Obama Wins Nomination; Biden and Bill Clinton Rally Party
A unanimous vote made Senator Barack Obama the first African-American to become a major party nominee for president.
God I love the Clintons! And yes I am voting for Barack.
— Harold, California
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August 28th, 2008 7:14 am
Hillary Clinton - Classy fighter who showed much grace under pressure. She had to do something with her speech and actions that male candidates in the past who lost never had to do,or did with any conviction in helping the nominee. The list would include Ted Kennedy who showed much distaste in his insurgent campaign lost to Carter in 1980. Carter lost his re-election bid if you don't recall.
Bill Clinton - NOT a racist as framed by his former fellow blacks, including Obama's team. Great speech in support of that said man.
Barack Obama - Historic win and nomination.
Joe Biden - Never the choice in all his Presidential runs, why the rah,rah, rah now?
DNC - Missed opportunity for an easy win in November.
See you in the future Mrs. Clinton. Good Luck Mr Obama and Mr. Biden.
God Bless America
Bill Clinton - NOT a racist as framed by his former fellow blacks, including Obama's team. Great speech in support of that said man.
Barack Obama - Historic win and nomination.
Joe Biden - Never the choice in all his Presidential runs, why the rah,rah, rah now?
DNC - Missed opportunity for an easy win in November.
See you in the future Mrs. Clinton. Good Luck Mr Obama and Mr. Biden.
God Bless America
— Frank, Park Slope, Bklyn, NY
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August 28th, 2008 7:14 am
All I can think is... What?
I hope Obama is as great as some people think; I'm just not convinced that the rock star is quite ready for the realities of the White House.
The times are precarious, more so than a lot of people realize. I just hope this fella can rise to the tasks ahead. The real and very hard tasks. The ones that come up later, after product placing and marketing himself and his cute family.
Being a candidate is very different from being the President. I'm not so sure he's ready.
I hope Obama is as great as some people think; I'm just not convinced that the rock star is quite ready for the realities of the White House.
The times are precarious, more so than a lot of people realize. I just hope this fella can rise to the tasks ahead. The real and very hard tasks. The ones that come up later, after product placing and marketing himself and his cute family.
Being a candidate is very different from being the President. I'm not so sure he's ready.
— missbike, New Orleans
Recommend Recommended by 4 Readers
August 28th, 2008 7:14 am
After reading through six pages of comments, a few observations:
Clinton's call to suspend the roll call was a neat piece of theatre, but, folks, let us not forget that it was *theatre* and nothing more. A lovely gesture, but a highly scripted one that was announced in the media the day before it happened. Had she done it with a gesture that seemed more impromptu, perhaps it might have made for even a more thrilling and "classy" moment.
Obama's mysterious "ability to hold his breath for six minutes underwater" -- okay, I'll ask: what the hell does that have to do with anything? The only thing I can glean from that is the paranoid suspicion that perhaps on that morning in January when he takes the Oath of Office, he'll do so with his hand on a copy of the Koran, after which he'll levitate above the crowd and float into the White House. It's comments like that that make me seriously question the concept of giving the vote to just anyone who's over 21; perhaps we need some testing involved first?
Yes, it was a huge love-in last night when Obama was nominated. We will see the same thing next week when McCain and the Republicans go through the same motions. But what's going to be interesting to see is how the RNC matches the sense of inclusion that Obama and the Democrats have already shown. The speeches thus far show a vision that seemingly accepts *everyone*, whether white or black or male or female or straight or gay -- while what little we know about the Republican platform has blinders severely stitched in place so as not to even acknowledge the existence of anyone outside their concept of "people like us".
And maybe that's the one thing that we can take heart in: the inescapable fact that the party currently in power led by fear and threat, and we have the opportunity to move on to a party that wants to lead with optimism about the future. Perhaps that itself means the American people are tired of checking to see if the Boogie Man is under the bed... and if so, then there truly is possibility for change in this country.
I'm cautiously optimistic. The Democrats have been a little too scripted in their moments, but at least one can see past those to glean that they do indeed mean change. Now let's see what the Republicans have to offer aside from four more years of the same old BS.
