Saturday, November 8, 2008

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Why Isn't Anyone Blaming McCain? | The GOP Is Lost and Open to Suggestions | 50-50 on Senator Franken

AlterNet: The Mix is the Message   PEEK Newsletter
November 8th, 2008
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Why Is Everyone Blaming Palin, and Not McCain, for the MCCAIN Campaign's Loss?  

Why Is Everyone Blaming Palin, and Not McCain, for the MCCAIN Campaign's Loss?

It's a good question. Read more »

Campbell Brown Rips McCain Aides for Blaming Palin for McCain Loss: 'You Picked Her'  

Campbell Brown Rips McCain Aides for Blaming Palin for McCain Loss: 'You Picked Her'

She has a point. Read more »

GOP to Public: 'We're Utterly Lost, Do You Have Suggestions?'  

GOP to Public: 'We're Utterly Lost, Do You Have Suggestions?'

It's an unusual concession, isn't it? Read more »

Will Obama Bring  

Will Obama Bring "Only Technical" Changes to Iraq?

It's time to take a sober look at President-elect Barack Obama's Plans for Iraq. Read more »

50-50 Chance of Al Franken Becoming Senator Franken  

50-50 Chance of Al Franken Becoming Senator Franken

County auditors are "really furiously working right now to make sure everything's completely accurate." Read more »

The Onion: Obama Win Causes Obsessed Backers to See How Empty Their Lives Are  

The Onion: Obama Win Causes Obsessed Backers to See How Empty Their Lives Are

Can anything fill the void for Obama supporters? Read more »

A Free Gift From the Folks at  

A Free Gift From the Folks at

I wonder if they would have done this for McCain? Read more »

Lieberman Must Go Once and for All  

Lieberman Must Go Once and for All

Are Dems ready to boot Lieberman from the caucus? Read more »


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Sheriff's office workers told to reapply for jobs

South Carolina law says everyone who works for a sheriff's office does so purely at the pleasure of the man at the top. Incoming Dorchester County Sheriff L.C. Knight is demonstrating that he takes that principle very much to heart.

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Wife remembers soldier

In less than a month, Army Spc. Adam McKamey Wenger would be back home, back with his wife and children, a family big enough to form a baseball team, though soccer was his favorite sport. They all would have a big party, for sure, and then, maybe he would leave the Army and settle in Jesup, Ga.

Spoleto Festival sees red

Spoleto Festival USA ended its season in the red for the first time in 13 years, another victim of the worsening economy, At the annual fall Spoleto board meeting Friday in New York, General Manager Nigel Redden said, "The festival has experienced a deficit of $372,000 on its 2008 operating budget of $8.4 million. This is an obvious disappointment and a situation we have not dismissed lightly. Now more than ever, we will strive to live within our means while continuing to produce a festival of the highest artistic quality."

Sheriff's office workers told to reapply for jobs

South Carolina law says everyone who works for a sheriff's office does so purely at the pleasure of the man at the top. Incoming Dorchester County Sheriff L.C. Knight is demonstrating that he takes that principle very much to heart.

Police to correct shooting warrants

Charleston police say an arrest warrant in this week's fatal shooting in the Citadel Mall parking lot was incorrect. A man identified as a robber in court documents was merely a witness, police said. The shooting outside the J.C. Penney store about 1:30 p.m. Wednesday left Begondae Moore, 27, dead. Two men have been arrested on charges of murder and possessing a weapon during the commission of a violent crime.

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Witness denies any 50/50 deal

For days the jury in a breach of contract trial between local real estate magnate Richard Davis and television network A&E has heard over and over about a man named Charles Norlander. Davis alleges that he and Norlander hatched the 50/50 profit split for the show "Flip This House" in a verbal agreement at the heart of Davis' lawsuit.

Zodiac runs full throttle

While most boat makers have seen sales fall off in the face of high fuel prices, a French watercraft manufacturer with a local plant has found a silver, er, rubber lining. Demand has soared for the lightweight, rubber-bottomed boats made in Summerville by Zodiac of North America Inc., and as a result, the company plans to expand the operation.

