Showing posts with label Africa United - NOW. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Africa United - NOW. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Libya/Neocolonialism: NATO commits massacre at Sirte razing the city to the ground 29/08/2011

For the third day in a row, NATO aircraft are conducting massive missile and bomb strikes on the city of Sirte, home town of Muammar Gaddafi, not allowing anyone to escape. The city perimeter is surrounded by rebel check points, behind which there are special forces units from Britain, France, Qatar and United Arab Emirates.

The exit from the city is completely blocked. Neither women, nor children are allowed to leave. Men, captured attempting to leave the town together with their families, are shot. Their families are sent back into the city under bombing. There is practically no way to bury the corpses, stated in a letter that was received at this morning. The writer is a former officer in the Soviet and later Russian special forces, who is now in Sirte.
The former officer of the Soviet, then Russian special forces, a retired lieutenant colonel Ilya Korenev, whom [] have earlier called a "source", and who is close to Colonel Gaddafi, decided to mention his name in the letter.

In the city until now no troops, rebels or special forces have dared to enter. In the night there were many small provocations in order to try to establish the locations of the government troops. Several small squads of rebels tried a probing action in the night to reconnaissance, but were destroyed. At the same time in the air at that time was a remote-controlled reconnaissance spying aircraft (UAV) "drone", which exposed the city's defense. After an hour air attacks took place on these plotted points. However, defenders of the city have already left their positions to other locations, writes the lieutenant colonel.

According to him, "the situation resembles the terrible winter of '95 in Grozny, Chechnia, when there was bombing everything that moved,without proper guiding systems or accurate coordinates. The only difference was that then  the Russian airforce did not have much fuel, so the flights were not as intensive as they are now.  At the moment, the NATO airforce is in the air almost around the clock".

From Argumenti.

A Call for African Unity! Stop the US/NATO Bombing of Libya! ACORDA ÁFRICA! AFRICA WAKE UP!

Economic basis for invasion

Africa is facing a criminal imperialist invasion of Libya, led by the foremost neo colonialist in Africa, the United States, and organized under the US Africa Command (Africom) and a 28 European nation military alliance, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). This invasion is a desperate attempt to slow down the inevitable and rapidly approaching collapse of the American economy with its increasingly frequent economic crisis, recessions, and uncontrollable debt of $14.3 trillion dollars; which they can never pay.

This eminent collapse can be seen when we contrast the 1950’s and the anti communist House Committee on Un-American Activities mandated under Public Law 601 during the McCarthy era and “Red Scare,” in which America arrested and destroyed its own settler colonial citizens for being labeled communist affiliated and attempted to militarily overthrow foreign governments like the US embargoe of China in 1950 under the Trading with the Enemy Act. These policies contrast sharply from today in 2011, with America’s largest creditor being the Communist Party of China, which America owes nearly two trillion dollars (US Department of Treasury, 2011) and seeks to borrow more money and go into further debt; with China dominating the balance of trade between the two countries leading with $182.965 billion to America’s $49.553 billion from January to June of 2011 (US Census Bureau, Foreign Trade) .

According to the World Fact Book, 28 NATO countries owe foreign debts of a massive $48.74 trillion dollars, while 53 African Union Countries owe merely $338 billion dollars (World Development Indicators, World Bank). From this we can discover the economic motive of NATO is to break through Libyan security and capture its massive oil resources to fuel its invasion of Africa in order to accelerate the robbery and exploitation of Africa by military means to alleviate their overwhelming debt, while crushing Libya’s major moves for African economic independence. America has calculated this as the only way to forestall China’s influence and economic domination over them, block Chinese competition in Africa for resources, and to inject wealth into their economy which is like murdering an innocent healthy person to take their blood and inject it into a dying corpse. This is the new phase of neo-colonialism.

Action with thought

Africans worldwide must now mobilize and organize to confront and defeat America’s invasion of Libya at this historic point in history to accelerate Africa’s liberation, economic independence, and unity. We are calling on all Africans in every country in Africa and throughout the African world to confront American imperialism with demonstrations and “positive action” at every U.S. embassy in the world as a demonstration of power and unity on the 102nd birthday of Osagyefo Kwame Nkrumah, the greatest African of the 20th century; the day is 21st September 2011. Osagyefo spent time in England and discovered its weak economy following World War II, then planned a political strategy with an economic offensive of boycotts, strikes, and demonstrations, “positive action,” to cripple England and win independence for Ghana on 6th March 1957. Today America’s economy is weak and in the spirit of Osagyefo Kwame Nkrumah, we are calling on Africans to demonstrate, strike, and boycott, on 21st September 2011, in solidarity with Libya’s armed resistance, to win total independence for Africa.

We are also calling on the African Union to break all military pacts with NATO countries. We are calling on all Africans to “confiscate all assets” of NATO countries. We appeal to all the governments of the world that are against US/NATO hegemony, murder and pillage, to heed to the demand of the masses and apply economic sanctions on America and NATO countries to put a stop their madness. This can be done by in blocks like the African Union, Non Aligned Movement, Group of 77, Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Latin America, The Association of Southeast Asian Nations, and other regional and international groupings. Power comes from the organized working masses of the people and their labor, not the capitalist class and their dependence on disorganizing and exploiting the working masses labor for profit to maintain power.

Africa at a crossroad

Today Africa is at a crossroads facing, on the one hand, America’s Africa Command and US/NATO military occupation to further entrench neo colonialism. If successful, this will result in increased theft of Africa’s resources by the European capitalist class, greater exploitation of the African working masses, and the re-enforcement and strengthening of white supremacy in Africa. On the other hand, Africa faces the very real prospect of a military victory in Libya, the acceleration of a United States of Africa, the seizure of control over Africa’s resources and economy by the working masses under socialism, and the emergence of the African personality on the world stage.

Defend liberated zones

Libya is a “liberated zone” based on Kwame Nkrumah’s criteria from the zonal analysis in his book, “Handbook of Revolutionary Warfare.” Libya therefore represents Africa’s future as a free and liberated continent. Libya secured its independence in 1969 by mass, anti imperialist armed struggle to bring a revolutionary and socialist Jamahiriya ‘authority of the masses’ to power. The puppet neo colonial monarch, King Idriss, was overthrown by force. Economic development, education, health care, housing, infrastructure, and human development were accelerated, with Libya having the highest living standard in Africa. Libya is totally independent of foreign economic interest. It has an independent ideology, outlined in the Green Book, and therefore the Libyan masses and leadership think for themselves.

Libya is leading the movement to establish an African Continental Government, with continental institutions like the African Monetary Fund, African Central Bank to establish a common gold currency, African Investment Bank, and African High Command. These institutions are being established and fueled by Libyan oil revenues to take economic control over Africa by Africans and to defeat American neo colonialism; the last stage of imperialism, once and for all. The starting budget to create this wealth mechanism was $42 billion, from which Libya as Africa's richest state put in $32 billion and other African states $10 billion. The $32 billion along with another estimated $150 billion of Libyan money in banks outside Libya was stolen by the U.S. and E.U. on the pretense that it was "Qaddafi's money". The project to free Africa from the World Bank and IMF is now impeded. Therefore, it is the sacred responsibility of every African to defend Libya to ensure a future of freedom and dignity for the generations of Africa, yet to be born. Now is the time!


