Racists React to Obama Victory

Nov 13th 2008 9:40AM
Filed Under:eRepublicans, Barack Obama, Featured Stories, Crime, Race

That said, just as many of us can feel proud of a country so enlightened that its majority can elect a minority to the highest office of the land, we must not shy away from the uncomfortable fact that a significant number of Americans dislike Obama based, first and foremost, on the color of his skin. By the way, that's not the same as claiming that if you criticize Obama you are, by definition, a racist. I'm talking about that proud band of citizenry who'll tell you openly of their disdain and fear of darker skin tones.
Now that the rush of excitement is starting to wane, a spate of media stories is shedding light on those people who wish history had not been made, would never be made, when it comes to black equality. So then, via Editor & Publisher, here's a rogues round-up. An up-to-the-minute cataloging of that which we all know is out there, alive and well.
1. Yesterday, Tommy Christopher detailed the story of a bus load of Idaho elementary school tots chanting "Assassinate Obama! Assassinate Obama!"
2. In a suburb of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, a high school teacher's aide berated a bi-racial 16-year-old Obama supporter, with the following predictions:
"...[the aide] said that Obama was going to be shot and killed," Mara Gilligan told KDKA News. " And that our flag is going to be the KFC [Kentucky Fried Chicken] flag and that the new national anthem will be 'Moving On Up'--and that all my daughter's beliefs were wrong and her children's lives were going to be ruined because Obama was elected."
3. The Associated Press reports several cars in Long Island, New York, vandalized with anti-Obama messages, including promises to kill the president-elect.
4. At North Carolina State University, four students face expulsion for spay painting the phrases, "Let's shoot that (N-word) in the head" and "Hang Obama by a noose."
5. In Texas, Baylor University students awoke the morning after Obama's victory to find a noose hanging from a tree in front of Morrison Hall.
6. In Maine, several black figures were found hanging from nooses on Mount Desert Island the day after Obama won.
7. California vandals went on a spray painting binge in Torrance, targeting cars with Obama bumper stickers. On one house the words "Go Back to Africa" were inscribed.
8. Of course, we all know of the Tennessee skinhead plot to kill random African Americans, and, with a wing and a prayer, Obama himself.
9. In Pennsylvania's Apolacon Township, situated in an area known for KKK activity, an interracial couple looked out their front window to find the remnants of a burned cross.
10. Two men in the ironically named Friendsville, Pennsylvania were arrested for "racial intimidation and trespassing."
These are but ten incidents. Thankfully, none resulted in physical violence. If you have your own incidents to report, we'd like to hear about them in the comment section.
Recent Comments
(Page 1 of 10)David9:53AMNov 13th 2008
Why are you maligning the these people in the picture? It is unbelievably insulting that you are implying that many of McCains voters were simply racists! Barack is not qualified. Period. I did not vote for either of the main candidates. I am not a racist for failing to vote for Obama. How bout looking at the many black Americans and the many white Americans who voted for Obama largely because he is black, and attractive?
bob9:54AMNov 13th 2008
By the way, that's not the same as claiming that if you dislike Obama you are, by definition, a racist.
You may have not made that claim but I've seen it said here plenty of times in the comments on these blogs (along with the other types of comments you mentioned).
Some people didn't vote for Obama because he's an african American, there's no doubt about that. But there are also many (possibly just as many) who voted for him precisely because he is an african American.
Somehow we always manage to find the crackers and hicks who spout off like idiots. I'd be more than happy to direct anyone who is interested to areas where you can find their counterparts. I spend a good amount of my time working in them daily.
Until we start to accept and admit that this a two way street, it will never have a chance of being resolved.
hayleigh10:13AMNov 13th 2008
the first African American president of the United States......that is so untrue...you say hes the first african american president..hes not even that his mom is white and his dad is muslim black so he is a mutt like he said so it should say hes the first half breed to run our country......
JVZaccaro10:29AMNov 13th 2008
Exodus - Chapter 2, The Preparation
On the third day of Preparation, the Beloved One surrounded Himself, once again, with Scribes and Scholars. They counseled Him and advised that many of His earlier commitments should be withdrawn. They reminded Him, the Nation's finances are in great peril and promises to assist those in need are likely to fall short. The Beloved One listened and pondered what He should do and what He must tell His people. After a period of reflection, He instructed His crier to temper earlier announcements. Henceforth, certain pledges shall be known as "goals", obligations shall be "objectives" and undesired aliens shall be known as "foreigners seeking asylum." As all skilled orators know, covenants are not "just words." Words have meaning and, at times, they must be "adjusted." Yes, it has been a long road, and the Beloved One has learned His lessons well.
Exodus Chapter 2, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 9
brigittepj10:34AMNov 13th 2008
My son was coming home from work Tuesday evening when a black man pulled up behind him and began blowing his horn. When my son looked in the rearview mirror the man was shooting birds and screaming something. My son tried to ignore him but when they got to a traffic light, the man pulled really close onto his bumper and began revving his engine. Not wanting to bring him home, my son pulled off onto a side road and tried to lose him to no avail. Finally, he turned around at a school with the man still following, screaming and shooting birds. My son headed home and called on his cell phone to tell me what was happening. I told him to come home immediately and I would meet him outside with my gun. The man must have become wary when he saw my son using the phone because he went straight when my son turned in to our neighborhood.
Why did this happen? Well, could it be because my son had a McCain/Palin sticker on his rear windshield? I'd say, yes.
