcotics Task Force,” Bill Jakob fooled a small town’s officials into granting him the authority of a law enforcement officer. Katie Couric reports. MONDAY MORNING ON THE EARLY SHOW Julie Chen, Maggie Rodriguez, Harry Smith, Russ Mitchell will anchor the EARLY SHOW from New York. Dave Price will bring us the weather. Along with the top news of the day, we are currently working on the following stories: CAMPAIGN ANALYSIS WITH BOB SCHIEFFER - Monday, we will speak to top surrogates from both campaigns, and get insight from Face the Nation host Bob Schieffer about the latest poll results as well as what to expect from election day. WALL STREET BONUSES - Wall Street's chief executives will hunker down and pay bonuses this year in the face of the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, a taxpayer bailout and mounting political outcry, industry veterans say. 5 WAYS TO PROTECT YOUR VOTE - November 4 could go down in the history books…and if you want to make sure your voice gets heard and your vote counts, there ARE a number of important steps you should take before heading out to the polls. We’ll tell you all the DO’S and DON’TS you should know, along with 5 easy ways to protect your vote this election day. PARIS FASHION ON THE CHEAP- Julie is back from her unknown destination trip to the beautiful city of Paris. She showed us some amazing French fashion, and even brought some back into the states! Want to know how you can look like a Parisian style icon, on the cheap? We’ll show you where to find some great deals on chic designer clothing. GETTING YOUR GARDEN READY FOR WINTER - Winter is descending on all of it's time to ready your life for winter. This week on the Early Show we are going to be showing you ways to protect your life from winter's elements. And Monday, we will have Kate Karam from Cottage Living to show us what you can do for your garden to protect it from the cold. POP STAR PINK PERFORMS - Pop Superstar Pink sings one of her newest singles…and chats with us about her upcoming international tour! If you would like more information on any of these stories or the broadcast, please click on the following address and e-mail us: To Subscribe Click here to subscribe to the Inside Scoop. To Unsubscribe Unsubscribe information is included in each e-mail you receive. Transcripts And VHS Tapes For transcripts of our CBS News broadcasts, please call 1-800-777-TEXT. To order VHS copies, please call 1-800-934-NEWS Comments Please know that we do read all the e-mails that are sent to this newsletter and when appropriate, these e-mails are forwarded to the each of the respective broadcasts. Email us at While we do try to answer each e-mail, please be advised that sometimes we are just not able to. Thank you. Your friends at the Scoop. |
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