Osagyefo Kwame Nkrumah succeeded in establishing a Pan Africanist and Socialist Republic of Ghana on 1st July 1960 with an 88% vote in a plebiscite and then with an unprecedented 99% vote in a referendum in 1964 (African Elections Database), this mass revolutionary policy was consolidated one year after declaring Ghana a Pan Africanist state with the declaration of the Union of African States on 1st July 1961, with Ghana, Guinea, and Mali creating a nucleus for the formation of a continental government for Africa. Today Qathafi is continuing the process by establishing socialism and taking control of the Libya’s resources, expelling the US, UK, and Italian military bases from Libya, supporting liberation movements in Africa and throughout the world, ceding total power to the masses of the people in 1977 by resigning as Libyan Head of State, and serving as the driving force to change the Organization of African Unity to the African Union as a step towards establishing an All African Union Government.
Imperialist/reactionary alliance is neo-colonialism

The United States CIA, NATO, and internal reactionaries who overthrew the “liberated zone” under Nkrumah’s government on 24 February 1966; “a day of national crime, sin, shame and anarchy,” invaded the “liberated zone” of Guinea in a failed attempt to overthrow Sekou Toure and Kwame Nkrumah as co-Presidents in 1970, with NATO mercenaries. These are essentially the same forces invading Libya today. The difference is only tactical with the Libyan reactionaries mainly consisting of Al Qaeda religious terrorists, the Guinean invasion being spearheaded by Portuguese mercenary terrorists, while the anti Nkrumah reactionaries were National Liberation Movement and Mate Meho tribalist terrorists; all teleguided by US imperialism. This suggests any time an African country chooses Pan Africanism and socialism and works for Africa’s unity and control of its economy as a liberated zone, America will lead a subversive alliance, using violent and illegal means to overthrow the government to impose neo colonialism. They do this in order to maintain their criminal system of robbing Africa at the maximum rate of exploitation; normally applying the method of divide and conquer.

Lessons from the past

In the 1960’s America used the National Liberation Movement (NLM), Mate Meho tribalists (‘I’ve seperated myself’), and National Liberation Council (NLC) reactionary movements to violently overthrow the great Nkrumah after 15 years of resisting US backed subversion, assassination attempts on President Nkrumah, and killing of innocent women and children with bomb throwing at state events. Guinea learned from the lesson of Ghana, trained the population militarily, and fought off the NATO military invasion of 1970, plus many imperialist intrigues to hold power as a liberated zone for 26 years; until the counter revolution after Sekou Toure’s death in 1984. Today America uses the Sanussi monarchists, Al Qaeda terrorists (Abdel-Hakim al-Hasidi), CIA agents (Abdoulgassim Khalifa Hafter), and corrupt government Officials (Mustafa Abdul Jalil) to launch a counter revolution in Libya after being a liberated zone for 42 years. Since African liberated zones are lasting longer and becoming stronger, these reactionary elements cannot succeed. Therefore, America had to bring a 28 European nation NATO armed invasion to back up the local reactionaries with constant aerial bombing.

We conclude from these facts that African liberated zones have advanced militarily to the point of being able to challenge American imperialism and that neo colonialism is at its weakest point and it is desperate to hold onto Africa’s resources to delay its inevitable collapse. This becomes crystal clear when we witness a liberated zone of 6 million people in Libya defeating the internal reactionaries and the US/NATO alliance of over 28 European nations and militaries at the same time even during the month of Muslim fasting.

US war is against Africa

When Africans confront the enemy worldwide we will definitely turn the invasion into a victory for Africa and a turning point for Africa’s total liberation and Unity. It’s time to make the move!

The African Union has taken a position for the Libyan governments right to repress the terrorist counter-revoluitonaries of the NTC and against the NATO invasion of Libya in the African Union Peace and Security Council, and as an entire AU continental body; which has maintained its refusal to recognize the National Transitional Council as the government of Libya (despite NATO pressure). The Chairman of the AU Peace and Security Council, Zimbabwe President Mugabe has boldly called NATO a terrorist organization, likened to Al Qaeda. Because of neo colonial influences on most of Africa’s leadership, the US and NATO are disregarding the AU’s position with contempt and utter disrespect. This is why the African masses must confront US neo colonialism without fear. We are calling for a “US/NATO Hands Off Libya” coalition to be formed throughout Africa to defeat the US/NATO invasion of Libya as a step toward uniting Africa with a continental government and a socialist economic system to win economic independence; taking full control over Africa’s resources! Revolutionary Pan Africanist Kwame Ture Stated,

“Africa is our Mother! And if you throw bombs at our Mother, as Africa is our Mother, we will throw bombs at you! ...When you bomb Libya you’re not getting a limited war! This war, like Africa’s children, whom you have scattered all over the world, knows no boundaries! Anywhere there is an African, there will be war for Africa!”

The time is now!

We in the Pan African Improvement Organization are calling on all Africans in Africa to use Positive Action and converge on all US embassies with demonstrations. Africans in Europe use Positive Action and converge on all US embassies with demonstrations. Africans in Central, South America, and the Caribbean use Positive Action and converge on all US embassies with demonstrations. Africans in America use Positive Action and converge on government buildings inside America with demonstrations. All allies of Africa, we are asking you to use Positive Action and converge on all US embassies with demonstrations, not only against the US/NATO bombing of Libya, but also against the illegal US/EU sanctions on Zimbabwe, US illegal military invasions of Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, and aggressions towards Syria, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, and countless other acts of military aggression and crimes against sovereign nations and people of the world. Let us together end US hegemony; BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY!!!

Victory to Muammar Qathafi!

Victory to the Libyan Jamahiriya!

Forward to an African Union Government under Socialism!

Death to US/NATO hegemony!

Forward to the African Revolution!

By Akili Secka, Chairman of Education and Culture on the People's Committee of the Pan African Improvement Organization - email:

A Call for African Unity! Stop the US/NATO Bombing of Libya! Victory to Qathafi!

Economic basis for invasion

Africa is facing a criminal imperialist invasion of Libya, led by the foremost neo colonialist in Africa, the United States, and organized under the US Africa Command (Africom) and a 28 European nation military alliance, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). This invasion is a desperate attempt to slow down the inevitable and rapidly approaching collapse of the American economy with its increasingly frequent economic crisis, recessions, and uncontrollable debt of $14.3 trillion dollars; which they can never pay.

This eminent collapse can be seen when we contrast the 1950’s and the anti communist House Committee on Un-American Activities mandated under Public Law 601 during the McCarthy era and “Red Scare,” in which America arrested and destroyed its own settler colonial citizens for being labeled communist affiliated and attempted to militarily overthrow foreign governments like the US embargoe of China in 1950 under the Trading with the Enemy Act. These policies contrast sharply from today in 2011, with America’s largest creditor being the Communist Party of China, which America owes nearly two trillion dollars (US Department of Treasury, 2011) and seeks to borrow more money and go into further debt; with China dominating the balance of trade between the two countries leading with $182.965 billion to America’s $49.553 billion from January to June of 2011 (US Census Bureau, Foreign Trade) .

