Readers joined us in celebrating the Election Day victories for animal protection, and looking toward the challenges ahead. I want to express my thanks to all of you who supported humane candidates for office, contacted your friends about the animal protection ballot measures, and helped to put animal issues on the political map this election season. Here are some of your comments.
AMAZING!!!! This is so historic! I'm so glad. I hope this brings monumental change for animals!! No more backward policies on animal welfare and the environment! :) How exciting! —Sara N.
This is truly amazing. Thank you to HSLF for all the time, expertise, and good heart you espoused on behalf of farm animals. I was worried for a bit, but now the egg industry knows it doesn't have the upper hand like it thought it did. Millions of people were educated about animal cruelty, and Prop 2 gave them a reason to do something to change it. Let's hope this is the beginning of a realization of the work we can achieve when we stand against cruelty. —Daniela
I am pleased that the long-suffering animals are finally getting a "voice" in Congress. To all who participated by voting, e-mailing friends, knocking on doors, or handing out literature in support of animals I offer my sincerest thanks and say CONGRATULATIONS on a job well done. Keep up the good work. —George D.
I can't believe the people who are out of joint about HSLF recommending certain candidates based on their voting record for animal causes. I appreciate the information and no one held a gun to my head at the polls. How else would we know the candidates' positions so we could factor it in with the other factors when considering our vote? —Barbara
This is a big day for animal rights! It just goes to show that when people of a like mind band together, advocate for animals, and lobby their politicians, animal rights can go forward. Now it has to be instituted. There's a lot more animal legislation that needs to be on future election ballots, banning animal experimentation, ending horse slaughter, etc. This is a good beginning! Thanks HSLF! —Cynthia S.
I'm embarrassed to say that after so many years as an animal advocate the "Humane Scorecard" blog was my eye opener to the importance of voting humanely. I should have read the scorecard before voting, but I have been very set in my ways until now so I ignored it. From now on my votes will go to the candidates with the highest scores on animal welfare, no matter the party. I can now see that there are two sides to being an effective animal advocate. Not only must we raise awareness of animal issues, but we must also be dedicated in educating ourselves via the HSLF legislative scorecard on the candidates who best serve the needs of the animals. It all sounds so simple now and I've seen the legislative scorecard a million times, but until this election and this blog it just didn't sink in. —PJB
I would like to thank the HSLF for offering insight into the candidates and issues for the 2008 election. Sadly, it can be difficult to find clear information on a candidate's record toward animals. A person's views toward animals and hunting, especially an elected official, speaks to their compassion, integrity, respect for life or aggression, intolerance and manifest hostility. Thank you for providing this helpful information. —Kathy N.
I am thrilled at the outcome of several elections on Nov. 4th. It goes to show that protecting animals is of utmost concern to many informed Americans. —Carol R.

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