|  You've got a thing that's called radar love. You've got a wave in the air -- no wait, that's someone else. But you do communicate with your owner with lightning speed, especially if you pay attention. So do.   |  |
 |  It's a good day for your human to communicate their feelings. Whether or not they do so consciously, you'll have them all figured out, so put out your feelers if necessary.   |
 |  For once you're not doing the pursuing. You are feeling totally flirtatious. Just what form that takes remains to be seen, but enjoy being the elusive prey for a change.   |
 |  Your owner may not be right there enforcing the rules, but that's not the point. Once you've heard the word 'no,' it goes with the territory. Use what's in between your ears rather than your ears themselves.   |
 |  You'll be taken to a party. If you want to impress the other humans there, put on your intellectual face. Just what it represents is beyond you, but you do grasp that it gets you treats. That's pure genius.   |
 |  Try to be a good dog, just try. But if doing your best still doesn't earn you the treats, have a good day another way. Ultimately how you feel is up to you.   |
 |  Just what your owner is talking about is only somewhat of a mystery. That they're communicating their innermost self is clear, but the details are blurry. It's a language thing. All you need to do is be there.   |
 |  'Keep Out' is large print. What you need to worry about is the small print, even if you can't read either. Count on your human to keep you both safe on your walk today, although you don't understand why or how.   |
 |  Wondering how to avoid boredom? Keep busy, even if your resources are limited. Once you take a look around, you'll see there's actually a lot going on right in the doghouse.   |
 |  Don't sweat it if you don't like your owner's newest friend. Why waste time barking and growling at someone who probably won't stick around? Well, except for the practice, that is.   |
 |  You don't need a sizzling affair to have a good day, but that won't stop you. The dog park is buzzing with passionate energy, including yours. Enjoy the mix.   |
 |  It's a dog-eat-dog world you're in. If fight or flight are the only two options, then you're out of luck. It's not a good day to move, so if you get scared, go for blending in.   |
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