According to the World Fact Book, 28 NATO countries owe foreign debts of a massive $48.74 trillion dollars, while 53 African Union Countries owe merely $338 billion dollars (World Development Indicators, World Bank). From this we can discover the economic motive of NATO is to break through Libyan security and capture its massive oil resources to fuel its invasion of Africa in order to accelerate the robbery and exploitation of Africa by military means to alleviate their overwhelming debt, while crushing Libya’s major moves for African economic independence. America has calculated this as the only way to forestall China’s influence and economic domination over them, block Chinese competition in Africa for resources, and to inject wealth into their economy which is like murdering an innocent healthy person to take their blood and inject it into a dying corpse. This is the new phase of neo-colonialism.

Action with thought

Africans worldwide must now mobilize and organize to confront and defeat America’s invasion of Libya at this historic point in history to accelerate Africa’s liberation, economic independence, and unity. We are calling on all Africans in every country in Africa and throughout the African world to confront American imperialism with demonstrations and “positive action” at every U.S. embassy in the world as a demonstration of power and unity on the 102nd birthday of Osagyefo Kwame Nkrumah, the greatest African of the 20th century; the day is 21st September 2011. Osagyefo spent time in England and discovered its weak economy following World War II, then planned a political strategy with an economic offensive of boycotts, strikes, and demonstrations, “positive action,” to cripple England and win independence for Ghana on 6th March 1957. Today America’s economy is weak and in the spirit of Osagyefo Kwame Nkrumah, we are calling on Africans to demonstrate, strike, and boycott, on 21st September 2011, in solidarity with Libya’s armed resistance, to win total independence for Africa.

We are also calling on the African Union to break all military pacts with NATO countries. We are calling on all Africans to “confiscate all assets” of NATO countries. We appeal to all the governments of the world that are against US/NATO hegemony, murder and pillage, to heed to the demand of the masses and apply economic sanctions on America and NATO countries to put a stop their madness. This can be done by in blocks like the African Union, Non Aligned Movement, Group of 77, Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Latin America, The Association of Southeast Asian Nations, and other regional and international groupings. Power comes from the organized working masses of the people and their labor, not the capitalist class and their dependence on disorganizing and exploiting the working masses labor for profit to maintain power.

Africa at a crossroad

Today Africa is at a crossroads facing, on the one hand, America’s Africa Command and US/NATO military occupation to further entrench neo colonialism. If successful, this will result in increased theft of Africa’s resources by the European capitalist class, greater exploitation of the African working masses, and the re-enforcement and strengthening of white supremacy in Africa. On the other hand, Africa faces the very real prospect of a military victory in Libya, the acceleration of a United States of Africa, the seizure of control over Africa’s resources and economy by the working masses under socialism, and the emergence of the African personality on the world stage.

Defend liberated zones

Libya is a “liberated zone” based on Kwame Nkrumah’s criteria from the zonal analysis in his book, “Handbook of Revolutionary Warfare.” Libya therefore represents Africa’s future as a free and liberated continent. Libya secured its independence in 1969 by mass, anti imperialist armed struggle to bring a revolutionary and socialist Jamahiriya ‘authority of the masses’ to power. The puppet neo colonial monarch, King Idriss, was overthrown by force. Economic development, education, health care, housing, infrastructure, and human development were accelerated, with Libya having the highest living standard in Africa. Libya is totally independent of foreign economic interest. It has an independent ideology, outlined in the Green Book, and therefore the Libyan masses and leadership think for themselves.

Libya is leading the movement to establish an African Continental Government, with continental institutions like the African Monetary Fund, African Central Bank to establish a common gold currency, African Investment Bank, and African High Command. These institutions are being established and fueled by Libyan oil revenues to take economic control over Africa by Africans and to defeat American neo colonialism; the last stage of imperialism, once and for all. The starting budget to create this wealth mechanism was $42 billion, from which Libya as Africa's richest state put in $32 billion and other African states $10 billion. The $32 billion along with another estimated $150 billion of Libyan money in banks outside Libya was stolen by the U.S. and E.U. on the pretense that it was "Qaddafi's money". The project to free Africa from the World Bank and IMF is now impeded. Therefore, it is the sacred responsibility of every African to defend Libya to ensure a future of freedom and dignity for the generations of Africa, yet to be born. Now is the time!


Osagyefo Kwame Nkrumah succeeded in establishing a Pan Africanist and Socialist Republic of Ghana on 1st July 1960 with an 88% vote in a plebiscite and then with an unprecedented 99% vote in a referendum in 1964 (African Elections Database), this mass revolutionary policy was consolidated one year after declaring Ghana a Pan Africanist state with the declaration of the Union of African States on 1st July 1961, with Ghana, Guinea, and Mali creating a nucleus for the formation of a continental government for Africa. Today Qathafi is continuing the process by establishing socialism and taking control of the Libya’s resources, expelling the US, UK, and Italian military bases from Libya, supporting liberation movements in Africa and throughout the world, ceding total power to the masses of the people in 1977 by resigning as Libyan Head of State, and serving as the driving force to change the Organization of African Unity to the African Union as a step towards establishing an All African Union Government.
Imperialist/reactionary alliance is neo-colonialism

The United States CIA, NATO, and internal reactionaries who overthrew the “liberated zone” under Nkrumah’s government on 24 February 1966; “a day of national crime, sin, shame and anarchy,” invaded the “liberated zone” of Guinea in a failed attempt to overthrow Sekou Toure and Kwame Nkrumah as co-Presidents in 1970, with NATO mercenaries. These are essentially the same forces invading Libya today. The difference is only tactical with the Libyan reactionaries mainly consisting of Al Qaeda religious terrorists, the Guinean invasion being spearheaded by Portuguese mercenary terrorists, while the anti Nkrumah reactionaries were National Liberation Movement and Mate Meho tribalist terrorists; all teleguided by US imperialism. This suggests any time an African country chooses Pan Africanism and socialism and works for Africa’s unity and control of its economy as a liberated zone, America will lead a subversive alliance, using violent and illegal means to overthrow the government to impose neo colonialism. They do this in order to maintain their criminal system of robbing Africa at the maximum rate of exploitation; normally applying the method of divide and conquer.

Lessons from the past

In the 1960’s America used the National Liberation Movement (NLM), Mate Meho tribalists (‘I’ve seperated myself’), and National Liberation Council (NLC) reactionary movements to violently overthrow the great Nkrumah after 15 years of resisting US backed subversion, assassination attempts on President Nkrumah, and killing of innocent women and children with bomb throwing at state events. Guinea learned from the lesson of Ghana, trained the population militarily, and fought off the NATO military invasion of 1970, plus many imperialist intrigues to hold power as a liberated zone for 26 years; until the counter revolution after Sekou Toure’s death in 1984. Today America uses the Sanussi monarchists, Al Qaeda terrorists (Abdel-Hakim al-Hasidi), CIA agents (Abdoulgassim Khalifa Hafter), and corrupt government Officials (Mustafa Abdul Jalil) to launch a counter revolution in Libya after being a liberated zone for 42 years. Since African liberated zones are lasting longer and becoming stronger, these reactionary elements cannot succeed. Therefore, America had to bring a 28 European nation NATO armed invasion to back up the local reactionaries with constant aerial bombing.

