|  The thought of sticking your hand inside a pumpkin to pull out the seeds repulses you, yet you want to do a little decorating. Orange paper lanterns can be dressed up with green paper leaves and twirled brown pipe cleaner stems.   |  |
 |  Your coworkers are having bad cases of the doldrums, and you are just the angel to pull them out of their funks. Fill small orange paper bags with candy, and use green floral tape to seal the tops with stems.   |
 |  All Hallow's Eve is an evening you prefer not to spend at home yet, guilt is a lingering feeling. Think ahead. Tie hard candy to a wire wreath with or thread or twist ties, and you can simply leave the light on for colorful, scary, tiny trick-or-treaters when the big night comes.   |
 |  Your students want to raise money for the local shelter and you want to show them how to be good citizens. Layer black licorice and white mini-marshmallows in a clear jar, topped with a small stuffed black cat and a plastic skeleton. Set it on the table in the office. Charge a quarter for guesses. The correct or closest answer takes the jar home. 
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 |  The beauty of falling leaves takes your breath away on your morning jog. Preserve them by dipping in hot beeswax and leaving them to dry. Hang in your windows by thread or use as gift-box decorations.   |
 |  The trials and tribulations of getting your family to eat healthy has troubled you lately. Check out the local culinary school and find a student who can teach you creative vegetable and fruit carving. Wow your family.   |
 |  You have fond memories of pumpkin carving from your childhood, but you remember how hard it was just doing it with a knife. Wood gougers, a melon baller and cookie cutters tapped with a mallet can make great designs easy.   |
 |  Making people stop and look twice has always been a fun game for you to play with others. Grape juice and dry ice make a fun holiday drink you certainly won't wind at the coffee drive-through. 
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 |  You know how to take care of your own skin but those plants? What's will all the brown spots on the leaves? More horrifying than smashed pumpkin. Check to make certain a heat source isn't causing the issue.   |
 |  Even rams climbing the highest peaks need the ultimate refreshment of water -- so might the azaleas you brought indoors. For seriously thirsty plants, immerse the pot in tepid water and let rest for a few minutes. Set it aside to drain.   |
 |  Although you have been accused of having an acerbic wit, you are a lover of succulent things. If a friend gives you a cactus, smile and know they see you truly. Zap invading mealy bugs with a Q-tip soaked in denatured alcohol.   |
 |  Show off your innovation when it comes to simple decorating. The table in your entry hall can serve as the first decorated are your party guests see. Make shadows dance with paper cuts placed a few inches above and behind a votive.  
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