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| | | Slain judge's widow testifies | MARTA drivers got fake licenses Four former driver's license examiners who worked in Lithonia have been indicted in a scheme to issue more than 130 licenses to illegal immigrants. Two of the examiners also obtained false commercial driver's licenses and landed jobs driving MARTA buses. Buzz surrounds HOV toll lanes The U.S. Department of Transportation could give Georgia millions of dollars to add tolls to HOV lanes in a 14-mile section of I-85, mostly in Gwinnett County. The plan would require the state to put in money, too. Some said the announcement could come as early as Tuesday. 3 charged in fatal College Park break-in Police say a total of five men are believed to have been involved in the death of Joshua Scott, 24, who was killed in a home invasion on Forest Down Circle in College Park. Two other suspects are being sought. Slain judge's widow tells Nichols jurors of her pain The wife of murdered Superior Court Judge Rowland Barnes described to jurors the "unbelievable devastation" she still feels more than three and a half years after her husband was gunned down in his courtroom by Brian Nichols. New DeKalb nightclubs face restrictions A policy conflict over late-night partying finally ended in DeKalb County this week when the County Commission quietly imposed new controls to restrict where "late night establishments" can open. New dress policy expands to all Clayton schools Though not as stringent as uniforms per se, the new uniform dress policy will require students to wear khaki pants, skirts, polo shirts and sweaters of the same color. The new dress code policy prohibits blue jeans and T-shirts Alpharetta teen lives 'Jeopardy' dream Bradley Silverman, 16, a junior at Centennial High School in Roswell who hopes to major in engineering at MIT, Princeton or Georgia Tech, has amassed $26,000 in winnings so far in the TV game show's national Teen Tournament. Obama in new Jim Martin radio ad The president-elect urges Georgia voters in the 60-second ad to return to the polls one more time and elect Democrat Jim Martin to the U.S. Senate in the Dec. 2 runoff against incumbent Republican U.S. Sen. Saxby Chambliss. •Listen | Martin-Chambliss debate off | Transition page | Voter Guide Foreclosures halted for holidays Officials at mortgage finance companies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are suspending foreclosures for about 16,000 households during the holiday season - between Nov. 26 and Jan. 9 - while they evaluate whether borrowers qualify for a new loan modification program. •Stocks drop again | Your Money Dog crashes van into coffee shop Suffolk County, N.Y., police say a dog named Bentley who was eft inside a running van put the vehicle in drive, causing it to crash into a Long Island coffee house. Attorney general collapses Michael Mukasey was hospitalized but conscious and alert early today after collapsing during a late-night speech to a conservative legal group. It was not clear when the nation's 67-year-old chief law enforcer would be released from George Washington University Hospital. California Supreme Court to hear gay marriage ban The court accepted three lawsuits seeking to nullify Proposition 8, a voter-approved constitutional amendment that overruled the court's decision in May that legalized gay marriage. U.S. judge orders 5 terror suspects freed The ordered release of five Algerians held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and the continued detention of a sixth, is a major blow to the Bush administration's strategy to capture terror suspects without charges. Scientists say Copernicus' remains found Researchers believe they have identified the remains of 16th-century priest and mathematician Nicolaus Copernicus, who is widely recognized as the founder of modern astronomy. Jackets romp over Hurricanes, 41-23 Georgia Tech delivered a stunning beating to Miami at Bobby Dodd Stadium before a national TV audience on ESPN, keeping alive Tech's faint hopes of an ACC title for at least two more days. •Astronauts from Georgia Tech saluted during game •Steelers beat Bengals |
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