We conclude from these facts that African liberated zones have advanced militarily to the point of being able to challenge American imperialism and that neo colonialism is at its weakest point and it is desperate to hold onto Africa’s resources to delay its inevitable collapse. This becomes crystal clear when we witness a liberated zone of 6 million people in Libya defeating the internal reactionaries and the US/NATO alliance of over 28 European nations and militaries at the same time even during the month of Muslim fasting.

US war is against Africa

When Africans confront the enemy worldwide we will definitely turn the invasion into a victory for Africa and a turning point for Africa’s total liberation and Unity. It’s time to make the move!

The African Union has taken a position for the Libyan governments right to repress the terrorist counter-revoluitonaries of the NTC and against the NATO invasion of Libya in the African Union Peace and Security Council, and as an entire AU continental body; which has maintained its refusal to recognize the National Transitional Council as the government of Libya (despite NATO pressure). The Chairman of the AU Peace and Security Council, Zimbabwe President Mugabe has boldly called NATO a terrorist organization, likened to Al Qaeda. Because of neo colonial influences on most of Africa’s leadership, the US and NATO are disregarding the AU’s position with contempt and utter disrespect. This is why the African masses must confront US neo colonialism without fear. We are calling for a “US/NATO Hands Off Libya” coalition to be formed throughout Africa to defeat the US/NATO invasion of Libya as a step toward uniting Africa with a continental government and a socialist economic system to win economic independence; taking full control over Africa’s resources! Revolutionary Pan Africanist Kwame Ture Stated,

“Africa is our Mother! And if you throw bombs at our Mother, as Africa is our Mother, we will throw bombs at you! ...When you bomb Libya you’re not getting a limited war! This war, like Africa’s children, whom you have scattered all over the world, knows no boundaries! Anywhere there is an African, there will be war for Africa!”

The time is now!

We in the Pan African Improvement Organization are calling on all Africans in Africa to use Positive Action and converge on all US embassies with demonstrations. Africans in Europe use Positive Action and converge on all US embassies with demonstrations. Africans in Central, South America, and the Caribbean use Positive Action and converge on all US embassies with demonstrations. Africans in America use Positive Action and converge on government buildings inside America with demonstrations. All allies of Africa, we are asking you to use Positive Action and converge on all US embassies with demonstrations, not only against the US/NATO bombing of Libya, but also against the illegal US/EU sanctions on Zimbabwe, US illegal military invasions of Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, and aggressions towards Syria, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, and countless other acts of military aggression and crimes against sovereign nations and people of the world. Let us together end US hegemony; BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY!!!

Victory to Muammar Qathafi!

Victory to the Libyan Jamahiriya!

Forward to an African Union Government under Socialism!

Death to US/NATO hegemony!

Forward to the African Revolution!

By Akili Secka, Chairman of Education and Culture on the People's Committee of the Pan African Improvement Organization - email:

Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Rape of Libya: NATO Special Forces on the Ground, by Bill Van Auken

Libya talks - the song Hey Arabs

ليبيا تتحدث - أغنية هييه عرب

Five days after “rebels” entered Tripoli, under the cover of NATO bombing and led by foreign special forces, the abject criminality of imperialism’s takeover of Libya is becoming increasingly evident.

Fighting continues to rage throughout the Libyan capital, whose two million residents have been made hostages of the armed gangs and Western special forces troops that have seized control of the city’s streets.

The focus of NATO operations has become a frantic effort to hunt down and murder Muammar Gaddafi, who has ruled the country for 42 years. A $2 million bounty has been placed on his head, and the British media now openly boast that SAS special forces troops are leading the search for him and his family. A vast array of US armed Predator drones, AWACS spy planes and other surveillance equipment has been concentrated on the North African country to facilitate the manhunt.

Fierce Gunbattle in Tripoli Streets, Smoke from air attacks 26.08.11

The pretense that the US and its European NATO allies were intervening in Libya to “protect civilians and civilian populated areas from threat of attack,” as stated in the United Nations Security Council resolution, has effectively been abandoned. Behind the fig leaf of this resolution the naked imperialist and colonial character of the war has emerged.

The Security Council’s stipulations that ground troops not be introduced into the country, that an arms embargo be kept in place and that mercenaries be prevented from entering Libya have all been flouted in this criminal operation to seize control of an oil-rich former colony and loot its resources.

There is barely any attempt to hide the fact that special forces, intelligence agents and mercenary military contractors have organized, armed and led the “rebels”, who have not made a single advance without the prior annihilation of government security forces by NATO warplanes.

After being terrorized for five months by NATO bombs and missiles, the people of Tripoli are now facing sudden death and a looming humanitarian catastrophe as a result of the NATO campaign to “protect civilians”.

Kim Sengupta of the Independent reported Thursday from the Tripoli neighborhood of Abu Salim, which the “rebels” stormed under the cover of NATO air strikes. Known as a pro-Gaddafi area, its residents have been subjected to a reign of terror.

FREE LIBYA - 25.08.2011 - UPLOAD THIS - Stop the EU / NATO rats!

“There was no escape for the residents of Abu Salim, trapped as the fighting spread all around them,” Sengupta reported. “In the corner of a street, a man who was shot in the crossfire, the back of his blue shirt soaked in blood, was being carried away by three others. ‘I know that man, he is a shopkeeper,’ said Sama Abdessalam Bashti, who had just run across the road to reach his home. ‘The rebels are attacking our homes. This should not be happening.

“‘The rebels are saying they are fighting government troops here, but all those getting hurt are ordinary people, the only buildings being damaged are those of local people. There has also been looting by the rebels, they have gone into houses to search for people and taken away things. Why are they doing this?’”

Asked why local residents were resisting the NATO-led force’s takeover of the city, Mohammed Selim Mohammed, a 38-year-old engineer, told the Independent, “Maybe they just do not like the rebels. Why are people from outside Tripoli coming and arresting our men?”

Meanwhile, other reports laid bare war crimes carried out by NATO and its local agents on the ground in Tripoli. Both the Associated Press and Reuters news agencies documented a massacre perpetrated against Gaddafi supporters in a square adjacent to the presidential compound that was stormed and looted on Tuesday.

“The bodies are scattered around a grassy square next to Moammar Gadhafi’s compound of Bab al-Aziziya. Prone on grassy lots as if napping, sprawled in tents. Some have had their wrists bound by plastic ties,” AP reported.

“The identities of the dead are unclear but they are in all likelihood activists that set up an impromptu tent city in solidarity with Gadhafi outside his compound in defiance of the NATO bombings.” AP said that the grisly discovery raised “the disturbing specter of mass killings of noncombatants, detainees and the wounded.”

FREE LIBYA - 25.08.2011 - All people in the world supports Jamahirya - Stop the EU / NATO WAR!

Among the bodies of the executed the report added were several that “had been shot in the head, with their hands tied behind their backs. A body in a doctor’s green hospital gown was found in the canal. The bodies were bloated.”

Reporting from the same killing field, Reuters counted 30 bodies “riddled with bullets”. It noted that “Five of the dead were at a field hospital nearby, with one in an ambulance strapped to a gurney with an intravenous drip still in his arm.” Two of the bodies, it said, “were charred beyond recognition.”

Amnesty International has raised urgent concerns about the killing, torture and brutalization of people being rounded up by the “rebels,” particularly African migrant workers who have been singled out for retribution because of the color of their skin.

