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Dear Reader, Over the past few weeks, I've been reflecting -- feeling very hopeful about our country's new political possibilities, while also being fearful for the future. I bet you have too. Just when each of us should be feeling ecstatic that a dark, 8-year period of corruption, greed and arrogance is about to end, we are also all feeling uncertain and financially distressed because of the unprecedented global economic crash. We're definitely feeling the split here at AlterNet. In many ways, 2008 was a banner year for us. We were a major player in crushing the right wing. We smashed every one of our visitor records, attracting a whopping 35 million readers. And we drew almost a million visitors during election week alone! We are about to embark on the journey to transform American politics -- with you and millions of other global citizens. But just as we're taking the first steps, we suddenly find our future in jeopardy because of the economic meltdown. Will you make a contribution right now to secure AlterNet's future? As Charles Dickens famously wrote, "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times; it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness ..." Penned more than a century ago, these words are suddenly relevant again. In many ways, 2008 has been the "best of times" for AlterNet. We published 4,200 stories, 3,750 blogs, and 1,050 videos. We joined forces with other progressive media sources to deliver in-depth coverage on key issues: the environment, health care, Iraq, the economy, human rights, and more. Together, we all helped usher in a new era of possibility in America. But now AlterNet has already been forced to cut $200,000 from next year's budget. A number of the foundations that have generously supported our operations for years are seeing their funds shrink dramatically. That means we need to find new ways to stay up and running to keep delivering high-quality, hard-hitting news and analysis to millions of people every week. Will you come to our rescue? The Hard Work Ahead As Obama said in his acceptance speech, "This victory alone is not the change we seek. It is only the chance for us to make that change." And a big part of the challenge will be to work hard to make sure that change comes. For all of us to come this far only to lose the hard work of the last 10 years would be a disgrace. That's why the first four years of the Obama administration demand a strong, progressive media. It is important to keep in mind that the right wing is not going away. In fact, they are now operating under the belief that what doesn't kill them will only make them stronger! Sarah Palin is traveling around the country, saying outlandish things to large and appreciative audiences. To counter this, we need to make sure the voices of the independent and progressive media are loud, strong, and clear. Yes, money's low and belts are tight, but now more than ever we need your help to keep the momentum rolling as the tide turns in our favor. We are all proud of the things we have accomplished, but we must keep in mind all those things that we have yet to do. Only together can we make sure that we have a voice strong enough to reclaim our country.Can we count on you to step up and support AlterNet at this very crucial moment? My best,
P.S. For many years, AlterNet has been a financially stable organization. But that reality has changed, and we are counting on you to answer our call for help. We are aiming to raise $90,000 in our year-end campaign to help stave off layoffs and ensure that we will be able to continue producing the quality content millions depend upon. Make a commitment to AlterNet's future with a monthly gift of $10 or more, and we will send you a copy of "The Best of AlterNet 2008." Click here to become an AlterNet sustainer.
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