Advertisement  | (CBS) QUOTE OF THE DAY ”The walking of Man is falling forwards.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson DID YOU KNOW? Per capita, the Irish eat more chocolate than Americans, Swedes, Danes, French, and Italians. TONIGHT ON THE CBS EVENING NEWS Here’s an early look at what we are working on for tonight’s broadcast of The CBS Evening News from Early Show and Saturday Evening News Anchor, Russ Mitchell,in for Anchor and Managing Editor, Katie Couric, who is on assignment Good afternoon everyone. I hope you had a great week. This is Russ Mitchell filling in for Katie. A roaring wildfire has wiped out more than 100 homes in a wealthy enclave of Santa Barbara County, California. Thousands have fled as firefighters say the Santa Ana winds have left them helpless to battle the flames. Today Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger declared a state of emergency. Ben Tracy is there with the very latest. Also tonight, we'll have a slate of reports on the state of our economy - and none gives a silver lining to the dark clouds. First, retail sales from last month plunged by a record amount, and this holiday shopping season is shaping up as the worst since after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Sandra Hughes has that story, followed by Sharyl Attkisson's report of how legislators pummeled the Treasury Department's top man in the bailout. As President-elect Barack Obama's team takes shape, is Hillary Clinton getting a key job in the new cabinet? Chip Reid has the story. Next: As a candidate, Obama vowed to close the prison for terrorists at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Now, his transition team is already looking at options. But, as David Martin explains, this campaign promise may be extremely difficult to fulfill. Finally tonight, a story that might just make you want to get up off the couch and cut a rug. It's one woman's tale of a lifetime of dreaming of … then finally finding the perfect dance partner at the age of 87. And, by the way … she’s still hitting the dance floor at 93! You won't want to miss, Steve Hartman's Assignment America. Have a great weekend, Russ For more on two of the stories noted above, please click on the following links Wildfire Burns 100 Homes, Dorm In Calif. Click Here U.S. Retail Sales Take Record Plunge Click Here Here’s an early look at one of the stories we are working on for next week's broadcast of The CBS Evening News Students can go online for detailed instructions on how to cheat and get away with it in school. And you won't believe some of the other bad lessons they're getting over the internet. Don't miss this special series, beginning next week only on THE CBS EVENING NEWS. If you would like more information on any of these stories or the broadcast, please click on the following address and e-mail us: THIS WEEKEND ON THE CBS EVENING NEWS ON THE SATURDAY EVENING NEWS DUE TO SPORTS PROGRAMMING, JEFF GLOR ANCHORS A WEST COAST ONLY BROADCAST, FROM NEW YORK. Along with the news of the day, we’ll also have these features PROPOSITION 8 PROTESTS Gay rights groups have rallies planned around the country Saturday. In addition, there are plans to boycott certain businesses that supported the ban on gay marriages. While the proponents of gay rights have gotten more aggressive recently, Bill Whitaker will explain why both sides are concerned the tactics will backfire. REALITY CHECK The Big Three automakers are struggling to stay afloat and many are predicting the demise of the U.S. auto industry and the U.S. economy unless they receive an economic bailout to save an estimated 3 million jobs. But is the consolidation of the auto industry actually a bad thing and with foreign automakers increasing their economic footprint and market share will the sky fall or just get cloudy? Priya David reports. DUE TO SPORTS PROGRAMMING, RUSS MITCHELL ANCHORS A WEST COAST ONLY BROADCAST OF THE SUNDAY EVENING NEWS… Along with the news of the day, we’ll also have these features TROUBLED CITIES The downturn in the nation’s economy has cities dealing with a triple decline in revenues - from income taxes, from sales taxes, and now, from property taxes due to declining home values. Cities are cutting back on spending and appealing to the federal government to shore up investment in infrastructure, unemployment benefits, Medicaid, and food stamps. Some mayors are even asking the Treasury for a slice of the bailout pie. Bianca Solorzano reports. VETERAN’S AIRLIFT COMMAND SAVES LIVES They have flown about 325 of missions. The pilots are all volunteers, they use their own planes, and they even pay for their own fuel. The Veterans Airlift Command offers free flights to injured servicemen and women and their families, providing a crucial physical and emotional connection for families in their time of need. Chip Reid reports. If you would like more information on any of these stories or the broadcast, please click on the following address and e-mail us: TONIGHT ON DAVID LETTERMAN Join Dave tonight with Bill Cosby…Plus musical guests The Answer! TOMORROW ON THE EARLY SHOW Chris Wragge and Erica Hill anchor Priya David reports the news, and