In a report from a makeshift detention camp set up by the NATO-led forces in a Tripoli school, Amnesty stated:

“In an overcrowded cell, where some 125 people were held with barely enough room to sleep or move, a boy told Amnesty International how he had responded to calls by al-Gaddafi's government for volunteers to fight the opposition.

“He said that he was driven to a military camp in Az-Zawiya, where he was handed a Kalashnikov rifle that he did not know how to use.

“He told Amnesty International: ‘When NATO bombed the camp around 14 August, those who survived fled. I threw my weapon on the ground, and asked for refuge in a home nearby. I told the owners what happened, and I think they called the revolutionaries [thuuwar], because they came shortly after.

“‘They shouted for me to surrender. I put my hands up in the air. They made me kneel on the ground and put my hands behind by head. Then one told me to get up. When I did, he shot me in the knee at close range. I fell on the ground, and they continued beating me with the back of their rifles all over my body and face.

“‘I had to get three stitches behind my left ear as a result. In detention, sometimes they still beat us and insult us, calling us killers.’”

FREE LIBYA - 25.08.11 - Appeal to all people in the world! The Libyan genocide must be stopped!

A pro-Gaddafi soldier told a similar story, recounting that he was captured August 19 while bringing supplies to his unit. “He said that he was beaten all over his body and face with the backs of rifles, punched and kicked. He bore visible marks consistent with his testimony.”

Amnesty said that “rebel” leaders estimated that one-third of the detainees were “foreign mercenaries,” meaning sub-Saharan Africans. “When Amnesty International spoke to several of the detainees, however, they said they were migrant workers. They said that they had been taken at gunpoint from their homes, workplaces and the street on account of their skin colour.” Several said that they feared for their lives and that guards had told them that they would be “eliminated or else sentenced to death.”

Among those detained were a family of five from Chad, including a minor, who were taken off of a truck while being driven to a farm to collect produce. A 24-year-old man from Niger who had worked in Libya for five years told Amnesty that armed men had seized him from his home, handcuffed and beaten him and thrown him into the trunk of a car. “I am not at all involved in this conflict,” he said. “All I wanted to do was to make a living. But because of my skin colour, I find myself here, in detention. Who knows what will happen to me now.”

The human rights group also cited a report from a Reuters reporting team which saw a “rebel” pickup truck carrying three black men in the back. One of them told Reuters he was Nigerian. “He sobbed as he said: ‘I do not know Gaddafi. I do not know Gaddafi. I am only working here.’”

News reports and statements from international aid agencies warn of a humanitarian catastrophe in the city as a result of the NATO siege. Reporting from a local hospital, the Telegraph said: “As battle raged in the Tripoli streets hundreds of casualties were brought in, rebel fighters, Gaddafi’s soldiers, and unlucky civilians, laying next to each other in bed and even on a floor awash with blood, screaming or moaning in agony. Many died before they could be treated.”

The paper interviewed Dr. Mahjoub Rishi, the hospital’s Professor of Surgery: “There were hundreds coming in within the first few hours. It was like a vision from hell. Missile injuries were the worst. The damage they do to the human body is shocking to see, even for someone like me who is used to dealing with injuries.” Most of the casualties, he said, were civilians caught in the crossfire.

The Telegraph reported that Tripoli’s two other major hospitals were similarly overflowing with casualties and desperately understaffed, as were all of the city’s private hospitals.

The aid group Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) warned that the city is facing a medical “catastrophe”.

The group told Reuters that “Medical supplies ran low during six months of civil war [i.e., NATO bombardment] but have almost completely dried up in the siege and battle of the past week. Fuel supplies have run out and the few remaining medical workers are struggling to get to work.” The lack of fuel means that hospitals that have kept their power by running generators can now no longer do so.

FREE LIBYA - 25.08.11 - Viva Muammar Gaddafi, Libya And Its People

Health officials in Tripoli report that blood supplies have run out at the hospitals and that food and drinking water is unavailable over whole areas of Tripoli.

Meanwhile the governments of Algeria, Venezuela and South Korea have all reported that their embassies in Tripoli have been attacked and looted by “rebel” gunmen. While the governments of Algeria and Venezuela had opposed the NATO invasion and supported Gaddafi, South Korea, a close US ally, had taken no such positions.

The universal euphoria of the US and much of the European media, which is “embedded” with NATO and its “rebels,” cannot conceal the brutal reality that a war waged under the pretense of human rights and protecting civilians has unleashed immense death, human suffering and destruction.

Far from a “revolution” or struggle for “liberation,” what the world is witnessing is the rape of Libya by a syndicate of imperialist powers determined to lay hold of its oil wealth and turn its territory into a neo-colonial base of operations for further interventions throughout the Middle East and North Africa.

Global Research, August 26, 2011

World Socialist Web Site

Muammar Gaddafi -

He will fulfill his promises, for example – to equip hospitals:

or, for example – to develope sports:

or, for example – to improve streets:


Thursday, August 25, 2011

Libya/Neocolonialism: After rebels captured his compound, Gaddafi remains defiant and unfazed

Gaddafi after his compound was destroyed by 64 NATO air strikes: "We are resisting with all our strength... we will either win or become martyrs."

By Madison Ruppert

No matter what your political persuasion or opinion of Libyan leader Muammar al-Gaddafi, you have to give him this: he sure is persistent and resilient.

Earlier today crashed through the gates of Gaddafi’s Tripoli compound, Bab al-Aziziya and quickly engaged in widespread looting and celebration which was quickly captured by the media and displayed across the world.

However, a victory is still not in sight for the rebels. As they have since the first weeks of the uprising, the opposition pretends this to be the case, along with much of the media and Western officials.

In reality, Gaddafi still has not been captured, nor has his son Saif al-Islam.

Even the compound of Bab al-Aziziya itself has yet to be completely won over by the rebels, with loyalist fighters still remaining throughout the compound and the city of Tripoli itself.

While the rebels have actually only made a symbolic and strategic victory, and not a total victory as people had expected, they did manage to make off with Gaddafi’s golf cart, furs and weapons.

The mainstream media coverage of the conquering of the Bab al-Aziziya compound has been confused to say the least.

While Gaddafi and his family have yet to be captured, some are characterizing this as “the most conclusive evidence yet that Colonel Gaddafi’s rule was at an end”.

Gaddafi has confirmed that he is still indeed alive and kicking, still standing in defiance of the Western-backed rebels and the NATO imperialists that have been bombing Libya into the Stone Age for months on end.

In a statement to a Tripoli-based radio station, Gaddafi characterized his retreat as a “tactical move” and has vowed to resist “the aggression with all strength” until he achieves either victory or martyrdom.

Crediting the rebels for capturing Gaddafi’s Tripoli compound is a bit ludicrous, as a whopping 64 NATO airstrikes were carried out on the compound in preparation of the rebel advance.

Even the Associated Press described this large series of airstrikes as turning Gaddafi’s compound “to rubble.”

The troops in Tripoli, in the rebel leaders’ own admission, are “not under any unified command.” Indeed all of Tripoli is not even under rebel control at this point with at least two other areas still devoted to defending Gaddafi.

That being said, there are still forces loyal to Gaddafi embedded in neighborhoods which the rebels consider to be in control, with snipers firing upon rebels whenever possible.