Permit for more coal through terminal OK'd

After a three-year review and hours spent addressing the concerns of worried local residents, state health officials gave the final nod to Kinder Morgan Energy Partners' request to dramatically increase the amount of coal that passes through Charleston.

84 Lumber closes store after 32 years

The contracting construction market has squeezed a longtime local building supplier out of business. 84 Lumber in Goose Creek, a fixture at the heavily traveled intersection of U.S. Highways 176 and 52 since 1976, was one of 20 stores across the nation the Pennsylvania-based contract supplier closed late last month because of the downturn in the housing market.

Jobless total tops 10 million

The nation's jobless ranks zoomed past 10 million last month, the most in a quarter-century, as piles of pink slips shut factory gates and office doors to 240,000 more Americans with the holidays nearing. Politicians and economists agreed on a painful bottom line: It's only going to get worse.

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Third time indeed charm for Bishops

The third time, indeed, was the charm for Bishop England. Bishop England quarterback Mikell Fosberry threw for 175 yards and two touchdowns to lead the Bishops past Edisto, 24-7, before a crowd of about 2,000 at Jack Cantey Stadium in the opening round of the Class AA playoffs. The Bishops, who improved to 9-2 overall, will take on Timberland next Friday night.

Bowden Bowl yields to jockeying in ACC

In the early days of the so-called Bowden Bowl, it was new and fun to see father and son on opposite sidelines. But gradually, novelty gave way to cold-blooded reality. Seasons were on the line. Jobs were on the line. And now, none of the principal parties seems disappointed that the yearly spectacle has reached the end of the line.

Johnson's 'D' chasing Gamecocks' best ever

Looking for storylines for South Carolina's game this afternoon against Arkansas? Best bet is to start with the Gamecocks' first-year defensive coordinator. Seems like Ellis Johnson's in the middle of most everything for this one. It's Johnson's defense that's trying to erase dreadful memories of giving up more than a quarter-mile of yardage last season at Arkansas.

Blue Hose riding high into CSU

Two weeks ago, Liberty beat Charleston Southern, 42-0. Last week, Presbyterian edged Liberty, 31-28. We'll let CSU coach Jay Mills do the math. "I guess that makes Presbyterian a 45-point favorite over us," Mills said of the Buccaneers' matchup with the Blue Hose today at CSU Stadium.


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The People Have Spoken, Now Let's Get Back to Work!

News & Action

Dear Global Exchange Supporter,

On November 4th, the American people decisively choose the first African-American President of the United States, Barack Obama.  

Global Exchange is thrilled that democracy prevailed and the people clearly spoke in favor of a candidate on the side of a more peaceful and sustainable future.

This truly poignant and historic moment also brings an enormous opportunity to realize the change Obama has promised.

As Obama stated on Tuesday night:

"You did it because you understand the enormity of the task that lies ahead. For even as we celebrate tonight, we know the challenges that tomorrow will bring are the greatest of our lifetime-two wars, a planet in peril, the worst financial crisis in a century."

- President Elect Barack Obama

Now, let's get back to work. There is a lot to be done, and while we feel confident that we can accomplish much more with new leadership, it is up to all of us to not only hold our new president elect accountable, but to shape the very movement that will create that change.

Let's roll-up our sleeves, throw ourselves in, and continue to push, pressure, and work towards social, economic and environmental justice.

Thank you, as always, for your work on behalf of peace & justice.

Global Exchange

Hallelujah! And Now, The Work Begins

Campaign for America's Future

By Robert Borosage

Americans wake today to a new dawn, a new possibility.

You don't have to drink the Kool-Aid to appreciate how extraordinary this is. We will look at one another with new eyes. We are a better, bigger, more generous, more optimistic people than many-particularly Karl Rove's acolytes in the McCain campaign-assumed.

The world will also look at America with new eyes. For a shining moment, we will be once more that city on the hill, the example of a free people choosing a remarkable new leader. A similar choice-the son of a native born woman and an African-could not happen in Europe, in Japan, in China or much of Asia. Amazing grace.