Racism is a two-way street. Why don't you write a balanced article? I could give you hundreds of stories of attacks by Obama's thugs on people simply minding their own business.
tommylynnmoore10:35AMNov 13th 2008
I am a vietnam vet. just like McCain, but McCain is a repucblican, and look what shape we are in. A change had to be made. Yes i,m black, but i,m not stupid because i voted democrat. I would have voted for that palin woman if obama had been on Bush side like McCain. We vietnam vets stick together, but business is business. And as far as race goes , ive seen it all. I was on my way to vietnam to fight for this country, and wasn,t allowed to enter a restaurant in louisanna, and i was with 5 more white soldiers, (who wanted to tear up the stupid place) and we was in our uniforms. I am a infantry man 11bravo and i,m still proud of my country. And i,m proud of Obama because even though we wasn,t allowed to read, we still read, we wasn,t allowed to vote, we
still vote, iwasn,t allowed to eat i still ate, we sure wasn,t supposed to be the President But look at GOD. America whats for us is for us, SO GET OVER IT CAUSE GOD HAS DONE HIS THING.
mike10:37AMNov 13th 2008
Anything a white says about a black is racist. A black no matter what they say is ok.
Lin10:37AMNov 13th 2008
You know he will probably go down as one of the greatest presidents ever. You should have seen what they said about Abraham Lincoln? That is no excuse for ignorance.
ssmithlg10:39AMNov 13th 2008
The Dems have been acting the SAME WAY toward Bush and Cheney for the past 7 YEARS. 97% of Blacks voted for Obama, I would call THAT Racist. Welcome to the "New Amerika" Comrades.
republicangirl10:40AMNov 13th 2008
I was looking over the states where these incidents happened...only a couple of incidents in the "RED" states (Tenn. & Texas) where all of us ignorant southerners live...hmmmmmm.
conundrum9878910:40AMNov 13th 2008
mike10:37AMNov 13th 2008
Anything a white says about a black is racist. A black no matter what they say is ok.
"a white" "a black" and what schooling system were you from?
james10:43AMNov 13th 2008
i believe we all new this would happen if Obama was elected. if it were Clinton these same people would be bitching that a women was in charge. the real problem is that we all need to realize that it is a select few. even in the small town i grew up in, at 15 years old someone afford me a chance to join a white supremacy group. it is just the way some people are. but the same claims have been made against other presidents and some were assassinated. i voted Obama because i cant afford another Bush in office.
val10:43AMNov 13th 2008
I soooo agree with this one
hayleigh10:13AMNov 13th 2008
the first African American president of the United States......that is so untrue...you say hes the first african american president..hes not even that his mom is white and his dad is muslim black so he is a mutt like he said so it should say hes the first half breed to run our country......except where she refers to Obama as a mutt half breed like he is a dog which I found very disrespectful to him not as a President but,as a human being.Maybe she should trace her ancestory and she would probabl find she is a "mutt" also We only know what our parents tell us unless we do the research on our family history
conundrum9878910:44AMNov 13th 2008
he said it right "take a look in this comments section" All those racists swear up and down that they aren't racists at all...living in denial. Pathetic really.
Harry Ippolito10:45AMNov 13th 2008
I did not vote for Obama for the simple reason that he is not qualifyed.....not because he is black.
THOSE THAT VOTED FOR HIM BECAUSE HE IS BLACK OR THOSE THAT DID NOT VOTE FOR HIM BECAUSE HE IS BLACK ARE THE IDIOTS OF AMERICA. The only reason to vote for anyone is their qualifications. Any other reason is un-American and shows pure and simple ignorance.
jenn10:45AMNov 13th 2008
All of you talking about our President elect (who won not only the landslide electoral votes, but also the popular vote) in a negative, slanderous manner should be ashamed of yourselves.
Who cares what the hell color he is as long as he helps the major issues going on in this country. Be happy that so many people believed in someone who would think about us first instead of their own interests.
These scenarios of racial slurs against anyone disgust me. It's appalling, disgraceful, and completely uncalled for.
Get over it.
Dave10:46AMNov 13th 2008
a black man just won the presidency. Yet, the left wing still wants to wallow in "racism" of america. What will it take?????
NoBama10:46AMNov 13th 2008
Alot of people have not looked at the fact that you can ask alot of the colored people who voted that they voted for him because of his color only. #1 he is not full black, he is mixed,
#2 he is not qualified
#3 he wants to change things quickly
Why would you want someone to guide and represent our country that is not qualified, yeah pull the troops, tell the people we are fighting we are a country who will run and not fight. You people wait, you will see worse times then we have right now.
d.10:46AMNov 13th 2008
Obama won and is will be the President of the United States. People need to get over it and find something constructive and productive to do with their lives.
emilycmatos10:46AMNov 13th 2008
Despite the election of the first Black president racism obviously still exists in the US, which is evident in this article and the comments written below.
The author stated, "By the way, that's not the same as claiming that if you criticize Obama you are, by definition, a racist." Of course, just because you don't like Obama that doesn't mean you're a racist. However, people who commit hate crimes and say they are "afraid" of Obama are without a doubt harboring racist feelings.
I know that in the end, the naysayers and the racists will be proved wrong. They will see that Obama is the best thing to happen to our country and will better us in domestic AND foreign affairs.
Let's get back to what America really is - a place of freedom and prosperity for ALL (not just white people)!!!!
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