Clinton's call to suspend the roll call was a neat piece of theatre, but, folks, let us not forget that it was *theatre* and nothing more. A lovely gesture, but a highly scripted one that was announced in the media the day before it happened. Had she done it with a gesture that seemed more impromptu, perhaps it might have made for even a more thrilling and "classy" moment.
Obama's mysterious "ability to hold his breath for six minutes underwater" -- okay, I'll ask: what the hell does that have to do with anything? The only thing I can glean from that is the paranoid suspicion that perhaps on that morning in January when he takes the Oath of Office, he'll do so with his hand on a copy of the Koran, after which he'll levitate above the crowd and float into the White House. It's comments like that that make me seriously question the concept of giving the vote to just anyone who's over 21; perhaps we need some testing involved first?
Yes, it was a huge love-in last night when Obama was nominated. We will see the same thing next week when McCain and the Republicans go through the same motions. But what's going to be interesting to see is how the RNC matches the sense of inclusion that Obama and the Democrats have already shown. The speeches thus far show a vision that seemingly accepts *everyone*, whether white or black or male or female or straight or gay -- while what little we know about the Republican platform has blinders severely stitched in place so as not to even acknowledge the existence of anyone outside their concept of "people like us".
And maybe that's the one thing that we can take heart in: the inescapable fact that the party currently in power led by fear and threat, and we have the opportunity to move on to a party that wants to lead with optimism about the future. Perhaps that itself means the American people are tired of checking to see if the Boogie Man is under the bed... and if so, then there truly is possibility for change in this country.
I'm cautiously optimistic. The Democrats have been a little too scripted in their moments, but at least one can see past those to glean that they do indeed mean change. Now let's see what the Republicans have to offer aside from four more years of the same old BS.
— Sean Martin, North Carolina
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August 28th, 2008 7:14 am
If Obama can't win after what the Clintons did for him yesterday, he deserves to lose. No one has or will make his case for him like Bill Clinton did.
— Catherine, Chicago
Recommend Recommended by 4 Readers
August 28th, 2008 7:14 am
The media is making far, far too much out of the supposed Clintons' animosity towards Obama.
I just saw their speeches again. They have endoresed him as strongly as he can be endorsed.
The Democrats are pulling in the same direction.
I just saw their speeches again. They have endoresed him as strongly as he can be endorsed.
The Democrats are pulling in the same direction.
— Rex, NJ
Recommend Recommended by 1 Reader
August 28th, 2008 7:14 am
I hope this time America will get it right . The world is watching and waiting for the real message of what America and americans stand for. There´s hope after 8 years of darkness. Mr. Obama, you are the man. The world stands behind you and hope for that light. Bush no more ! McCain not ever !
— alanbar, Vienna,Austria
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August 28th, 2008 7:14 am
President Clinton: Great Speech from a great President!
— Alan, Chicago
Recommend Recommended by 1 Reader
August 28th, 2008 7:14 am
Bill Clinton's speech is a very powerful statement of what we have now (or don't have) and what we really need.
I am not able to stay up late for these powerful speeches and would like the Times to please present Hillary's and Joe Biden's speeches i the same format. I will try to stay up for Mr. Obama's, but it would be wonderful to access that also more than once.
Thank you
I am not able to stay up late for these powerful speeches and would like the Times to please present Hillary's and Joe Biden's speeches i the same format. I will try to stay up for Mr. Obama's, but it would be wonderful to access that also more than once.
Thank you
— patrick, Portland ME
Recommend Recommended by 1 Reader
August 28th, 2008 7:14 am
Hillary demonstrated that she is a leader last night and the night before. I wish her backers could do the same, do it for America, do it for your childrens' future. Do it for 4,000 + soldiers who have paid an awful price to guarantee your right to vote to make America a better place and also your right to express your opinion. I am sorry you feel so badly but we need YOU. Show the same leadership you saw Hillary demonstrate; you CARE about this country, so let's see less talk and more action!
