Advertisement  | (CBS) QUOTE OF THE DAY " “We all want progress, but if you're on the wrong road, progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road; in that case, the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive.” " - C.S. Lewis DID YOU KNOW? A typical American eats 28 pigs in his/her lifetime. Last Updated at 4:45 PM… November 20, 2008 TONIGHT ON THE CBS EVENING NEWS Here’s an early look at what we are working on for tonight’s broadcast from Anchor and Managing Editor, Katie Couric: Hi everyone, After Congress pressed "pause" today on the Big Three bailout, the stock market took a major plunge to levels not seen since 2002. Earlier today, Democrats decided to delay a vote on helping out the auto industry until the companies provide them with specific plans for making their business viable. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said: “Unless they can show us the plan, we can’t show them the money." Anthony Mason has the news from Wall Street and Sharyl Attkisson has the full story from Capitol Hill. While American carmakers may not have a solid business plan, Japanese automakers are holding steady - and planning for a prosperous future. As Barry Petersen explains, one Japanese automaker, with a factory in Texas, is weathering the storm much better. Even laid-off workers still feel like part of the family. Parents and teachers will be very interested in our next story. Science and technology correspondent Daniel Sieberg visits one of the dark corners of the Internet: videos made by kids, for kids, teaching each other just what teacher's don't want them to learn … how to cheat. Next: “Jurassic Park” isn’t as far-fetched as you may think. Within a few years, scientists say they might be able to bring back to life a species that’s been extinct for 10,000 years. Jeff Glor looks at the possibility of a test-tube mammoth. Finally, Steve Hartman has been retracing the footsteps of legendary correspondent Charles Kuralt to catch up on some of his most famous subjects. Tonight, Steve visits the man once known as the country's best shoe salesman. More than two decades later, does he still have a passion for foot fashion? See you tonight, Katie For more information on these stories, please click on the following links: Dems Put Crucial Auto Bailout Vote On Hold Click Here Judge Orders Release Of Gitmo Detainees Click Here And here's an early look at one of the stories we are working on for Friday’s broadcast: They were born with a mouse in one hand and an I-Pod in another. But is all that technology turning our young people into a generation of social misfits? We'll have that story and more Friday night, only on The CBS Evening News. If you would like more information on any of these stories or the broadcast, please click on the following address and e-mail us: TONIGHT ON DAVID LETTERMAN Join Dave tonight with Political satirist Stephen Colbert, Actress Kristen Stewart… Plus musical guests Super Diamond! FRIDAY MORNING ON THE EARLY SHOW Maggie Rodriguez and Russ Mitchell will anchor the EARLY SHOW from New York. Harry Smith anchors from the U.S.S. Roosevelt aircraft carrier. Julie Chen anchors from Los Angeles. Lonnie Quinn will bring us the weather. Dave Price is on assignment. Here’s an early look at a few of the stories we are working on for tomorrow’s broadcast. DAY IN THE LIFE OF USS ROOSEVELT - The USS Roosevelt is a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier that's longer than the Empire State Building is tall and possesses four acres of flight deck. It covers four acres, and if it were a nation, The Roosevelt would have the fifth or sixth largest air force in the world -- 86 fixed wing aircraft plus helicopters. The Theodore Roosevelt and its accompanying cruisers, destroyers, and submarines can blow up most of the military of most of the countries on earth. Harry will join us live from this massive carrier…and will show us first-hand what a day in the life would be like… TWILIGHT: PETER FACINELLI - The wait is finally over, the romantic thriller "Twilight", one of the year's most anticipated films, finally makes its way to theaters Friday. In the film Peter Facinelli plays Dr. Carlisle Cullen, the patriarch to a family of vampires. He’ll be joining us in the studio to talk about this huge blockbuster! THE BRADY BUNCH’S MAUREEN MCCORMICK...THE ROAD BACK - The little girl everyone knew as Marcia Brady was pig-tailed and picture perfect. But with the release of her tell-all memoir, "Here's the Story", Maureen McCormick reveals what her life was really like...from addiction to attempted suicide. Now, for the first time, Maureen and her husband, Michael sit down together to share how they survived her destructive, dangerous journey. ENERGY SAVING WINDOW TREATMENTS - Window treatments are an excellent way to save energy. They provide insulation during the cold winter months as well as repel the heat during the summer. Different styles will provide better energy savings. The benefits of these special window treatments are: Reduced energy consumption AND Lower Energy bills. And guess what - they’re not expensive! We’ll show you how these new products work and tell you how much money they can save you this winter. If you would like more information on any of these stories or the broadcast, please click on the following address and e-mail us: To Subscribe Click here to subscribe to the Inside Scoop. To Unsubscribe Unsubscribe information is included in each e-mail you receive. Transcripts And VHS Tapes For transcripts of our CBS News broadcasts, please call 1-800-777-TEXT. 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