Today I'd like to share some of your comments in reaction to my recent blog entries, on a wide range of issues affecting pets, farm animals, and wildlife. The first comment came after I posted my blog on the use of taxpayer dollars to stock tame pheasants for sport hunting:
Thank you for this post. I'm a lifelong Illinois resident and had no idea my tax dollars had been going to this type of operation. I'm also going to keep this in my records for when hunters talk about killing animals to prevent them from starving to death.—Tracy
In response to the video of Sarah Palin's interview while a turkey was slaughtered in the background:
Palin's behavior on this video is indicative of so many people in this and other countries—people who have not woken up to the fact that animals such as turkeys and pigs and cows and chickens and horses should enjoy the same basic protections as humans. Why is cruelty to animals allowed but cruelty to humans punishable by law? Why are puppy mills and rodeos and circus acts and dog racing legal? We all need to wake up and change the way we see and treat animals—if only for the fact that if an individual can accept or partake in cruelty to animals, they just might have it in them to do the same to people. I have a letter out to Palin as we speak. I am praying she doesn't become any more powerful than she is today.—Michael B.
In response to the investigation revealing that Petland retail stores support puppy mills:
I too have asked the employees and managers of the Petland store here in my area if their puppies come from breeding mothers at puppy mills and they all told me the same thing, that they absolutely do not get their puppies from puppy mills, but from reputable breeders. The HSUS puppy mill/Petland investigation once and for all puts those doubts to rest for sure! We're doing our part here in Plano to educate the citizens about a veterinarian who works with Petland. The vet's wife told me that they don't like their names thrown around on the street. I told her, "Well, we don't like dogs suffering in cages breeding over and over for pet shops either!" I'm keeping the faith that not only more laws will change for the breeding mothers at puppy mills, but that consumers will realize they have the power to end this atrocity as well.—Pamela B.
THANK YOU for uncovering and documenting this abuse. I have contacted my local Petland store plus corporate office on this matter. As a volunteer humane educator I try to educate people of all ages on this epidemic. Great job HSUS...keep it up!!!!—Helene
In response to President-elect Obama's desire to adopt a shelter dog and his participation in Jana Kohl's book, A Rare Breed of Love:
You cannot imagine how happy I am to see President Obama with a little poodle rescued from a puppy mill. I have been voicing my outrage so often to the governors of different states and I am deeply disturbed that puppy mills still exist. I am so happy to know that Barack Obama may finally do something about this terrible and inhumane problem. I am so happy to learn that he is very much aware of this. He is our best hope to put an end to all the suffering of all these beautiful dogs.—Elisabeth S.
Thank you all for submitting these comments, and please keep the feedback coming. If you have a question or comment and would like to join the conversation, please send me an email.

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