Lonnie Quinn will have the Weather Budget Tips: Financial advisor Ray Martin will give us his Top Ten list of offbeat ways you can stretch your budget and maybe even boost your savings account. HealthWatch - How to choose the best set of Eyeglasses: Darin Nathan of Sama Eyewear explains several important factors to consider when choosing a new pair of glasses. Twilight: Based on the bestselling novel by Stephenie Meyer, Twilight tells the tale of two tortured teen lovers in the Pacific Northwest: Isabella "Bella" Swan and vampire Edward Cullen. If Cullen fully expresses his love for Bella, he could kill her. Millions of fans of the book are eagerly awaiting the movie, which opens next Friday, November 21st. Exercise you can do in your office, right at your desk-another way to stay fit: Too much time at work and not enough time at the gym? Fitness expert Sarah Robichaud has a workout that can be done on an exercise ball, right at your desk. Saturday Bargainista: We begin this new feature with a primer on what it means to be a "bargainista" -- the person who always seems to find the best deals on the most coveted merchandise. Fashion stylist Jen Groover has advice on mastering the art of bargain hunting. Second Cup Cafe: Boz Scaggs, the Grammy-winning singer, songwriter and guitarist, performs songs from his new CD, Speak Low, a collection of his favorite standards. Chef on a Shoestring: Mike Price of the New York City restaurant Market Table will make a three-course meal for four on a $40 budget. Menu: Grilled Caesar Salad; Sangria- Marinated Hanger Steak; and Grammy's Apple Cake. If you would like more information on any of these stories or the broadcast, please click on the following address and e-mail us: SATURDAY ON 48 HOURS MYSTERY, 10pmET/9CT Here’s a preview of what you can expect to see this Saturday on 48 HOURS MYSTERY: Truth on Trial from Correspondent, Erin Moriarty When you have been covering trials as long as I have, you begin to think you’ve seen it all. And then you come across the case of Daniel Wade Moore. The 34-year-old man in Decatur, Alabama has been on death row and the brink of being executed for a crime he says he didn’t commit. Talk about the slow wheels of justice! Moore has been in a legal limbo for almost ten years now. He was sent to prison, then released. Then again, sent to jail only to be freed on bail waiting for yet another chance at justice…all while many people in Decatur worry that the wrong man in on trial. Here’s a little background: Moore was charged with the murder of a beautiful wife of a doctor and the mother of two, Karen Tipton. Karen was attacked in her own home in March of 1999. Police believed that Moore, a former drug addict, had killed her in a robbery gone bad. And in fact, in 2003, a jury believed it too and convicted Moore and sent him to death row. As it turns out, prosecutors withheld important evidence from the defense and jury, evidence that pointed to other suspects. Moore’s conviction was overturned and he got a new trial. Case closed? Not by a long shot…as you will see during this week’s 48 HOURS MYSTERY, Truth on Trial. -Erin Moriarty (48 HOURS MYSTERY airs Saturday at 10pmET/9CT) If you would like more information, please click on the following address and e-mail us at: HERE'S WHAT WE HAVE PLANNED FOR SUNDAY MORNING CHARLES OSGOOD ANCHORS FROM NEW YORK ONE TRACK MIND: We’ve seen it in the movies and in the headlines: sex addiction. In our increasingly sexualized culture, some believe it’s a growing problem, with people seemingly addicted to online pornography, prostitutes, or simply infidelity. But is it a true addiction? And what are the impacts on self-confessed addicts and their families? Seth Doane talks to the man who many believe popularized the concept, as well as self-described addicts and skeptics who say there’s no such thing as sex addiction. SUNDAY ALMANAC: A page from our Sunday Morning Almanac ... November 16th, 1914. 94 years ago. . . the dawn of a new era for United States banking when the Federal Reserve System opened for business. THEN AND NOW: Peter Feldstein has created sort of a time warp in Oxford, Iowa. Back in 1984 he photographed almost all of the town’s residents and 20 years later repeated the process. Josh Landis visits the town that’s showing its age in pictures. MOVIES: David Edelstein looks at famous action scenes in movies...what works and what doesn't. TAKE NOTE: STILL ROCKING: His lyrics roll off your tongue in an instant and the tunes stay in your brain forever. Steve Miller’s songs -- The Joker, Abracadabra, Fly Like an Eagle, Rock ‘n’ me - have come to define the classic rock sound. And though his music is well known, the man himself is not. Until now. Cynthia Bowers joins him in concert and at home in Idaho to discover what has kept Steve Miller rocking for more than 40 years. PERSONAL FLIGHT: Daniel Sieberg takes a look at getting to space. SUNDAY PROFILE: DENNIS HOPPER: During his 50 years in Hollywood, Dennis Hopper has been in hundreds of films, including Easy Rider, which he co wrote, directed and starred in, and which changed the way films were made. He is legendary, not only for his over the top character