The Rixos Hotel, in the Abu Salim neighborhood of Tripoli is housing a group of international journalists who have been trapped inside for days on end.

Some reports claim that the journalists are being held hostage, while the BBC reported on Tuesday that the Rixos Hotel was under fire, forcing journalists to take shelter inside.

Again, the information coming out of Libya is confused and at times deliberately misrepresented or completely manufactured without any semblance of truth.

The rebels have yet to explain why rebel leaders in Benghazi lied in reporting that they had captured Saif al-Islam, Gaddafi’s second son. The mainstream media is also now ignoring their claim that they also killed Muammar Gaddafi himself.

The massive egg-on-face moment occurred when Saif al-Islam freely walked into the Rixos Hotel to converse with international journalists and inform them that they had been propagandized and that his father was still standing strong inside of Tripoli.

One of the top rebel leaders, Mahmoud Jibril, attempted to explain it away by saying that it was a misunderstanding, yet he could not manage to explain why the “rumor” and “misunderstanding” were left uncorrected until it became painfully obvious that it was a complete lie with Saif al-Islam showing up at the Rixos Hotel.

Source: End the lie

Monday, August 22, 2011

Tripoli/NATO WAR: Globalist Richard Haas Calls for NATO Occupation of Libya

Or, "How the Devil Pays"
By Tony Cartalucci

The Financial Times has featured an editorial penned by Council on Foreign Relations president Richard Haas titled, "Libya Now Needs Boots on the Ground," where the arch globalist states that Libya's rebels are in no way capable of rebuilding Libya properly and will require an "international force" to maintain order. Haas breathtakingly admits that the NATO intervention to "protect civilians" was in fact a political intervention designed to bring about regime change. With NATO leading the offensive against Tripoli, a relatively calm city until now, the alleged cause of "protecting civilians" rings hollower than ever.

Photo: One of the founding fathers of Al Qaeda, Robert Gates (left) and CFR president Richard Haas (right).

Haas goes on to explain that NATO's "success" is what requires this international assistance in the predictable form of an occupation force to deal with looting, "die-hard regime supporters," and tribal war. Haas also implores Obama to reconsider his decision to rule out American boots on the ground and to do so quickly.
Of course, NATO didn't just spend the last 5 months conducting 7,000+ airstrikes on Libya to "protect civilians" and then ride off into the sunset. This was a war of conquest from the very beginning, with globalists openly declaring it would determine the "primacy of international law" over the nation-state. In fact, the initial uprising itself was gestated in Washington and London where opposition leaders were provided resources and safe-havens to conduct their sedition, with globalist stooges like Ibrahim Sahad literally sitting in front of the White House calling for NATO to bomb his homeland. NATO, its members, particularly the US, UK, and France, and the globalist corporate-financiers behind them, fully intend to rebuild Libya according to their own aspirations shoehorned into a national consensus imposed upon the Libyan people under the guise of "democracy" and "civil society." We are watching a modern empire expand its boundaries into yet another sovereign nation.

Readers may remember an April 2011 article titled "Libyan Rebels Fighting the Globalists' War" with the ever increasingly appropriate subtitle, "How the Devil Pays." In it a caption attempts to sum up Libya's future by stating, "if these rebels really think the West is going to hand them Libya and its riches, they have another thing coming. The Neo-Con arm of the globalist agenda is already seeding the ground to deal with "extremists" coming to power after the "Arab Spring" runs its course. That means Libya's oil & future will be left in the hands of NATO troops, not the Libyan people."
The article continues:
"While the dichotomy of Western politics is merely for public consumption, what each camp states publicly can be put together as a composite giving us a clearer picture of the overall globalist agenda. Neo-Conservative war monger Daniel Pipes, a PNAC signatory, CFR member, and co-conspirator in many of the darkest chapters of recent American history, was recently sharing his "doubts" over the final result of the "Arab Spring." He believes that ultimately extremists will prevail in many cases and only complicate US relations with certain countries.
Of course, Pipes most likely didn't miss the memo and is fully aware that the "Arab Spring" is a US funded gambit, one his fellow "Neo-Cons" lining the National Endowment for Democracy and the fraudulent Freedom House are admittedly involved in. At the very least, he must have picked up the New York Times and read as much. So what exactly is Pipes trying to tell us? He is saying that as soon as the Libyan rebels secure Libya, or the Muslim Brotherhood takes hold of Syria, or Yemen, or wins out in a co-opted counterrevolution against International Crisis Group stooge Mohamed ElBaradei in Egypt, the blinders Western propagandists seem to be wearing will suddenly drop and point out that indeed the globalists have installed extremists "by accident."
To rectify this, Libyan rebels will be betrayed just as quickly as Qaddafi was. They will be removed from power, and replaced by Western stooges protected by NATO ground troops, conveniently already being put on the ground in Libya, and will stay there permanently. The globalist "Neo-Con" think tank Foreign Policy Initiative has stated, "The best way to reduce the potential dangers posed by extremist infiltration is for the United States and its allies to remain engaged in Libya."
This engagement most likely will take the shape of the other unending "engagements" in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the years of cross-border raids into Pakistan. The oil money that once built water ways, public housing, and farms from Benghazi to Tripoli, will be funneled directly out of the country and into the corporate-financier's accounts. The corporate-financier oligarchs will have taken yet another nation-state down with the help of its own gullible population, and for their gullibility, they will pay for the rest of their lives, as will their children and their children's children.
To understand the full scope of the global corporate-financier oligarchy's designs toward any given nation, we must simply look back at the brazen admissions made over the intended future stemming from the outright military conquest of Iraq and Paul Bremer's (CFR) planned economic reformation of the broken nation. The Economist enumerates the "economic liberalization" of Iraq in a piece titled "Let's all go to the yard sale: If it all works out, Iraq will be a capitalist's dream:"
1. 100% ownership of Iraqi assets.
2. Full repatriation of profits.
3. Equal legal standing with local firms.
4. Foreign banks allowed to operate or buy into local banks.
5. Income and corporate taxes capped at 15%.
6. Universal tariffs slashed to 5%.
Anyone who would willfully make a deal with such people must have their discernment called into question. As Hugo Chavez of Venezuela said of Hosni Mubarak's decades of appeasing the globalists and his eventual ousting from power at the hands of US funded, trained, and supported protesters, "that's how the devil pays." Indeed it is, and it is an instructive lesson for others including the rebels of Benghazi to consider as they attempt to make their own deals with the globalists today."
And indeed, as NATO rushes through to the finish line with a spectacular display of mass-murder and mayhem in Libya, and with the rebels dancing in the streets as NATO warplanes roar overhead, the time is soon approaching for Benghazi to pay back the West for their "help."
As pundits in the duplicitous corporate media feign ignorance over the future of Libya, as if it is truly in the hands of the Libyan people as Obama cartoonishly portrayed in his latest teleprompter reading, the self-proclaimed "Transitional National Council" leader Gibril Elqarfally gave us cyrstal clear picture of Libya's future - one inspired by globalization. In a May 12, 2011 talk before the Brookings Institution, he claimed “what’s taking place is a natural product of the globalizational process that started in the mid-80′s.”
Elwarfally talks about a “new global cultural paradigm,” “new global values,” common values, shared by many “young people.” These young people, he says, are calling for human dignity, democracy, and inclusion at all levels of national government, repeating verbatim statements coming from geopolitical meddler Zbigniew Brzezinski and the myriad of US-funded NGOs that promote these “new global values.”