— Carol, Fort Worth, TX
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August 28th, 2008 7:14 am
We know he'll do a great job, because it's the first time in my memory (81 yrs.) that we've had another qualified individual, Democrat or Reublican, waiting in the wings to take over after a president's first term if he doesn't do the job. Never before. In the past, we were just stuck with him, for a 2nd term; couldn't get him out if we paid him to go. We're in a great position now. Competition does wonders to get things done.
— Bill, New Jersey
Recommend Recommended by 1 Reader
August 28th, 2008 7:14 am
Wonderful article. Just goes to show, why I love the NY Times. I have never made a contribution in my lifetime to a political figure, this year was different. I supported Hillary Clinton, but unfortunately it didn't work and because life goes on, I will support Obama. It is truly time to make some changes.
— Carol, Sound Beach, NY
Recommend Recommended by 3 Readers
August 28th, 2008 7:27 am
It would have been more exciting if the first black nominee actually had a record of accomplishment!
— Robert, Arizona
You mean like the first viable woman's list of accomplishments?
married the man who became president and with his help in arranging pardons, and the pity engendered by his unfaithfulness got her elected to the senate. She then through a series of lies and appropriating her husband's experience as her own she padded her lackluster resume and dared to run for the presidency; She has broken no new ground; nepotism is hardly a new concept.
— Robert, Arizona
You mean like the first viable woman's list of accomplishments?
married the man who became president and with his help in arranging pardons, and the pity engendered by his unfaithfulness got her elected to the senate. She then through a series of lies and appropriating her husband's experience as her own she padded her lackluster resume and dared to run for the presidency; She has broken no new ground; nepotism is hardly a new concept.
— jdg, ma
Recommend Recommended by 2 Readers
August 28th, 2008 7:27 am
I found the comments of the democrats to be filled with too many contradictions. First on job loose and outsourcing - Just to make all the democrats aware and informative that who so ever contributed to Barak Obama and got the thank you notes for these, got it from someone in Delhi India, who actually processed those thank you notes. So i think they find its okay to outsource activities as long as its cost effective to them...but not to others....as far as family values and integrity is concerned we don't have to go to far....Bill Clinton and true to heart democrat John Edwards has proofed how much they value family and integrity - who when cornered vehemently denied and lied to the country and its people. So going by records i don't think the democrats have got any right to speak on Outsourcing and Family Values.
Also the democrats are making another grave mistake that is trying to follow the line of appeasement. When you deal with the devil their can be no middle ground. If you are dealing with people whose aim is to destroy America - then there can be no middle ground - there can be only one alternative you destroy the destroyer or get destroyed but there can be no middle ground. The democrats wants to deal with the devil - back when Clinton was the president there was an opportunity to destroy Bin Laden, which the president miserably failed to capitalize and the problems of which the George Bush has to deal with. The democrats created a mess and America is still cleaning it. Barak Obama will do one thing that is help portray America as an nation which is weak, leaderless, and always ready to pay - whether its for AIDS, TB, Global Warming, Food and shelter, financial crunch, or paying to terrorists etc etc as if America is responsible for all this and in the end turn the nation into a nation of charitable trust fund – but then the democrats have to tell the country who is going to provide the fund for the TRUST.
Also the democrats are making another grave mistake that is trying to follow the line of appeasement. When you deal with the devil their can be no middle ground. If you are dealing with people whose aim is to destroy America - then there can be no middle ground - there can be only one alternative you destroy the destroyer or get destroyed but there can be no middle ground. The democrats wants to deal with the devil - back when Clinton was the president there was an opportunity to destroy Bin Laden, which the president miserably failed to capitalize and the problems of which the George Bush has to deal with. The democrats created a mess and America is still cleaning it. Barak Obama will do one thing that is help portray America as an nation which is weak, leaderless, and always ready to pay - whether its for AIDS, TB, Global Warming, Food and shelter, financial crunch, or paying to terrorists etc etc as if America is responsible for all this and in the end turn the nation into a nation of charitable trust fund – but then the democrats have to tell the country who is going to provide the fund for the TRUST.
— Jediath, world
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