portrayals, but for his over the top behavior, and drug and alcohol use during the 1960s, 1970s and into the 1980s. What you may not know is that he is also a talented visual artist and photographer, who has chronicled his long, strange ride all along the way. Today, at 72, Dennis Hopper is sober, and still hard at work, creating more memorable characters and pursuing his passions with the same perfectionism and manic energy that he’s always had. Rita Braver visits Hopper at home and on location, to discuss his long and eventful life, his many marriages, and what he’s learned along the way. OPINION: Contributor Ben Stein on the auto industry. ICE MEN: Thalia Assuras has a rink side seat as rival champion figure skaters Evan Lysacek and Johnny Weir battle it out for the world spotlight both on and off the ice. NATURE: Indian Bird Sanctuary. If you would like more information on any of these stories or the broadcast, please click on the following address and e-mail us: SUNDAY ON FACE THE NATION BOB SCHIEFFER MODERATES FROM WASHINGTON, D.C. Should the U.S. Government bail out the troubled auto companies? Well, Congress is going to look at that very issue next week during the lame duck session. We'll talk with two influential members: Congressman Barney Frank, Democrat of Massachusetts, who's leading the effort to get the auto industry help, and Senator Richard Shelby, Republican of Alabama, who doesn't think it's such a good idea. Then we'll talk about the future of the Republican Party with former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, and Governor Bobby Jindal of Louisiana. There will be, as always, a final word. That's all on Face the Nation, this Sunday, with Bob Schieffer. SUNDAY ON 60 MINUTES, 7:00PM/6:00PM CT THE 44th PRESIDENT - President-elect Barack Obama has agreed to give his first post-election interview to Steve Kroft. The interview includes First Lady-elect Michelle Obama. THIS IS A DOUBLE LENGTH SEGMENT REX -- Lesley Stahl catches up with Rex Lewis-Clack, a musical savant born blind and mentally impaired who, at 13 years old now, is making remarkable strides despite doctors' predictions. MONDAY MORNING ON THE EARLY SHOW Maggie Rodriguez, Julie Chen, Harry Smith, Russ Mitchell will anchor the EARLY SHOW from New York. Lonnie Quinn will bring us the weather from New York. Dave Price is on assignment. In addition to the top news of the day, we will also bring you these stories IDENTITY THEFT: PART ONE - Monday, we begin our three part series on Identity Theft. Consumer correspondent Susan Koeppen will take you inside the underground world of identity theft to find out how often it’s happening and what you can to protect yourself. Monday, we begin with internet identity fraud. Credit cards, social security numbers and much more are being bought and sold through chat rooms online. Susan will show you how to make sure you’re safe from these con artists. CONGRESS LAME DUCK SESSION - A rapidly deteriorating situation in the U.S. auto industry may serve as the backdrop for a classic contest of political wills between the outgoing Bush administration and President-elect Obama. If President Bush refuses to help bail out the struggling Big Three automakers, the Democratic leadership is promising that it will do so, most likely in the form of a lame-duck session convened as early as next week. We’ll bring you the latest on the Bush administration’s plans to help the bailout, and find out what Congress has planned for the rest of the week. GEORGE DURAN TWISTED CHEF - Who knew food could be this funny? Host of “Ham on the Street,” George Duran, a chef and comedian, takes cooking to a whole other level. “Ham on the Street” is a humorous and informative exploration of different food topics, with quizzes and comedy sketches. The comedian himself, George Duran will be in our studio to create a fast, hip and easy dish for the everyday cook. ROLLING STONES MAGAZINE NAMES THEIR PICKS FOR THE GREATEST SINGERS OF ALL TIME - Rolling Stone Magazine came out with a new issue on Friday featuring the 100 Greatest Singers of All Time. Aretha Franklin was the top-ranked vocalist. Joining Franklin on other covers are John Lennon, Bob Dylan and Elvis Presley. We’ll take a look back at these artists and talk about why they have been named the top singers of all time and how they changed music. JOHN TRAVOLTA - Walt Disney Animation Studios cranks up the action, fun and emotion with an all new animated comedy adventure introducing a cast of animated personalities--including a TV-star dog who's convinced he has superpowers. John Travolta stars in the animated film as the voice of the main character Bolt. He will be in our studio on Monday to talk about the movie and about working alongside teenage pop start Miley Cyrus. If you would like more information on any of these stories or the broadcast, please click on the following address and e-mail us: To Subscribe Click here to subscribe to the Inside Scoop. To Unsubscribe Unsubscribe information is included in each e-mail you receive. Transcripts And VHS Tapes For transcripts of our CBS News broadcasts, please call 1-800-777-TEXT. 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