It wasn't easy. It took a candidate of remarkable intelligence, discipline and ease, organizing a truly exemplary campaign. It took the worst financial catastrophe since the Great Depression and the worst foreign policy debacle in Iraq since Vietnam. It took the self-immolation of Republican John McCain. It took Americans deciding not to fall for the old politics of division-not this time.

But this victory is grounded in far more than the campaign or the candidate. This is a country disfigured by slavery from the start. The Constitution even dictated that slaves would count as three-fifths of a person for apportionment (even though they couldn't vote). A century and a half of slavery; 100 years of legal apartheid, known as segregation; a slow and hard struggle to overcome.

Yet this same country was founded on an idea-that all men (and now women) are created equal, endowed with inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That same Constitution that counted slaves as less than human guaranteed the right to speech and assembly, freedom of and freedom from religion. Each generation has been given the opportunity and the mandate to struggle to extend freedom and to make America better.

Many sacrificed; many died to get to this day. Barack Obama, as he knows, stands on the shoulders of giants. So this is a time to celebrate ourselves and to honor those who came before. Hallelujah!

And now the work begins. Obama inherits the desert-with the situation far more dire than many, even now, understand. Manufacturing is at levels not seen since the deep recession in 1980. Consumers are cutting back spending. The banking system is still reeling from losses and shocks. The recession now has gone global. Homeowners have lost $5 trillion in housing values.

So forget about the routine chattering-class babble about how America is a "center right" nation and Obama must "govern from the center." (For a good mashup of quotes from ThinkProgress, go here. David Sirota tracks the "center-right watch" from, here.) With independents and moderates looking more Democratic and liberal on issue after issue, the claim that this is a center-right nation was misleading even before this election. Americans are voting for a northern, liberal, Ivy League-educated, African-American, former college professor to be president, someone who campaigned on raising taxes on the wealthy, affordable health care for all, investing in new energy, getting out of Iraq and against trickle down economics. Conservative nation?

Govern from the center? Americans voted overwhelmingly for change. And to be successful, Obama will have to be bold. In reality, the center has moved. Wall Streeter Robert Rubin now is for a large, deficit-financed fiscal stimulus. Conservative Securities and Exchange Commission Chair Christopher Cox now tells us "self-regulation" doesn't work, and calls for re-regulating the banks. Alan Greenspan admits his ideology blinded him to reality-or at least that he got it wrong. "We're all populists now," says Will Marshall, a leader of the Democratic Leadership Council, the Wall Street wing of the party.

Mandates are not given; they are claimed. Majorities do not form; they are forged. The center is not frozen; it is molded by events, moved by leaders and movements.

But this Beltway clamor about the center serves as a warning to progressives. The entrenched forces of the status quo are already in motion. Obama takes office as the Reagan era comes to a close, bankrupted by its own failures. But change, as Obama says, isn't easy. He said in Chicago Tuesday night:

"The road ahead will be long. Our climb will be steep. ... There will be setbacks and false starts. There are many who won't agree with every decision or policy I make as president. And we know the government can't solve every problem.

But I will always be honest with you about the challenges we face. I will listen to you, especially when we disagree. And, above all, I will ask you to join in the work of remaking this nation, the only way it's been done in America for 221 years-block by block, brick by brick, calloused hand by calloused hand."

Even the best presidents need to be pushed to act. Even the most calcified Congresses can be driven to move. The best of the New Deal-Social Security, the Wagner Act that gave workers the right to organize, fair labor standards that gave us the weekend-came not from Roosevelt's first 100 days, but two years later, in what became known as the Second New Deal. That was driven in large part by an active and mobilized labor movement, and by the growing political threat posed by a populist left-Huey Long, Father Coughlin, Francis Townsend-that gave Roosevelt both reason and excuse to move. "I agree with you," Roosevelt reportedly told labor's Sidney Hillman. "Now go out, and make me to do it."

Obama will need that same kind of pressure. We will need to build an independent progressive movement to push for reform, to challenge those who stand in the way. So celebrate. And then get ready to work.

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