Photo: Libyan rebel leader Gibril Elqarfally stands before the Fortune 500-funded Brookings Institution openly declaring fealty to the globalist agenda of interdependency and subservience to a Wall Street-London international order.


When asked by an audience member what Libya will look like in 2025, it turns out conveniently he was part of a study by Libyan professors and “Libyan practitioners” in 2007-2008 titled “Libya: Vision 2025.” Not surprisingly, this project was conducted with input from the IMF and involved Libya’s placement within the “global scene.” Elwarfally laments that Libya’s oil reserves are limited and that the solution is a transition to a service economy. He also claims Vision 2025′s conclusion included an education shift, turning Libya into “a lake” to develop the skills of Africans to serve the needs of the European Union.

Surely Africans are eager to once again be in the service of wealthy Europeans, who at one point owned tremendous swaths of their continent, some tycoons naming entire nations after themselves in the ultimate expression of imperial megalomania. Elwarfally, a man educated in Pittsburgh, and apparently a lifelong fan of globalization, stuns us with his frank comments and his disturbing vision for the future of not only Libya, but the role it will play in directing Africa’s efforts and resources toward American and European corporate-financier interests.

While Qaddafi's comments are dismissed out of hand, a recent message sent to his followersamidst fighting in Tripoli declared, "the traitors are paving the way for the occupation forces to be deployed in Tripoli." It seems no truer words have ever been spoken and the Libyan people, including the rebels, will have no one but themselves to blame if they allow such a way to be paved.


It's Official: International Criminal Court has ZERO Mandate - Rejection by African Union of ICC's Qaddafi arrest

Rejection by African Union of ICC's Qaddafi arrest warrant reveals ICC as hoax.
by Tony Cartalucci

If an entire continent rejects an alleged international institution's actions as illegitimate and self-serving, does said institution still get to call itself "international?" Furthermore, does it still hold any sort of mandate to continue on as self-proclaimed international arbiter? Certainly not, and for the International Criminal Court, whose "arrest warrant" for Libyan leader Moammar Qaddafi was soundly rejected by the 53-member African Union, their last shred of self-proclaimed credibility has been rendered moot.

Photo: NATO munitions strike a residential area in Tripoli. With the UN resolution being illegitimate to begin with, with NATO members incrementally violating their own contrived resolution on a daily basis, and now with an entire continent rejecting the ICC's "arrest warrant" for Qaddafi, the West's adventure in Libya, and the "international order" it is upholding are beginning to show their true, tenuous, and very illegitimate colors.


The arrest warrant itself is based on ICC's own "investigation." The ICC said, "in the course of its investigation, due to unprecedented cooperation from different States and organisations (none of which are currently working in Libya), the Office of the Prosecutor has been able to collect extensive documentation and evidence in a short period of time, through 30 missions to 11 States, and through interviews with a large number of persons, including key insiders and eyewitnesses. " Such a premise is so recklessly irresponsible, so baseless, and so morally bankrupt, it is easy to see why the African Union has such a difficult time accepting it.

A look over this "evidence" presented by the "Office of the Prosecutor" reveals a "cut & paste" bonanza of articles and reports taken from disingenuous organizations funded by the same corporations and foundations that contrived the ICC itself. The entire basis of the "Prosecutor's" case is built upon reports taken from BBC, Al Jazeera, the London Guardian, New York Times, the US State Department's Broadcasting Board of Governors-run Voice of America, the globalist-funded Human Rights Rights Watch, and the National Endowment for Democracy and Tides Foundation-funded International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), among many, many others.

The International Criminal Court itself claims to be, "an independent, permanent court that investigates and prosecutes persons accused of the most serious crimes of international concern, namely genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes." A visit to the Coalition for the International Criminal Court (CICC) site reveals just who is behind the ICC, who is actively promoting it and networking with the ICC's various NGO partners, and the fact that all involved boast the same financial and political supporters.

The CICC claims to include, "2,500 civil society organizations in 150 different countries working in partnership to strengthen international cooperation with the ICC; ensure that the Court is fair, effective and independent; make justice both visible and universal; and advance stronger national laws that deliver justice to victims of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide." The CICC however, also is "deeply appreciative of the generous support" provided by the European Union, the Ford Foundation, the Fortune 500-lined John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, George Soros' Open Society Institute, and Humanity United.

Humanity United in turn boast partnerships with the globalist co-conspirators of BBC World Service Trust, NED/Open Society/US State Department-funded Benetech, George Soros'Open Society Institute, and the NED-funded Solidarity Center which mobilized Egypt's labor unions just as the US-stoked unrest began to falter. These "generous supporters" are literally the same organizations that have built up the very "civil society organizations" the CICC is "working in partnership" with, and the same disingenuous organizations supplying the fake, contrived ICC with "evidence" to issue its "arrest warrants" with.

African Union executive Jean Ping called the ICC discriminatory, going only after "crimes" committed in Africa while ignoring those committed by the West in places like Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. The AU has also condemned France for its blatant violation of the already illegitimate UNSC r.1973 by dropping weapons to Libya's Al-Qaeda-linked rebels.

Meanwhile, US National Endowment for Democracy-funded Project on Middle East Democracy reported that in reaction to Libya's threats to fight back against NATO aggression, U.S. State Department Spokesman Mark Toner said, "This is an individual who is obviously capable of carrying out these kinds of threats. It’s what makes him so dangerous. But we continue to carry out the NATO mission, while at the same time increasing pressure on him to step aside." Like France air-dropping weapons to admitted terrorists, the US attempting to remove Qaddafi is a direct violation of the NATO coalition's own contrived UN resolution. That the ICC isn't filing cases against NATO members for their multitude of crimes, and the fact that an entire continent has rejected the ICC's decision, settles the fact for all concerned that the contrived organization holds absolutely no legitimacy.


Fake Social Media Messages Led To War Against Libya on 22 Aug. 2011, by Marinella Correggia

The mother of all lies was sent to the world through a twitter message by Al Arabiya, February 23th. A message which makes Qadafi out to be a Hitler, and even more outrageous and cruel: "the repression in Libya has already claimed 10,000 dead and 50,000 injured."

It may be a ballon d'essai to check if the world was able to swallow it; it did: Even the progressive people in Europe said:

"We must stop the genocide."

"Bengazi is like Guernica."

But who is the source of this news? It was the terrorist rebels indeed (who kept repeating it): Al Arabyia says it received the news from "Sayed al Shanuka, Libyan member of the International Criminal Court, who was interviewed from Paris"

February 24th, just one day after the "genocide news," the International Criminal Court dismisses that man: "A clarification on media information regarding the ICC position on the Libyan situation is necessary. Various media sources have published information regarding the situation in Libya attributed to Mr Sayed Al Shanuka (or El-Hadi Shallouf), presented as a "member of the International Criminal Court" (ICC).

The ICC wishes to clarify that this person is neither a staff member nor counsel currently practicing before it, and by no means can he speak on behalf of the Court. Any declaration he made is given solely in his personal capacity.

The only official position to date is the ICC Prosecutor's statement, published on 23 February 2011. The decision to seek justice in Libya should be taken by the Libyan people. Currently, the Libyan State is not a Party to the Rome Statute. Therefore, intervention by the ICC on the alleged crimes committed in Libya can occur only if the Libyan authorities accept the jurisdiction of the Court, (through article 12(3) of the Rome Statute).

In the absence of such a step, the United Nations Security Council can decide to refer the situation to the Court. The Office of the Prosecutor will act only after either decision is taken."

But nobody seems to notice this official statement.

A few days later, March 3rd, it is Ali Zeidan's turn, a self-appinted spokesperson from the Libyan League for Human Rights which always, only from Paris, presents more terrifying data: 6,000 victims (3,000 in Tripoli, 2,000 in Benghazi, 1,000 elsewhere). But Zeidan's denunciation is not published in the LLHT website, and by the way Zeidan is not the president nor the director: another fake source. Zeidan is indeed a spokesperson of Benghazi terrorists. And he is the same Zeidan who, on March 23rd, stated: "In future oil agreements, we will remember those who helpd us" (by bombing more!).

It is indeed this data, 10,000 or 6,000 victims in a few days of protests, plus those allegedly "injured by Qadafi," which is taken as gold by the Human Rights Council in Geneva.

(But when in June the chief Prosecutor Ocampo issues a warrant for the three, the figure is no longer 6,000 but 208).

No matter, it is the huge figure which is used as the basis for the UN resolutions and for the war. The assumption is that if, in few days, "Qadafi killed so many people, what will happen if Libyan tanks enter Benghazi?" Indeed Dennis Ross, the White House political advisor, then stated: "Up to 100,000 people could be killed and everybody will blame us if we don't intervene."

This is what the UN resolutions and the war are based on... a tweet from a fake source.

(By the way, even in former wars in the past 20 years, there were fake smoking guns: incubators switched off in Kuwait City by Iraqi soldiers; weapons of mass destruction, mass graves and girls crying in front of a camera that they escaped death or rape).

About Marinella Correggia - Ecopeace activist since 1991, author, committed now against the awful NATO war against Libya

Dr. Moussa Ibrahim August 21st Press Conference on NATO Massacre in Tripoli

When NATO has lost the war and the west has collapsed from the falsehood it is built upon, clear documentation will show the media war, never clearer and with more proofs than Libya. Another reason NATO does not want to stop so as to hope to avoid future prosecution for crimes against humanity.

Tripoli (mathaba) -- The world is responsible and witness to the crimes being committed against Libyans in Tripoli, with NATO increasing bombing on and around Tripoli to offer support to rebels entering the previously peaceful city. The death toll last night 20th August was 376 dead and almost 900 injured. This includes NATO attacks on check points, army, soldiers and streets and neighbourhoods, others committed by rebels.
Confirmation from Libyan General People's Committee for Health has meanwhile come to light with statistics showing that since midday 21st August up to 11pm, during 11 hours of violence, with now 1300 have been killed in Tripoli alone and 5000 injured and the hospitals cannot cope.
The world can see that a peaceful city where journalists were living for many months is being attacked by NATO and attacking the heart of a peaceful civilian city, an army that is in defensive positions, and is attacking volunteers who came out of their houses, leaving their mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers,
to defend their city and NATO gives direct air cover to these armed gangs who have no political project.
The rebels want revenge, filled with hatred, supported by tribal conflict and bitterness from recent years, to destroy this city, especially the tribes, citizens and neighbourhoods that are well known for supporting Muammar Qaddafi.
We expect the death toll to rise beyond anyone's imagination. Supported by the might of NATO, without which the armed gangs would not be able to move a meter, face our army and tribes and families and volunteers, but because NATO kills anything that moves in front of the rebels, the rebels are able to advance.
We appeal to the world, to the heart of this world. People in my city are being killed, day in and day out, without any way out without any possible way for negotiations. We have talked before that you cannot condition peace, you have to sit down, talk and then discuss everything. Who has the right to take an agenda outside the peace talks, and say you cannot discuss this.
We said before we have accepted the African Union road map, we accept negotiations and talks, we can sit down with all parties, achieve peace and agree how to move forward for Libya, but no one wants to listen because all NATO cares about is to destroy the Libyan political system so that it can have a political system that will fulfil its own desires, not the desire of the Libyan nation, but the desires of NATO.
A most significant proportion of the Libyan people made their views very clear when they came out on the streets [with green flags and photos of Muammar Qaddafi], in their millions. Should these people not be heard, listened to and believed?
1300 dead, 5000 injured, in just 11 hours, our hospitals are unable to cope with such a disaster, the red cross is here in Tripoli while hoping to help, but the security situation is quite difficult.
We are very resilient and still very strong, we have thousands and thousands of fighters still remaining, who have nowhere to go but to fight, so this will increase and increase and the death toll will increase because each side is terrified of the other side if they will win. So let us suspend all military operations and violence.
NATO can order the rebels to stop immediately, we can order our troops and volunteers to stop immediately and then we sit. And the same as the rebels have their leader or leaders who will lead their negotiations and without them the rebels would be lost or destroyed, we too have our leader, Muammar Qaddafi. We need him to lead us for peace and a way out of this. If you take Muammar Qaddafi out of the equation a whole side will collapse and become an easy pray for the other side. That is why people are fighting for Qaddafi.
You cannot deprive millions of people of the leader they choose and they want and let them be easy pray for a vengeful, hateful side, disorganized, without a proper leadership, you saw them they killed their own commander of their army, they are penetrated with Al-Qaida elements, they are very tribal.
So we hold the world responsible. They have already committed crimes in Tripoli, they have burned houses in Tajoura, in Souk el Juma, in Tashnoun, in Al-Arada, they have kidnapped people, they have killed people walking in the streets who were ordinary citizens just because they were well-known supporters of the government, not military people but just normal civilians, they have attacked shops they have taken money from shops, and the fight is not over.
We are really fighting them and defeating them in many neighbourhoods, and yet although they haven't suffered yet, they have already started their wave of crimes. If burning houses, burning cars, kidnapping people, killing people in the streets is not crimes, then what is. The world cannot claim that it did not know.
Since early morning you know you need to stop this disaster from taking place. As for us, we will fight, we have whole cities on our side, they are coming en masse from everywhere to protect Tripoli to join the fight, people have the right to fight for themselves, and their families and their property and their future.
People will not give up. I talk to people and ask why are you fighting and the answer is always: I have no other way out. I would want peace, to sit down, negotiate and stop this madness, if I don't fight I would be killed, because I belong to a family that supported the government, or I belong to a tribe that made its voice clear, or I belong to a neighbourhood... so people are terrified and fighting out of fear, and the other side (rebels) are fighting out of fear as well.
NATO should not provide immediate and direct support for one side in a civil war. This is illegal and immoral. One side is killing and NATO is giving them support.
NATO will be held responsible, morally and legally, for the deaths taking place in Tripoli, this night, last night and in the coming nights. They cannot say that this was not expected to happen. They are rocketing our city and they have indeed killed many children, many men and many women. We will fight because we have the right to. We have the leader Qaddafi, he led us in this confrontation for dignity and our freedom from NATO's agendas. Qaddafi should lead us for our peace, our democracy, and our negotiation. -- mathaba #

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